Without any hesitation.

Xu Ran directly selected the space law from among various laws.

Then, the final decision was made!

[Tip: You have chosen Space Law as the main attribute of the Eternal Guard. You can change or add other Law attributes later to improve its quality and upper limit of strength! 】

[Tip: The epic eternal guard under your command has unlocked the main attribute - the law of space! 】

[Tip: Your epic eternal guard has unlocked new skills, please check back! 】

[Tip: Your epic eternal guard has unlocked new skills...]


Follow the prompts.

An extremely mysterious aura that could change the surrounding space suddenly came.

Then all the NPCs corresponding to the identities of the eternal guards were shrouded in it.

at the same time.

There were several more skills in the skill bar of these eternal guards in an instant.

[Mastery of Space Teleportation]

Type: Skill

Quality: Grandmaster

Belongs to: Eternal Guard

Passive effect: Due to the eternal guard's mastery of the laws of space, he can reach his destination instantly when riding the teleportation array, greatly shortening the teleportation time.

Active effect: Due to the Eternal Guard's mastery of the laws of space, it can actively build a teleportation array to teleport to major major cities and previously visited marked points. In addition to itself, the teleportation array can only allow up to 10 creatures to start teleportation. , the duration of the teleportation array is 10 minutes, and the cooling time of constructing the teleportation array is 20 minutes.


The first thing that catches your eye is this [Space Teleportation Mastery], which was considered a god-level skill in the previous life!

Nothing else.

Its active effect alone is enough to drive countless players crazy.

Xu Ran remembers.

In the previous life, it was not until the middle and late stages of the game that players who switched to the hidden profession Space Mage unlocked similar skills.

From then on.

This player was recruited by countless large forces.

Although only 10 places can be transferred at a time.

But it has an extremely special hidden attribute.

That is, as long as you mark it in advance, that is, drive through the corresponding map.

At the other end of the teleportation array, its position can be located.

That is to say.

As long as it's somewhere the player has been.

The teleportation array can be constructed to the corresponding position.

Just this.

That player has become someone that countless people need to look up to!

And based on the statistics of players in previous lives.

Until the final stage of the game, the number of players with similar teleportation skills was less than ten!

But now it's different.

With the mastery of the Space Law, all Eternal Guards have unlocked this skill at the same time.

Not a single thing is missed!

this means.

As long as Xu Ran gives an order, he can even directly activate a full 200,000 teleportation arrays!

And corresponding.

In addition to the eternal guards who activate the teleportation array, they can also teleport with an additional 2 million troops at the same time!

Not only that.

Xu Ran also made a new discovery.

You can build the end of the teleportation array in the area you have set foot on.

And this area does not simply correspond to the place where the [Eternal Guard] walked.

It also includes areas where their common owner has set foot!

That is to say.

Every corner Xu Ran walked through, as well as the places where these eternal guards had been, the teleportation array placement points could be constructed!

"Open the teleportation array!"

Xu Ran decided to try it out.

Because these 200,000 epic-level eternal guards are composed of strong men from the dark camp and [Ice City].

So he wanted to see how many areas could be unlocked?

Following his orders.

One of the Eternal Guards began to guide magic.

As the breath of space law surged in an instant, magic lines emerged from the ground one after another.

The prototype of the magic teleportation array was slowly appearing before his eyes!

[Tip: The prototype of the teleportation array is completed, please select the designated area as your teleportation destination! 】


As the beep sounds.

A special map suddenly appeared in front of Xu Ran's eyes.

The frozen city that never falls.

The towering Eternal City.

The mysterious and unpredictable deserted plain.

The familiar and eerie Novice Village area.

Except for the [Lost World], every area Xu Ran had ever visited appeared before his eyes.

Not only that.

Dawn City far away in the Holy Light Empire.

Most areas of the Frost Empire.

As well as the vast territory of the dark camp, there are also many areas that show bright light.

these places.

All meet the requirements for building a teleportation endpoint!


Xu Ran discovered.

There are clearly areas corresponding to the core of the two camps.

Including the Dark King City and the Dawn King City!

This also means that as long as you give the order.

Once a full 200,000 teleportation arrays are constructed, 2.2 million elite troops can be teleported directly to the core areas of the two camps!

Go straight to Huanglong.

You can do it at the snap of your fingers!


Xu Ran has no plans to do so at present.

After all, his power is still in the growth stage.

He must take advantage of this period of time to achieve his goal of rapid development.

It's not so much a way to raid.

More like a trump card.

At present, teleporting directly to the enemy's lair will not do you any good.

But when the Eternal Camp grows into a behemoth...

But it's different.

that time.

Talent is called true surprise.

Go straight to Huanglong!

Think of this.

Xu Ran looked at the other skills of the Eternal Guard.

[Dimensional Crack Slash]

Type: Skill

Quality: Grandmaster

Belongs to: Eternal Guard

Passive effect: Due to the Eternal Guard's mastery of the laws of space, when it guides the dimensional rift slash, it can be immune to the damage it causes to itself!

Active effect: Due to the Eternal Guard's mastery of the laws of space, it can actively guide the breath of the laws of space, tear a crack in the surrounding space, and cause tearing damage with the laws of space to the enemy. The specific value depends on the stability of the space crack, and The size of the effect changes, and the duration is the same. The cooling time is two hours.


Another master-level skill!


This skill seems to be ridiculously strong.

Space rift!

Xu Ran could see the terrifying power of this skill almost at a glance.


It's not really a chop.

It is the space cracks created by its guidance of space laws.

The destructive power and skill power caused are even more terrifying!

Think of this.

Xu Ran glanced at the dense crowd of NPCs below and already had a preliminary plan in mind.

With recruitment in effect.

It's not just the NPCs in the barracks who have become the most loyal members of Xu Ran's command.

At least 300,000 of the third-level warriors in the dark camp army were converted into his most loyal younger brothers.

Among them are the number of eternal guards who control the laws of space.

Probably around 100,000!

Every NPC has the same master-level skill.

That is [Dimensional Rift Slash] that can tear apart space and create horrific damage and destruction!

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