At this point.

He seemed to have known his situation.

Riding a tiger and unable to get off.

is the most appropriate adjective at present.

But as an old legendary strongman, he has lived more years than Xu Ran has eaten.

Therefore, his wisdom is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Almost in an instant.

He understood everything.

And he also came up with a relatively effective countermeasure.

"It's better not to ask for too much, otherwise you will be more passive if you attack from both inside and outside."

His subtext couldn't be clearer.

It's very simple.

The 300,000 troops outside the city, the 600,000 troops in the city, and the 500,000 troops that left in advance are actually not considered "external" forces.

The real internal and external pincer attack refers to the tens of millions of dark camp legions that feinted to attack [Winter City] and the defensive fortifications of this fortress with an epic template blueprint.

Of course.

This is what Luo Duo thought in his heart.

Although it was expressed through subtext.

But on the surface, the two sides have not completely torn their faces.

Luo Duo still kept smiling, ignoring his noble status as a legendary warrior.

His meaning was already quite clear.

Next, it depends on whether this adventurer called the Chosen One will stop when he sees the good.

While thinking.

Luo Duo turned his eyes to the direction of the city gate.


His smile froze on his face.

I saw that the 200,000 epic guards did not stop at all.

Not only did they not give up the city gate.

Instead, they suddenly attacked.

They took the lead in launching an offensive against his army.

"Sneak attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Everyone prepare for battle."

As the battle came suddenly, the remaining 600,000 dark camp troops also responded.

But they were still a step late.

It was just a moment.

Under the attack of the epic eternal guards, their number suddenly dropped by about 50,000.

Morale dropped a lot.


Xu Ran had no expression on his face, and coldly gave orders.

The orders he gave were simple.

As long as the millions of troops cooperated, he could block all the 550,000 dark camp troops in the [Silver Fortress].

Then welcome the forbidden spell released by their commander!

Not only that.

The part outside the city can't escape either!

While thinking.

Xu Ran, as the Lord of the Eternal Camp, issued a series of camp tasks.

The content.

It was related to the 300,000 enemies outside the city.

At this moment.

All the players who left their original camps and chose to follow Xu Ran's footsteps and join the Eternal Camp, all heard a series of prompts in their ears.

Brought them endless surprises.

[Tip: Your camp has issued a new camp task-Silver Fortress·Kill them all! Do you accept it? ]

[Tip: Your camp has issued a new camp task-Silver Fortress·Encircle and intercept! Do you accept it? 】

[Hint: Your faction has released a new faction mission - Silver Fortress · Clear out the remaining bandits! Do you accept it? 】

[Hint: After accepting the Silver Fortress series of faction missions, please go to the main city actually controlled by the Eternal Faction, and you can teleport to the destination for free through the teleportation array! 】

[Hint: Since this series of missions is difficult, once you complete the mission with a higher score, you will receive double rewards! 】


All the players with the words "Eternal Faction" on their heads became excited.


"Sure enough, the Eternal Faction has a lot of benefits, and there are faction missions again."

"Double mission rewards, why don't you start?"

"Teleportation array? I heard that the group of players who took the teleportation array were teleported to Winter City, and then trapped there and couldn't get out!"



Seeing this series of tasks, the other players all looked stunned.

Who would have expected it.

At this juncture, the chosen boss did not forget to issue them tasks.

Compared with the Bright Faction that always pretended to be dead, the two sides are simply not on the same level.

So many players have only one idea in their minds.

Then even if they are teleported to [Winter City], they must accept this series of tasks.

Because so far.

Xu Ran seems to have never suffered a loss.

Not to mention deliberately cheating ordinary players.


He has already joined the Eternal Camp, as long as he has no intention of betraying, he is considered one of us.

The Chosen One has no need to cheat the players of his own camp.

Thinking of this.

Countless players have made decisions.

Accept the task!

There are three types of tasks in this [Silver Fortress].

Among them, [Kill All] is to confront the 300,000 members of the Dark Camp Legion outside the city head-on, and it requires a terrible price.

And once you die, you can't join the battle again.

But there is one thing worth noting.

Although it seems that this task is extremely dangerous.

But in fact, there are a full 800,000 legendary third-level strongmen in front, and the probability of being killed in seconds should not be too high.

But many people are still speechless.

So far,

it seems that no one has seen the nurse army of the Chosen Boss.

This is all a team of knives. Who can bear the casualties?


Xu Ran also had this idea.

But for the current Eternal Camp, if the million-strong army is to allocate some quotas to nurses or auxiliary legions, the combat effectiveness will definitely not be as high as it is now.

He is thinking of letting players be workers.

The player's priest.

The role that can be played is even comparable to the violent weapon warrior legion.

Not only can it heal.

It can also deal extremely high damage.

So at present, he has no plans to recruit nurses or auxiliary legions.

After all.

There is a legendary legion in front.

The safety of the players should be able to be partially guaranteed.


The voucher for his reward this time is the task scoring method.

Even if you can't get a head.

But through the damage you deal or the buff you provide, as well as the damage you resist, you can get a corresponding score.

The reward will not be reduced by half a point.

What's more.

Although this series of tasks is very dangerous, the rewards are also extremely generous.

For current players.

It should be considered an unimaginably generous reward.

The second task [Encircle and intercept].

It requires players to form a defensive front or encirclement to prevent the remaining enemies from breaking out of the siege.

The third task [Clear the remaining bandits] requires players to chase and eliminate the last fleeing enemies.

These three tasks are a step-by-step process.

The smartest way to deal with it is to accept all of them.

As long as you participate in this battle, you can complete these three tasks.

Even if you are a hard-core player.

As long as you don’t die suddenly at the beginning, you can get a lot of benefits.

When you think of this.

The players became excited.

They didn’t hesitate.

They directly stepped onto the teleportation array to the mission location.

At the same time.

[Silver Fortress] was also full of killing.

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