And in this way, the efficiency is ridiculously high.

After all, if you want to break out of the city, the city gate is the only way to leave.

Once the city gate is blocked.

Isn't that just random killing?

Of course.

If you are fighting alone, you can risk jumping off the city wall.

As long as it's not discovered, it's not a big problem.

And once the quantity reaches a certain level.

Everything will become extremely visible.

By that time.

Not to mention jumping off the city wall, even a nostril punch can be found by the attacker. When caught off guard, an insidious arrow may come from somewhere!

And behaviors like groups breaking out from the city gate or jumping over the city wall.

Definitely like the brightest light in the dark night.

It will attract countless enemies, and they will take the opportunity to launch fatal attacks on their own side.

all in all.

Once the type of battle changes from siege to breakout, the strengths and weaknesses of both sides completely change.

No matter what way.

It can't be reversed again.

Of course.

Unless there is foreign aid or an accident occurs.


Obviously, with Xu Ran's careful planning, there was no possibility of everything being overturned.

He had already arranged everything.

They are even prepared for the other party to get angry.

But the players.

But I don’t think so.

Saw this shocking scene.

Some people couldn't help but secretly scold Xu Ran for being so bold.

Someone is constantly analyzing his chances of success and what he wants to gain.

Some people are still looking for loopholes.

He even wanted to inform the dark camp and expose his plan to everyone in advance.

But all of this seems to have become particularly pale and feeble as time goes by.

They found out.

Although Xu Ran's plan is crazy and bold.

But the chance of success is as high as 100%.

That is to say.

As long as he can act violently, he might be able to keep some of the dark camp's army behind.

At least this main city will be within his grasp.

And there is no need to worry that the Light camp will fall out over this, after all, his army is currently deployed outside the city.

Once the war starts.

No matter what happens, you can retreat directly.

And if his action plan is provided to the dark camp council, it will be too late.


This is not a conspiracy.

Rather, it's more like showing up.

Xu Ran's intention couldn't be more obvious.

You can't eat a fat man in one sitting.

If he had to swallow these 1.5 million enemies in one gulp, it would be almost impossible for him to do it with just one million troops.

Even if you have an epic level three powerhouse, you still have to pay a heavy price.

This is a situation he will never accept.

That's why he passed the blockade of the 200,000 epic-level imperial guards. In addition, Luo Duo held a forbidden spell and did not dare to release it.

So he took advantage of the enemy.

Not only can it be blackmailed severely, but it can also be legitimately divided into two parts.

Some of them stared outside the city.

Some of them were waiting depressedly in the city to leave.

Only in this way.

The plan in his mind was finally implemented perfectly.

And now.

Everything is on track.

Even if Luo Duo realized something was wrong at this time, it was already a step too late.

[Tip: Congratulations on successfully completing Luo Duo's cross-camp commission. You received a reward of 10 gold coins! 】

[Tip: Since this commission is a cross-camp commission, a 10% handling fee will be charged. Since you are the leader of the camp, you will enjoy special permission rights with no handling fee! 】

[Tip: The 10,000-fold increase is successful, and the number of rewards you received has achieved the corresponding increase effect! 】

[Tip: You have received a reward—100,000 gold coins! 】

[Tip: Congratulations on completing Luo Duo's cross-camp commission. You received a reward of 10 gold coins! 】

[Tip: Due to this...]


over time.

One after another, the dark camp enemies were released from the [Silver Fortress] by Xu Ran.

Every time you pass an enemy.

Any commission from Luo Duo would provide him with a full 10 gold coins.

at the same time.


It will also trigger the only eternal talent - [Ten Thousand Times Reward].

Directly turn these 10 gold coins into a full 100,000!

And during this time.

Xu Ran has already released 300,000 of the 900,000 enemy troops in the [Silver Fortress].

The notifications in my ears kept ringing like a screen refresh.


Xu Ran actually obtained a total of 30 billion gold coins through the [10,000 times reward]!

This is definitely a massive resource.

It is also a part of his careful plan.

Only in this way.

Only then can he accumulate enough wealth quickly.

Then recruit legions like crazy.

Before both the light camp and the dark camp react, raise the strength of your own camp to a point where you can compete with them!

And all this is just the beginning!


He wants more than just gold coins!

Likewise, there are other resources.

A single mithril vein is extremely valuable but difficult to realize.

But if you can make use of the only eternal talent [10,000-fold reward], you may be able to increase its quantity or quality by a full 10,000 times!

Moreover, you may not need to pay any price on your side.

All he needs to do is implement his meticulous plan to perfection!

Think of this.

Xu Ran gave the order directly.


He glanced at the time.

At this time, the dark camp army had just left 300,000 people, and there were probably about 500,000 enemies in the city.

at the same time.

Standing on the high roof, Luo Duo was almost unable to control the forbidden spell he was guiding.

Once the forbidden spell carrying severe poison is spilled.

Perhaps the entire [Silver Fortress] will be filled with poison.

"The time is almost here."

"Do it!"

The moment Xu Ran just called to stop, the entire 200,000 epic-level guards rushed towards the city gate as if they had received the order.

In an instant.

The gap that was originally left was filled in perfectly.

An insurmountable "fortress" of the Forbidden Army appeared in front of the dark camp and Luo Duo.


"Sure enough, you are not trustworthy!"

Luo Duo looked a little impatient in his eyes.

There are less than a few minutes left before the forbidden spell guided in the sky goes out of control.

This damn eternal camp lord, from the beginning to now.

There was only a gap left.

Therefore, the speed of the dark camp's army leaving the city was greatly affected.

If the city gate is open.

Maybe you can evacuate in a few minutes.

But now a full half of them have disappeared, and only 300,000 members of the dark camp legion have passed.

It is enough to prove the shamelessness of this chosen man.

"So if he says stop now, he probably wants to temporarily increase the price."

Luo Duo secretly cursed, but on the surface he looked as if he was taking a breath of fresh air.

"Chosen one, what can I do?"

He turned to look at Xu Ran.

A stiff smile appeared on his face.

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