When the cruel reminder spread throughout the Philippine continent, all players in the Philippine theater stunned on the spot.

Their main city, or the central main city, was destroyed ... it was completely destroyed.

What is the concept of the destruction of a theater's central city? Its nature is no less than the collapse of a country's capital. This is unacceptable to any country, any player and NPC belonging to this continent. Accompanying it is at least two months without any experience and reputation. This has almost determined that the Philippine Theater will be dead in the future. The two-month stagnation will determine that they are pulled far away from other theaters, and their average strength will be under the feet of other theaters, becoming the bottom, and there is almost no possibility of parity with other theaters. At the same time, the destruction of the main city meant that the Philippine Theater would lose its dignity.

Just as countless Filipino players were in extreme panic, and did not understand why this disaster suddenly came, a voice that they would never forget in their lifetimes sounded over Filipino.

"This is the consequence of your invasion of my lost continent. Today, just a small punishment, dare to come to my lost continent, and next time, you will suffer more than ten times the consequences today ... You can try and retaliate, I am waiting for you in the lost continent! Hum !!! "

This is not the announcement sound from the entire system, but the voice of a player ... the voice of evil sky, he even spread his voice directly throughout the Philippines. And the content of the words, so that all Filipino players, make the world startled.

The destruction of the Philippine continent is actually because of evil sky! !! What he did!

It has only been more than ten minutes since the system reminded Xie Tian to step into the present ... In this short time, he even destroyed the entire city of the Philippine Theater!

What a horrible person this is!

There is no interest in staying in this confusing continent, and what he said is certainly not purely ruthless. If the Philippine continent dared to invade the lost continent again, he would definitely make his words come true.

Destroyed the city of the sun, the irritability in Ye Tianxie's heart still hasn't disappeared, he glanced at this piece of the city of the sun that had been ruined, smiled with a yin, and took out that piece of Filipino's national weapon ... the next goal , Where to choose ...

"Second Brother !! Are you in the war zone of the Philippines? Have their main city destroyed? Is it true?"

A call across national borders came from the left rushing voice of the breaking army. Ye Tianxie picked it up and said a word without expression: "Yes."

"Er ... second brother, you seem to have a little bit of today ... what's wrong, why their invasion will make you so angry, can you tell me?" Zuo Pojun said shyly.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Ah, it doesn't matter what the second brother doesn't want to say, I just ask casually ... Yes, although this incident has just happened, this fact is too big, and the impact may be stronger than you think ... … Just now, the President of the Philippines called my dad and said that this was another terrorist attack, no ... it was more terrible than the terrorist attack, the center city was destroyed, and the players in the Philippines were innumerable. President Philip demanded that you be arrested immediately, and that we should bear all the losses suffered by the Philippines this time ... and also said that he would join the leaders of other countries to personally pressure the Tianwai Group to block you from the entire world of fate ... "

The world of destiny has long been not a pure game world. Although it has only appeared for less than two years, it has already carried too much. Already approaching the real world. Destroyed in the center of this world, for players in the Philippines, its nature is almost as good as the destruction of its own national capital. It is impossible to calculate spiritual and economic losses, and it is difficult to bear the trample on dignity. This will inevitably completely shake the supreme leader of the Philippines.

"Oh ... is that it?" Ye Tianxie narrowed his eyes and smiled slowly: "Follow them, I'd like to see what they can do to me."

Zuo Pojun: "..."

Frankly speaking, in the Philippines, the Zuo Pojun did not worry about Ye Tianxie at all. With his terror ability that cannot be measured by common sense, no one on earth can take him for granted. If he really wants to worry, he will worry. In the Philippines, Ye Tianxie, a small president of the Philippines, would not look at it. What he was worried about was that the impact of this incident on the Philippines was too great, and it might cause some unexpected and serious consequences. Moreover, President Philip Law will join other heads of state to complain to Tianwai Group personally. If Tianwai Group really bans Ye Tianxie for this ...

"What's going on with the city?" Ye Tianxie asked casually about the important things he said to Zuo Pojun.

"Now that our player power has been concentrated, plus that there are no invaders in the south, the situation has begun to slowly improve. Now a little more urgent is the east, because of previous reasons, this time the players There are so many invading players, and there is still a steady stream of inflow. Tianchen City is more difficult to guard, but now many players are also moving there, and we are also rushing there, there should be no problem. "Zuo Po The army replied.

"Huh? Dong Dong?"

With a low whisper, Ye Tianxie remembered Xingbaoer who had appeared in front of himself in order to take him back in the east of the East continent, and thought of facing the East **** of the East, which he could not match, and she opened her hands. In front of her ... In her shout, Tian Zhao, who could easily kill him, could n’t do anything. At that time, he did n’t understand why. Now he knows that it is Xingbaoer who does not want him to be hurt. The power of miracle triggered by obsession. However, the consequence of the power of miracles was that her weak body entered a long sleep ...

Xing Baoer saved him many times ... but, he never knew it before. When he knew, he would never see her again ...

The feeling in his heart hit his heart again, and the pain in his heart began to look for the venting object again. He whispered "Dongyu", his body flickered and disappeared over the Philippines.

"Ah? Second brother !?"

The call was hung up and Zuo Pojun vaguely heard the word "Dongyu". He jumped in his heart. Isn't he going to find trouble in Dongyu mainland! ?

Although he had no idea how Ye Tianxie appeared across other borders and appeared on other continents, and still appeared directly above the central main city, it is certain that the East China continent is about to encounter a catastrophe. The Philippine National Theater is miserable.

Appeared again, Ye Tianxie was already standing above the center city of the East Nine Continent, overlooking this central city that belongs to the East Nine players. For the invasion of the Lost Continent this time, a large number of players from the East have actively responded. Today, there are countless people going to the Lost Continent. Therefore, the players in the Imperial City today are significantly thinner than usual. When Ye Tianxie came over the Emperor City, the system's warning prompt sounded in a timely manner, and the player near the resurrection point in the center of the Emperor City immediately discovered the existence of Ye Tianxie. This incident brought a heavy shadow to all players of Dongluo, and the players in the Philippines had just suffered an extreme cruelty due to the invasion. The entire city of the center retaliated. Hearing the news that the evil sky came to Dongluo again, the players of Dongluo were flustered. And exclaimed.

Even the fools know that this time Ye Tianxie's return to the East China continent is likely to retaliate against their invasion in the same way as the Philippines.

"Give you three minutes to let everyone who has entered the lost continent roll back, otherwise, the city of the sun in the Philippines is your example."

The cold voice came down from above, and it came out far and far, and every player in the emperor city could hear it clearly. Also let them know that the evil innocence came because of the invasion and loss of the mainland. His threat also made all players frightened. This is by no means ruthless. The tragedy in the Philippines happened just now, and this horrific event shocked the world in an instant. They couldn't doubt it ... if he didn't say what he said, he would really destroy the Emperor City just like destroying the central city of the Philippines!

The myriad of facts, www.readwn.com, made them unable to believe even if they could not believe the power of evil sky.

On the other hand, while they fear the evil sky, why not resent it deeply? At the time, what he did in the Emperor City, no East player will forget, dreaming that they will one day make him disappear into this world. At the same time, this is a country where dignity is better than life. If they obey today under the coercion of evil sky, they will not be able to look up in front of all Huaxia players and players around the world.

"What are you doing ?! Evil sky is our enemy who doesn't share the sky! Last time he let him run away, this time the new account and the old account together! We are not the waste of the Philippines! We also have the protection of the Emperor Tianzhao City Even if the evil sky is so powerful against the sky, can it be better than the great **** of the sky? All in all, kill him, and I will not tolerate it! "

"Everything, let him die back to China!"

"Xie Tian, ​​this is not the place for you to lay wild ... Hey, when you die back to Huaxia, you will find that it is already the site of our East Rang ... kill !!"

Dongyu players gathered here at a very fast speed, and the shouting and killing sounds became more and more loud. Ye Tianxie stood still in the air, silently watching more and more Dongyu players gathered, his eyes became more and more Irony ... without seeing the strength of Xie Tian today, they won't know how stupid their words are.

[Heavy rain, the day before yesterday was drunk thoroughly, and I slept decisively with fever for a day, and then it was estimated that it was due to a rainstorm and thunder and lightning. The voltage of this district was defective. This chapter is still coded at the home of Beicheng classmates ... I can't bear the electricity, and the water has stopped. In addition, the leaders who had planned to take annual leave next week have approved it. As a result, a lot of work suddenly came to the end of the annual leave ... All kinds of hard work, FUCK! 】

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