After the beep of the start of the game, hundreds of competitions are played at the same time, and the beep of the game is played in each independent small arena ...

"Sister Yuyi, there will be your game in the first game. At 045, let's hurry up." Sophie Fei said to Meng Yuyi. Who would have thought that the prestigious and mercenary regiment of the Heaven Soul mercenary group, known as the myth group, had only two women to participate in this competition. By the time Sophie Fei finished speaking, she had already moved to No. 045 with Meng Yuyi.

"Ding ...... The first game in the 045 field: KN506000——VS——AS586012, the start time of the game counts down. Please enter the contest as soon as possible. Failure to enter the venue within the specified time will be considered as giving up the qualification for this competition. "


The match time has entered the countdown. On the stage, a player with a long figure and a light gold armor holding a gold sword has stood confidently on the stage. After three turns, the storm fighters can be transferred to war madness or sword madness, and the balance combat can be transferred to sword fighter or sword dancer. From this player's weapon and costume, it can be clearly seen that they are violent Sword Madness on the offensive line. The moment she teleported to this arena, Meng Yuyi teleported herself to the arena. Her appearance immediately exclaimed the blockbuster on the arena.

Unless the player outside the field is a hunter with remote detection skills, he will not be able to know the information of the player on the field, but once Meng Yuyi comes on, no one can see her name, even no one can see her covered face, But almost everyone exclaimed her name on the spot.

Her outfit is not special, and there may be many people similar to her, but her cold and indifferent atmosphere, as well as the body curve drawn by her tight black clothes that make people lose control at a glance, those pairs are slightly people The eyes that were cold to the touch ... She could only be unknown to others, but was remembered by countless people. Because only she can bring great visual and sensational stimuli to people in the silence, and stir the cold and heat in people's hearts at the same time. Standing on the stage at this time, everyone seemed to see a black demon lotus blooming in the cold, beautiful and unparalleled, and under the infinite temptation, it was the icy heart that was corroded by bones.

Seeing the emergence of Meng Yuyi, Tiansha Gufeng's original complacency completely disappeared, and the corners of his mouth twitched several times in a row ... This TM is the blood mold of which life has fallen, and when I came up, I encountered this recognized least. The woman who provokes ... that allure Shura who once killed a thousand people with his own strength! !!

This is a beautiful woman enough to make any man lose heart, but enough to scare any man to twitch.

"Ding ... Athletics Platform 45, left: Qinglong Gang belongs to: Tiansha Lone Wind, level: 80, class: sword mad; right: Tianhun mercenary regiment belongs: Meng Yuyi, level: 80, professional : Phantom Lotus. The game is starting! "

When the beep sounded, there was a slight riot at the scene. The information revealed by this reminder ... she is Meng Yuyi, and once the blood demon month, no doubt, she originally belonged to the immortal reincarnation, has actually joined the heaven soul mercenary group. The Celestial Mercenary Corps was originally a gathering of top masters. At this time, it was a terrible expert to join. The overall strength of the Celestial Mercenary Corps now makes people shudder, and her profession ...

Phantom Lotus ...

This is Meng Yuyi's unique job that was born from her own power after she passed the nightmare-level transfer task and was automatically upgraded from the "Dark Shadow" class.

"Well? Phantom demon lotus, what a beautiful name ... but this beautiful lotus, but it contains a terrible danger, oh ... I think in the world, only he dares to pick it." In one corner, a murmur sounded.


"By the way, is this her career after three transfers? To be honest, God has given her perfect looks and body, which is enough to make any woman jealous of madness ... Now, even the name of the profession is like this The beauty of God. God is indeed unfair. Of course, this kind of injustice also falls on me, fascinating the beauty of the girls in the world, noble and charming temperament, and talking by elegant gentlemen ... Oh, if I were a woman, I must have fallen in love with myself crazy. "


Tiansha lonely wind was crying secretly. He used to be confident and comfortable. Now he almost collapsed every hair in his body. His hair was tense and his hands holding the golden sword were trembling. The sound of "Beginning of the game" dropped, he stood still and did not move. He did not dare to take the initiative to attack ... Although Meng Yuyi has not appeared in front of people for a long time, no one will forget her name, no one will She will forget her name, Shura.

He didn't move, Meng Yuyi moved first, and a short blade that was as clear as a crystal was caught by her in the back, cold light reflection, dazzling. Instantly, everyone felt a flower in front of them, and a shadow passed by, and Meng Yuyi had appeared in front of Tiansha Lonely Wind ... Tiansha Lonely in tension felt the movement of Meng Yuyi as if The broken string suddenly shot like a sword, and the sword in his hand rushed forward. His sword just greeted the nearby Yu Yuyi and hit it in one shot ... But when he hit it clearly, he felt that the sword was completely Chopping on the air, passing through the black shadow in front of me, then, the black shadow disappeared like fog, and Meng Yuyi appeared strangely on his right side, he turned hurriedly, and It was a sword split. This time, he still only cut a virtual shadow, and Meng Yuyi's body had disappeared to his side, appearing in his original position like a teleportation, and looked at him coldly.

Tiansha lonely wind shook his head, just about to rush up, and suddenly felt light, the three injury figures on his head came out side by side, and immediately followed by a beep that the game was over ...

-12500, -13000, -25000!

The phantom shifted, three strange strikes, and the speed of the attack was too fast. No one could see that she was so attacking in the process of moving. Even Tiansha Gufeng did not feel that she had been attacked. With his eyes wide open, he fell down unclearly.

"Ding ... Tiansha Gufeng died, Meng Yuyi won, the record score +3. The next game will start in three minutes, please prepare the relevant players."

From the experience of the first magic martial arts conference, it seems that as long as there are members of the Sky Soul Mercenary Group, the game basically ends at a staggering speed. There is no chance of using the recovery medicine, and it is usually killed by a fierce fierce attack ... even the only guardian class of the Sky Soul Mercenary Corps can use a shield in his hand to knock people off the arena. But the only exception is that God is at ease ... but in the face of his despicable play, it is estimated that more people would prefer to face other members who have the ability to spike. Because at least that can also end the game as soon as possible ~ ~ God Xiaoyao will be tortured to scold whoever encounters it.

The strange body shift and the strange attack, amazing attacking ability ... After so long away, people have once again clearly witnessed the terrible ability of Allure Shura. She was the only one who was qualified to compare with Tian Moxie.

"Sister Yu Yi, so amazing!" When Meng Yu Yi returned, Sophie Fei was excited and admired. She searched for her game number ... her first time was the tenth game of the 501 field, and there should be a short period of time. She searched Ye Tianxie's number again ... his first game was the twelfth game of the 666 field.

Although he knew that he should no longer appear in this field, Sophie had a strong desire to see him. As a healing profession, she participated in the singles, her only purpose is to tell him that he is now strong enough.

"Sister Yuyi, let's go back first. There will be no more games for us for a while." Sophie Feila said with dream Yuyi's hand. In other people's games, she and Meng Yuyi have no interest in watching.

Meng Yuyi nodded, just as they were about to leave, a reminder sounded over the field.

"Ding ...... The second game of the 045 field: XY591741——VS——SB222222, the game start time counts down. Please enter the contest as soon as possible. Failure to enter the competition within the specified time will be considered as giving up the qualification for this competition. "

The game reminder sound just dropped, and the convenience of participating in the competition also appeared on the arena at the same time.

The person who appeared on the right side of the stage ... it was a **** who had been away for more than half a year, never appeared, and did not appear at all during the registration period!

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