Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 913: Opening! 2 magic martial arts contests!

As time goes by, this time is destined to be noisy for the Huaxia Theater, because they will soon have two major events. The first is Mu's second concert in this world. Whether in the real world or in the world of fate, her appearance will always attract dreadful attention. Since she entered the July Chamber of Commerce in a high profile, she has never held a concert in the real world. There is a vague news that her concert will only appear in the world of fate in the future, which has made countless crazy obsessed with Mu Xiaoyue and The foreigners who sing her songs have been distressed for a long time, because it will mean that unless the national borders are open, as long as they do not belong to the Huaxia District, no matter how much power and wealth, they will not be qualified to come and listen to her singing in person. And possibly. The rules of the real world can be broken by rights or abilities, but the rules of the world of destiny are by no means intervened and violated by players of any identity, because the "core of control" of the world of destiny is not on the earth at all.

This may be one of the reasons why the world of fate is so addictive.

Mu Xiaoxie made a bold statement in front of the whole world in the first concert of Destiny World, which was the boldest time in her life for her future and happiness. Undoubtedly, the sensation caused was huge and lasted for a long time, but in the end, she brought up the sorrows and tears of countless fanatics, but more, it was blessed by people. Many people are admiring that such a proud woman of the sky can only be worthy of the evil sky that the world looks up to. And evil sky, only this kind of girl like goddess is worthy.

The second thing is the arrival of the first magic martial arts conference in Huaxia District.

The seven-day registration time has passed. Although there are strict level restrictions, the players who register for the competition are still no less than the first Mowu Conference. Soon, the seven-day registration time has passed. The competition was five days later, and the day before the competition was Mu Xiaoyue's solo concert.

Mu Xiaoyue's concert started as scheduled, and the location is still the central square of the Lost City ... because this is the largest venue that can be found in the entire Lost Continent. The enthusiasm of the scene does not need to be doubted. I haven't seen it for half a year. When Mu Xiaoyue once again appeared in people's sight, and the song of far better sounds sounded in their ears again, I don't know how many people were excited and laughing Tears shed. It can affect so many people to this extent, so many people are obsessed to this extent ... Perhaps, in the whole of China, except for the head of state and the omniscient evil, no one can admire influence and admiration. Compared to the little demon. Some people abroad say that she can influence the whole world with a sentence or a song. At first glance, it seems ridiculous, but if you can really understand Mu Xiaoying's influence and can come to the scene of her concert, you will feel that. Sentences are not simple delusions.

The concert ended successfully, Mu Xiaoying bathed in the falling beam, smiling like a holy angel, saying goodbye to everyone present, her lips were slightly angled, and she felt the gift to her in a flawless smile. Applause and enthusiasm, looking forward to a beautiful dream-like future. The only regret today is that the person she likes did not show up to watch her and listen to her singing, but thinking of what he said in a soft voice the day he left, All her unhappiness will disappear.

Ye Tianxie has left for eleven days. These days, Ye Tianxie has no news anymore, no one knows where he went, and no one can contact him. No one from Sophie had taken the initiative to contact him. Of course, this does not mean that Ye Tianxie has left their lives. They can quietly watch him lie in bed every day, and sleep is extremely peaceful ... Although his body is not moving, his consciousness is always in fate. The world is awake. He is now alone, no matter the game world or the real world, his heart must be calm. Now, has he found what he desires?

Sophie Fei inherited the power of the Word Sage, and received the colorful rod of the Word which belongs to the Word Sage. The advancement of the profession means that the ability is greatly improved. At this time, what kind of ability Sophie Fei possessed is only known to her and the sage.

Chen Xin still took care of Ye Tianxie and each of their homes, a real-world home, a Tianchen City home, and a Lost City home like a well-behaved babysitter. She was envious of Sophie Fei, envious of Situ Luoyu, envious of Meng Yuyi, and even her sister. She could capture the hazy meaning from Ye Tianxie's eyes ... but she was not as Situ Luoyu Bold, there is no Meng Yuyi and his fetters and the ability to protect him, there is no Chen Xue obsessive obsession with him, and some, only the suggestion that Sophie Fei made her heart beat again and again. She has a beautiful appearance and a soft heart, but in front of Ye Tianxie, she has more unconfidence and shyness. She is enjoying her current state of life, and her only fear is that she will leave this home one day.

Chen Xue has a fixed time every day to take care of her flowerbed. There are many things that are important to Ye Tianxie, and more time is in the room, lying on the bed with Xiaoxi to accompany him, and Try hard to teach Xiaoxi to speak fluently.

And Situ fell in the rain. Since the day when Ye Tianxie "leaves", she has never been to the kitchen again, because she has always been willing to cook for Ye Tianxie alone. When she has nothing to do, she always has nothing to do. She is the most fishing in the world of destiny. A few days ago, she thought of going fishing at sea. The endless sea represents infinite possibilities. There, she might be able to catch all kinds of incredible things with her starfish. miracle. So, with the special teleportation props made by Xing Baoer, she came to the southern ocean of the lost continent as she wished, and then spent a lot of time fishing there every day, almost every day, she would surprise her. In addition to a large number of fish, shrimp, and crabs that cannot be caught in mainland lakes, they also fished colorful sea stones that can be used to craft high-end decorations, pearls that can sell tens of thousands of gold coins, and even a fifth-grade fish. Water pet eggs.

Meng Yuyi's daily life is much simpler, either fighting in the game or staying at home quietly, usually in his own room.

Xing Baoer is carrying out her "big move" every day, but the content of this big move is deliberately hidden by her. No one knows it until now ... Of course, except for Xingli who is often called by her to help . After Ye Tianxie left, Xingli didn't want to go anywhere, so she stayed with and helped Xingbaoer every day ... With her language ability, she wanted to leak out the things Xingbaoer made, and it is estimated that nobody listened. understand.

What made Su Feifei care about was that the registration time for the second Mowu contest had already passed. Zuo Pojun, Murong Qiushui, Situ Mo, Situ Ru merciless, God free, and Ling Jie all did not return without any news. The angel wings that have been in the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps have never appeared. At the first magic march, the remarkable glory of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps was cast. At this time, it is completely separated. Only Sophie and No. Fighting ability Xing Baoer ... and, later joined Yu Yu.

Did they all give up the game?

"Sister Feifei, will you still participate in this competition?" Chen Xin asked Su Feifei. Tomorrow is the opening of the Demon Martial Arts Conference. Ye Tianxie seems to be unable to arrive. None of the Zuo Pojun have returned. They did not even register. Sophie's registration this time is entirely because she is a member of the Tianhun Mercenary Corps. But now, neither of them will appear in the competition. She is also a supporting profession. Is it really necessary to participate in the competition?

"Of course I'm going, I've signed up, why don't I go." Sophie replied. There was no hesitation in answering.

"But, Brother Tianxie ..."

"It's okay, and sister Yuyi is with me. I don't want to be a Sophie who can't do anything without Tian Xie." Sophie smiled and smiled with her fingers and slyly clicked on Chen Chenxin's face several times. Next: "Good sister, wait and see my performance tomorrow. I believe that Tian Xie will be surprised when she sees it after she returns. What did Sister Yu Yi say ... Tian Xie said that before, she was the only one who could The opponents who made him serious are very, very powerful, and they will surely beat those proud men in the game ... "

In this way, the time for the demon martial arts finally came. The location, the Lost City Center Arena where Mu Xiao Yao held a concert yesterday. Time, nine in the morning. The mode of the game is exactly the same as the first magic martial arts conference. The first few days were rounds of qualifiers, and the next few days were intense and cruel knockouts. The prizes of the game also made countless players covet.

As the world's first second magic martial arts conference ~ ~, this competition has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the world. Three turns means that the borders are about to open, and in terms of time, the time for debate among the nations is getting closer. The players in Huaxia District have become a behemoth of the destiny world in terms of quantity and average strength. In this sensitive In this period, of course, they must pass this game as much as possible to understand the strength of Chinese players, especially top players. Know thyself, ever-victorious.

"Ding ... Here is the game venue for the second Demon World in Fate World Huaxia District. Welcome players to the game site, thirty minutes before the start of the game. I am the guide of this game, and now I will read it again. Let ’s take a look at the process and rules of this competition. This competition will be a single-player competition and the competition time will continue for twelve days ... ”

Loud prompts cover the entire court, and the rules of this game have been reminded that they are exactly the same as the first Mowu competition, and no one is listening carefully. Soon, the rules were read out.

"Ding ...... There is still the last twenty minutes before the start of the game. Please do not go offline when registering for the competition. Pay attention to the system prompts at all times. Players who receive the competition prompts should use the entry number card to enter the game in time. If he still does not show up after that, he will be deemed to have waived his qualifications and his serial number card will be withdrawn. "

"Ding ... there are still twenty minutes before the start of the game. The first game list of the first round of preliminaries has been announced. Players who receive the prompt can now enter the game ..."

"Ding ... It is nine o'clock in the morning, and the second demon martial arts conference in Fate World Huaxia District officially started ..."

The hands of the clock point to nine o'clock in the morning. And this is a game that is likely to be missing Ye Tianxie and most of the members of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps. In what direction will it develop ...

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