Under the command of Xu Ran.

The remaining 550,000 or so dark camp troops, as well as the legendary strongman Luo Duo, were unknowingly blocked in this fortress with an epic template blueprint.

These are not the only things that are surprising.

Luo Duo originally thought that Xu Ran just wanted to increase the price temporarily and have a big mouth.

But I didn't expect it.

He actually played it for real.

And if you look outside the city, it is not difficult to find something that makes countless dark camp NPCs panic.

The 800,000 legendary army that was supposed to appear in the city actually surrounded the fortress into an iron barrel.

And the troops on his side.

At this time, it was dispersed into three parts, and its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

It's obvious.

In "Eternity".

If it is a large-scale battle, the number and size of the legion is a very important factor.

If it is an army of one million.

Divided into 10 parts, the effect of fighting the enemy is far from being comparable to that of a whole.

not to mention.

There is also a thick city wall that directly splits the battlefield into two parts.

No matter which part.

It seems that the dark camp is on the weak side.

"Despicable adventurer!"

Luo Duo was extremely anxious when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that.

This greedy and demanding adventurer could actually have such a plan.

Step by step.

Directly dragging the entire 1.5 million army into the bottomless abyss!

Not only that.

It seems that he also provided fuel to the flames.

Forbidden curse!

The forbidden curse hanging in the air is like a sword capable of destroying everything.

Maybe it wouldn't last more than a few minutes.

This forbidden curse will be released.

at this time.

Only the army of the dark camp is left in the [Silver Fortress].


All the NPCs who were originally in the city had their doors closed.

They are not even willing to provide a place to hide.

This way.

This part of the dark camp army located in the [Silver Fortress] is equivalent to facing the bombardment of the forbidden spell.

Maybe not much will survive at all!

"Damn it!"

"Prepare to defend in formation!"

Breaking through seems to have become a luxury.

Therefore, Luo Duo had no choice but to let his own army avoid the power of the forbidden curse first, and then see what to do next.

He was in a state of confusion at the moment.

It seemed like he could no longer hold the staff in his hand.

And the colorful clouds in the sky, which were filled with the breath of the poisonous law, were also teetering on the verge of falling.


"what's the situation?"

Following Luo Duo's instructions, the dark camp army looking for cover suddenly raised their heads and then touched their cheeks.

"looks like it's going to rain."

Raindrops hit the floor.

It fell on their faces, armor, weapons, and bodies...

Splashes of water burst out one after another.

A heavy downpour almost covered the entire fortress in a hurry.


It is also rising from this moment.

In the half-twilight of dawn, a rain curtain appeared in front of all the dark camp and the players watching the live broadcast.

"It's raining."

"Yes, it's raining."

"There seems to be something wrong with this rain."

"Isn't that true? Who has ever seen colorful rain?"

"I've seen it. Last time, an alchemist who played with poison would unleash this skill, but it wasn't so grand."

"This rain is poisonous!"


The one who left the last words was a player.

He has been staying near this [Silver Fortress] since the server was opened and the job transfer was completed.

As a life player.

He chose mining and blacksmithing as secondary professions.

It's obvious.

[Silver Fortress] is the most suitable area for this type of life player.

But just today.

A fighting swept through this usually quiet and peaceful fortress, and it also shocked him greatly.

But when others took the opportunity to run out of the fortress, he still stayed here.

Players who make the same choice.

There are probably hundreds more.

In the blink of an eye, the rain curtain blocked everyone's sight.

At the same time, it also brought about a tragic scene that no one expected.



With the raindrops hitting my face.

The cold feeling I imagined did not appear.

Instead, these players felt a warm feeling on their bodies and faces.

Feel it at first glance.

It seems a little comfortable.

But this feeling only lasted a moment.

The next second.

Maybe it didn't take a second.

Warm became scalding hot.


The burning meaning even penetrated into their bone marrow.


Ridden with toxins.

It seemed that in an instant, it burst out from the depths of their souls.


This torture only lasted a few seconds.


The terrifying toxins from the forbidden spell sent these players back to the resurrection point.

But the dark camp army is far from being so lucky.

In "Eternity".

Players have multiple attack modes.

For example, [Peace] mode.

In this state, players can only cause damage to monsters.

The skills released, even if they cover other players, cannot cause any damage.

There is also the [Free] mode.

This is what players often call [Open Red].

Once the [Free Mode] is turned on, the skills released will attack any life affected.

Of course.

Players who form a team or a hundred-man group with themselves can also be exempted from this part of the damage.

But if it is a guild.

It is easy to attack brothers in other teams or groups when the free mode is turned on.

So generally speaking.

If players fight in a group, they will turn on the alliance or guild (mercenary group) mode.

As the name suggests.

Once the alliance mode is turned on, it cannot cause damage to players and NPCs in the same camp or allied camp.

The same is true for the guild (mercenary group) mode.

It cannot cause any damage to players in the same guild or mercenary group.

These are all privileges of players.

NPCs are different.

Whether in the past life or this life, there are players who have studied some rules of combat.

They found that.

No matter what kind of NPC, they can't have multiple modes like players.

Of course, it can also be said that.

They only have one mode to choose.

That is free mode.

Once the skill is released, anyone who is affected will suffer.

Even if it is his biological father.

If he is cut on the arm by a sword, he will become Yang Guo.

Therefore, NPCs often adopt collective attacks in their fighting methods, and long-range units are basically not mixed with melee.

But as the poisonous rain brought by this forbidden spell fell.

Those NPCs who are also in the dark camp were all severely damaged.

But because they are all third-level strongmen.

Naturally, their blood volume is far more than that of players.

Therefore, even if they are hit by various poisonous negative states, they will not die for a while.


They also suffered more pain.

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