Just do it.

The moment this plan was proposed.

The main force of the dark camp, facing threats and impacts from countless players, all made their choices without exception.


Let’s break out first.

Luo Duo's revenge can only be avenged later!

There is another crucial factor in making this decision.

The reinforcements from the dark camp are about to arrive here.

They did not come from the direction of [Frozen City], but came from the direction of [Winter City], which is the core territory of the Frost Empire, in a large circle.

The stakes are high.

And the speed is as slow as an old cow.

Perhaps the entire army here has been destroyed, and reinforcements may not be able to arrive here.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

According to the fireworks signal transmitted from a distance, the dark camp on this side of the battlefield got bad news.

Behind the [Silver Fortress].

It was in that steep valley that a sudden snowstorm had arrived.

No matter in terms of scale or power, it is already impassable there.

So we can only take a detour.

That is to say.

The reinforcements from the dark camp may not be able to reach here for a while!

It is for this reason.

As a result, the remaining millions of dark camp troops on the battlefield all made the choice to break out.

Otherwise, wait for reinforcements to arrive.

They had already cooled down.


"Everyone, stay assembled!"

"Front row warriors charge!"

"All knights gather on the flanks and charge!"


As loud and shocking shouts rang out, countless dark camp armies all chose to break out at this moment.

They are well organized.

Like a sharp knife, it rushed towards the weakest part of the player group.


The long sound of the horn resounded throughout the battlefield.

Amidst the deafening footsteps, the dark camp army rushed forward without looking back.

It's just a face-to-face effort.

Countless players turned into white lights one after another and were sent back to the resurrection point!



Ten thousand!

One hundred thousand!

one million!


It almost took less than a minute.

The number of players responsible for the defense was directly slaughtered by more than one million.

And this also led to a result.

A huge gap.

A gap that could accommodate millions of dark camp troops to pass through appeared at the place where they started fighting.

"It's now!"


"Everyone unites and charges towards the Silver Fortress!"



As the shouts came one after another.

The breakout feast from the main force of the dark camp was quietly staged in front of everyone's eyes.

See this scene.

All players fell into a state of deep confusion.

"What's happening here?"

"Damn, what happened? Where are the NPCs from the dark camp?"

"Made, I tried my best to run in a big circle and was about to surround this group of people, but the enemy succeeded in breaking through?"

"By the way, are all those players trash?"

"That's right. You can hold on for a few minutes no matter what, but how come you were smashed to pieces by the other party?"

"A bunch of trash..."


After learning that the enemy had completed their breakout, all players became anxious.

Good guy.

Conservative estimate.

There are still about 6 million of this group of three-level peak NPC experts from the dark camp.

That’s it for the main city.

If it were to rush to the [Silver Fortress], wouldn't it be directly destroyed?

Others couldn't help but get angry when they thought about countless players being crushed and sent back to the resurrection point before they had a chance to resist.

What a waste.

Even if there are millions of pigs, it still takes a while, right?

Face other players' duties.

The players who were sent back to the resurrection point couldn't sit still.

"How can you blame us?"

"That's right, we don't seem to be very strong, and these millions of armies want to break out, how can we stop them with our heads?"

"Don't stand and talk without your back hurting, or will you come?"


Seeing this group of players who had been beaten to pieces, they were still quibbling and talking hard.

The other players all laughed in anger.

Who was pretending in the first place?

They wish they could say in front of Luo Er that they are all equal to the gods.

Now you start to say that your strength is not good enough?

The thought of this.

Other players also started to complain.

In an instant.

The entire area and camp channel became a mess.

A war of words has officially begun.

There are still some sane players among them, all of whom are frantically chasing the dark camp army.

These are military merit points and camp exclusive points.

Who is going to drop the ball at this time?

Don't think about getting rich.

Quarreling there?

Just a bunch of trash.

Just thinking about it.

A mission prompt sounded in the ears of all players.


Everyone fell silent.

What this means is very clear to them.


The faction mission issued by the chosen boss has been quietly lying in their task bar.

At this time, who is still bored enough to quarrel?

For a while.

Countless players retracted their eyes from the regional and faction channels, and then looked at the task panel.

Sure enough.

They were not wrong.

This is a faction mission issued by the chosen one, the leader of the faction, and the content is also very simple.

To sum up.

The content can be concise to only one word.


In front of the generous rewards.

These high-quality "leeks" have turned into the most loyal warriors and rushed to the rear of the enemy!

At the same time, they all cursed in their hearts, why did they quarrel?

The result was a missed opportunity.

Who would have thought.

Those players who did not quarrel were all "clear-headed" and had already run a long distance.


In this vast and magnificent battlefield, a famous scene that made countless people laugh and cry was staged.

The dark camp army, numbering about six million, all ran madly forward.

While running.

They also discarded their baggage, resources and other items.

Some even threw away a lot of dry food, leaving only one or two days of rations.

Looking around.

There were countless items and supplies along the way.

And in the back.

There was an even larger army of players.

Seeing the enemy discarding baggage, they immediately understood their idea.

Only by reducing the weight can the speed be squeezed out to the fullest.

They really want to run!

Seeing this.

Most of the players in front followed directly.

They ignored the resources, baggage and other items along the way.

Because someone in the front checked.

These things are plot props dropped by NPCs, and they are useless if they pick them up.


Maybe they can go to the Eternal Camp to exchange for part of the bounty.

But compared with the missions and rewards for killing enemies, these are just drizzle!

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