Until now.

Xu Ran just remembered.

Depending on the reward, [10,000 times reward] can also strengthen it to an unimaginable height.

Even if it is just a silver-level guard, it can undergo a qualitative transformation.

What's more.

Because the number is too large, it far exceeds Xu Ran's one million recruitment quota.

These loyal fans who have been recruited are at least three-turn strength, and the quality is not lower than the dark gold level.

In other words.

Once it is strengthened by [10,000 times reward].

Maybe the legion that Xu Ran just recruited will transform into the rumored million-level legendary legion!

According to the memory of the previous life.

This kind of terrifying scale and quality of the million-level legion will not appear until the late game.

And it is the absolute elite of the two camps.

For the current game process.

Let alone.

As long as the two camps don't really tear their faces apart and throw the king bomb at the beginning.

Then even the Frost Empire may not have a legion that matches it.

"Very good!"


Xu Ran found that [10,000 times reward] had already taken effect at this moment.

With a series of brilliant lights.

The three-turn NPC strongmen who were originally recruited into Xu Ran's army suddenly burst out with aura.

Their quality is also rising steadily.

[Tip: The 10,000-fold increase was successful, and the quality of the reward you received has been upgraded from the dark gold quality to the legendary quality! ]

[Tip: The 10,000-fold increase was successful, and the quality of the reward you received has been upgraded from the purple gold quality to the legendary rare quality! ]

[Tip: The 10,000-fold increase was successful, and the quality of the reward you received has been upgraded from the red gold quality to the epic quality! ]


With the only eternal talent [10,000 times reward] taking effect.

The corresponding dark gold NPCs have all been upgraded to the legendary quality.

And the purple gold quality has also been upgraded to the legendary rare quality.

Although it is still legendary.

But the rare attributes it possesses are enough to become the pinnacle of the legendary NPC guards.

The number of NPCs of these two qualities is about 800,000.

The remaining 200,000 NPCs are all of the same red gold quality.

Under the effect of [10,000 times reward].

A full 200,000 troops.


It turned out to be an epic-level army!


Even though Xu Ran was calm, he couldn't help but get excited at this moment.

Epic-level army?

The scale...

It actually reached a terrifying 200,000!

It has to be said.

This 200,000 epic-level army alone is enough to deal with several times or even dozens of times the same level of enemies.

And the most exciting thing.

It's the level!

Since the original levels of these NPCs were between level 80 and level 100, after the effect of [10,000 times reward], their levels were all uniformly raised to level 100!

The peak of the third transformation.

The combat power has skyrocketed by who knows how many times!

[Tip; Recruitment is successful, you have obtained the loyalty of the third-level legendary frost guard. Due to the triggering of special effects, the loyalty of this NPC to you is 100%, and he will never betray you! ]

[Tip: Recruitment is successful, you have obtained the loyalty of the third-level legendary Night Guard. Due to the special effect, the NPC's loyalty to you is 100%, and it will never betray you! ]

[Tip: Recruitment is successful, you have obtained the third-level epic...]

In the prompt sound.

The whole million troops were all branded with Xu Ran's personal aura.

Among them, 800,000 legendary NPCs, 600,000 of which were Frost Guards.

Although the name is the same as before.

But under the effect of [10,000 times reward].

They have legendary templates, not only mastered the law of frost, but also greatly increased their own attributes.

And the remaining 200,000 troops out of 800,000 are all the elite of the original dark camp-Night Guards.

The law they master is the law of darkness.

Their strength is even more unfathomable.

And those NPCs with higher quality and attributes have all obtained the same epic template!

And because of the upgrade.

Their names have also undergone some subtle changes.

It looks very different from before.

[Hint: You have unlocked the special unit Eternal Guard (Epic), please choose fixed attributes for your guard! ]

Epic Guard Corps.

You can also freely choose the corresponding fixed attributes!

Seeing this.

Xu Ran's heart was filled with shock.

You know.

They are all composed of a part of the dark camp and the original NPC strongmen of [Frozen City], and their attributes are not uniform.

He didn't expect.

This 200,000 epic Eternal Guard Corps can actually freely choose attributes.

"It would be great if the main god-level law or the corresponding special main god-level law could appear."

Xu Ran didn't expect the eternal law to appear.

After all, a single fragment of the godhead corresponds to the mythical quality.

If the specific law can be delegated to the NPC, it must be at least the god-level quality.

So he thought that even the main god-level laws like light and darkness were enough to make a lot of money.

Even the 800,000 legendary guards previously had their corresponding main god-level laws unlocked.

Thinking of this,

Xu Ran started to choose directly.

[Hint: Please select one of the following attributes as the fixed main attribute of the Eternal Guard (Epic)! ]


The moment the attribute selection was opened,

Xu Ran's eyes widened instantly, full of disbelief.

It turned out that...

There really is an Eternal Law!

But it seems that it is not complete!

[Eternal Law (Preliminary Mastery)][Darkness Law][Light Law][Guardian Law][Natural Law][Space Law][Death Law][Life Law]......

Xu Ran discovered.

There are dozens of attributes that he can choose for this 200,000 epic legion.

This includes most of the main god-level laws.

And there are some extremely special laws.

For example, the Eternal Law and the Space Law!

"Preliminary Mastery..."

Xu Ran couldn't help but fall into thought when he saw this.

If someone asked him which one he would choose between the Eternal Law that he had initially mastered and the complete Space Law in the early days of the server opening.

He would definitely choose the former without hesitation.

After all, as the most mysterious and rarest law in the game, eternity will never let anyone down.

But now.

Xu Ran would not think so.

As a player who has mastered part of the eternal law, plus the [Eternal Godhead Fragment] in his hand, he knows that he will have the power to grant the eternal law to his subordinates in the near future.


If you choose to master the eternal law initially.

Then the attributes will be repeated at that time.

It is better to choose the space law which is also very mysterious and quite practical.


This whole 200,000 troops can bring you unimaginable surprises!

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