Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1148: Difficulties in East

If it is a person facing the evil sky, perhaps everyone present will choose to run away, at least not having the guts to attack. but. No matter what kind of enemies they face, the absolute advantage in quantity always makes people feel at ease. At the same time, even if they are afraid, no one will pull their faces and run away in front of so many people. Whether you are willing or unwilling, you must step forward stubbornly and yell to attack the evil sky.

However, in the shouting of the players of Dongying, an awkward scene appeared ...

Ye Tianxie was standing at a height of more than 50 meters at this time. Do n’t think about life and death of melee occupations such as war, shield, and stab. Archer occupations with the longest attack distance can reach an effective range of 30 meters after three turns, and can only reach 50 meters with a rare attack ... In the roar of countless players, countless arrows flew into the sky, but none of the clothes that could touch Ye Tianxie have disappeared. The magic attack distance is not as long as the bow and arrow, and it is impossible to reach Ye Tianxie. For the most part, those melee occupations are even more difficult for tigers to eat. They can only scream with their weapons underneath.

An arrow rain flew over, another arrow rain flew over, a large gorgeous magical attack flew up, and another colorful magical attack flew up. Ye Tianxie did not move at all, and none of these attacks could touch his fur. . He looked down blankly, everyone could guess that his eyes must be full of ridicule and disdain.

"What! Go to the Lightning Magister, if he doesn't come down, he can only attack him with lightning!"

The faces of the players of Dongying couldn't stop completely, and they began to find ways to summon the Thunder magician. Ye Tianxie still didn't move ... For three minutes, he kindly gave this continent a chance to struggle and prepare for three minutes. And he needs some time to think about what way to choose to destroy here. He dared to say things like give them three minutes because he was sure they would not really choose to return all players who invaded the lost continent within these three minutes.

Under the convening of Dongying players, more and more thunder mages gathered to this side, and during this time, the news that Ye Tianxie appeared on Dongying mainland again came out at a very fast speed. Players from all over the world are still in the extreme shock of the destruction of the center city of the Philippines by the evil sky. At this time, I heard that he appeared on the eastern continent again, and countless eyes focused on it. The players of the eastern continent were even more frightened. The last time that Xie Tian arrived, the Emperor City has been turned upside down. What kind of consequences will this bring ...

"Concentrated attack !!"

Under the shouting of a leader-like person, thousands of Lightning Magisters have released the strongest Lightning skills together. Suddenly, a flash of lightning thundered above the sky. Countless thunders struck from the sky and split into Ye Tianxie's body ...

In a burst of crackling sounds, all the thunder and lightning were hit on Ye Tianxie's body. Thousands of thunder and lightning hit and split, the scene was gorgeous enough and amazing enough. At least those players around me felt scalp just by watching. Attacks on any normal player can undoubtedly be killed instantly ... and Ye Tianxie is obviously not among the "normal players".

Bathed in the concentrated bombardment of thunder and lightning, Ye Tianxie remained motionless. When all the thunder and light disappeared, he looked coldly down and whispered, "Play with lightning? Find death!"

He held the moment of destiny in both hands and pointed directly at the sky. The moment of destiny was surrounded by purple light. Suddenly, a bit of purple awns began to appear on the sky. In the horror of the player, he spread to a distance of thousands of kilometers, leaving the original blue. The sky turned deep purple, and countless thunders boiled and screamed above the sky. Then, in a thunderous thunder, countless thunders thundered from the sky ...

Click! !! !! !! !!

Within a few kilometers, all players of the East Puppet had witnessed what was Thunder and Purgatory before they died.

Who can withstand the fragile players from the thunder and lightning punishment from the moment of the fate of the forbidden device. When the thunder and lightning strike, all the players within the envelope are killed instantly, and none of them can be spared. Except for the horrified eyes before death, Even the sound of screams could not be heard. The original crowded resurrection point of the Emperor City, a sound with the sound of being split into coke slowly fell, the sound of the body falling to the ground, the sound of the residual thunder and thunder made people shudder.

In this blow to "Destiny of Fate? Thunder", Ye Tianxie has only accumulated the power of thunder and lightning for about ten seconds, which has caused the destruction of all creatures within a whole kilometer range, and all the creatures within the range have been blasted into darkness. Charcoal. At the same time, the elemental sanctions at the moment of destiny have a strong ability to destroy, not only the souls, but also all the buildings, lands in the range ... and the resurrection points that ordinary forces cannot destroy.

"Ding ... The resurrection point in the center of the emperor city is destroyed. Players who set the resurrection point in the emperor city will be randomly transferred to the resurrection points of other main cities. All players cannot use the resurrection scroll to target the emperor city."

"Ding ... The transfer hall of the Emperor City Center was destroyed and all transfer instructors died. Until the new transfer hall and the transfer instructor are generated, all players in the East League cannot perform the second, third, or fourth transfer."

The news of Ye Tianxie's appearance in the East China mainland came just a few minutes later. All the East China players heard a huge amount of bad news. With the news coming, the players who lost the mainland even panic several times. In the Emperor City, those players who are thousands of meters away and not affected by lightning have witnessed the overwhelming horror of thunder and thunder, all pale and scary. Some of the closer players even sat down directly on the ground. No one dares to step forward anymore. They have almost seen that another disaster is approaching.

"This is your answer? Oh ... Since you want to destroy our city in Huaxia District, then why don't we have the same gift. This emperor city is ruined."

The low voice resounded above the Emperor City, just like the terrible moan of the demon, shaking the hearts of all the Dongling mainland creatures. The shadow of the disaster of his last visit to the Emperor City and the terrible total of the previous one who destroyed the center of the Philippines hit them. How terrible this evil sky is.

"Ball, ruin this place."

The appearance of the ball is announcing the arrival of the nightmare of the Imperial City. The spirit of the demon flashes quickly on its body. All the "devil sacrifices", "furious demon", and "destruction demon" all blessed themselves and entered a quite horrible state. Then, the white ball changed. It turned into a red ball, and a fire-level middle-ranking curse "Burning Heart Yan Yan" struck down, creating a huge sea of ​​death.

Elemental sanctions at the moment of destiny also need some time to accumulate elemental power, and the ball releases any magic without the time of chanting and preparation. After evolving to the **** level, it has the ability to cast water, fire, and soil three-level intermediate curse. Although the intermediate curse and the lower curse are only one level difference, I do n’t know how many times to win above the power and destruction range. . If ordinary players have the ability to complete the fourth transfer, they may have the ability to cast the low-level curse, but they will never have the ability to release the middle-level curse. The low-level curse is not really a true curse, and the power of the intermediate curse is truly a word of "forbidden". Because of its release, the consequences are disastrous. The ball that has the ability to release the middle-level curse, in the state of raging demon and destroying demon, the destruction efficiency will not be lower than Ye Tianxie's fate punishment.

The burning heart burns down, and the area of ​​more than a thousand meters suddenly turns into a sea of ​​fire, and the hot flame relentlessly burns everything in sight. This sea of ​​fire was formed instantaneously, and the scope of the fire had to be the same as the thunderous purgatory before the victory. Numerous players who had not been hit by lightning and escaped were caught in the sea of ​​fire and killed by the relentless flash. All the buildings that were not affected by the thunder and lightning also all ignited a blazing fire ... The hot high temperature almost ignited the earth.

Ye Tianxie squinted his eyes, admiring the Emperor City in the flames, without even a trace of pity and intolerance in his heart. With a sneer, he quickly shifted the position with the ball, and moved a few kilometers north. Here, it is close to the main commercial area of ​​the Emperor City, not far from the Emperor City, and even the highest power center of the entire Emperor. ~ ~ is also in this position, the ball's middle-level curse is under the blast ...

The release of the intermediate ban curse will cost hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of magic at any time. Even if the player has acquired the intermediate ban curse skill, he has no ability to cast it at all. Even a powerful Dharma God, after a long chanting, finally releases the Intermediate Forbidden Spell of Destruction, it will be greatly injured due to the loss of a lot of magic. It is basically impossible to cast it twice in a row ... Compared to them, the ability of the ball can be said to have no upper limit of horror ... Any magic is launched instantly, and any magic is released without the need to consume magic in the state of "furious demons". bear?

The sea roars, the heart burns, the wall of sighs, the doorway of the junction ...

One-by-one intermediate forbidden spells blasted downward, turning the area of ​​more than a thousand meters into an ocean of elements. The raging water, the brutality of the fire, the roar of the earth ... disaster, the relentless shroud covered even the reaction. There is too much time for Dongyu. The sound of terror and pain permeated all directions, depicting a purgatory scene on earth ...

"Ding! Announcement of the Dongying Battlefield ... The Emperor City prop shop owner was beheaded by the evil sky from the Huaxia Theater. All players will not be able to purchase props at the Emperor City prop shop until the Emperor City master designates the next prop shop owner.

"Ding! Announcement of the Dongying Theater ... the Emperor City Pharmacy owner was killed by evil from the Huaxia Theater ..."

"Ding! Announcement of the Dongying Theater ... the owner of the Emperor City Weapon Store was killed by evil from the Huaxia Theater ..."

"" Ding ... the warehouse boss was killed by the evil sky from the Huaxia Theater ... "

"Ding ... The Emperor City Appraisal Shop boss was killed by the evil sky from the Huaxia Theater,"

[A kayak is needed for going out ~~]

[Efforts to update ...]

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