Therefore, the entire battlefield staged an extremely absurd scene.

Countless, like a tide, the dark camp army is running madly in the direction of [Silver Fortress].

As they ran, they threw away their armor.

And the scene behind him was even more outrageous.

The army of players, equally countless and even more majestic in scale, was roaring and following the breakout army of the dark camp.

They didn't even look at the baggage scattered along the way.

Like a pack of wolves.

A pack of wolves with the eternal camp symbol on their heads.

Staring at the prey, it runs away.

Even those catapults and other siege equipment that were worth tens of millions of gold coins were ignored.

These things cannot be moved without permission.

So they were left with just one idea.

That’s rushing!

that's all.

Tens of millions of players are desperately chasing the dark camp's breakout army.

As a result, the other party all fell into a state of irritability.

The ghost lingers.

Who would have thought that these adventurers who were usually worse than hot chicks, and whose strength was so low that they could easily be killed by themselves, would actually become their life-threatening talisman at this time.

But here we are.

They can't stay.

The just-completed breakout will be meaningless if these adventurers continue to stick to it.

that's all.

The two sides chased until halfway, and saw that they were less than a few miles away from the towering city wall of [Silver Fortress].

The top leaders of the dark camp, the main force, have to face the dilemma of making decisions.

Should we continue to rush towards [Silver Fortress], or should we break out in the opposite direction according to the original plan and take the risk directly from the other side of [Winter City] to evacuate this land of right and wrong?

Just thinking about it.

These high-level officials all looked toward the rear.

next moment.

They were all stunned, and even the pace of their attack slowed down a bit.

The countless players behind are nothing.


The route they originally planned was blocked by a larger army of players!

It's like knowing your plan in advance.

These players suddenly split into two parts, showing a state of disconnection, and then pursued themselves in a pincer-shaped lineup.

This way.

If the original plan is still followed, the dark camp army will inevitably collide with the opponent.

That is undoubtedly a failed breakout plan.

So the only remaining plan is to go to [Silver Fortress].

And the more so.

These armies of the dark camp became even more uneasy in their hearts.

They had a vague premonition.

Maybe all of this is part of the eternal camp's plan, and they are urging them to go to [Silver Fortress]!

So next.

The journey to [Silver Fortress] should be extremely risky.

Think of this.

Not only the senior leaders of the dark camp, but also the ordinary third-level NPCs are looking in the direction of [Silver Fortress].


Extremely weird!

Look around.

The entire [Silver Fortress] is in a strange state.

It's so quiet.

From their current location, it is only a few miles away from the [Silver Fortress].

According to common sense.

As long as there is fighting over there, there will inevitably be some movement.

But now it is as quiet as a towering tomb, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

But there is no way.

Facing the enemies in the rear and tens of millions of reinforcements from the Light camp who don't know when they will arrive.

They have to move forward.

And you have to use the fastest speed without any pause.

Think of this.

The army of the dark camp did not hesitate any longer.

They all burst out as fast as they could and headed towards the [Silver Fortress].

Of course.

Nor were they reckless.

On the way to the attack, they all held instant skills in their hands.

Obviously well prepared for battle.

Once an ambush enemy appears, he will not be forced to fight in a panic.

However, I saw this scene.

The players chasing behind were all confused.

"Brothers, something's not right!"

"Didn't Boss Tianxuan say that they would break out towards us?"

"That's why he asked you to chase and intercept him to prevent this from happening!"

"Stop talking nonsense. These three-level warriors are so fast. We can't catch up without working harder."

"Yeah, the policy of full reimbursement of medicines is really cool!"

"I drank four bottles of accelerating potions in a row, and the guild reimbursed them all..."

"The Chosen Boss is really awesome and awesome!"


Amidst the noise.

Countless players are taking drugs crazily, and these are subsidies provided by major guilds and forces.

The purpose is simple.

As long as you can catch up with the enemy, killing him will be a great pleasure.

Coupled with the temporary camp missions issued by the chosen ones, it is enough to provide a large number of camp-exclusive points and military merit points!

In comparison.

What do these potions count for?

Even if it is a loan, it must meet the needs of everyone!


The major forces are still a little depressed at this time.

The money they paid subsidized the cost of medicines, equipment maintenance, teleportation, etc., but these brothers under their command actually ignored the efforts of their own guild.

Instead, it was praising the generosity of the chosen one.

This can really piss people off.

From the beginning to now, apart from releasing a series of tasks, that guy has not paid a dime at all.

Many players even learned a shocking news from the NPC of the light camp in [Winter City].

All in the name of the light camp.

The rewards for the series of missions sent by the chosen ones will be provided by the light camp!

This kind of behavior of borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha and making profits for oneself makes many prostitutes inexplicably admire them.

While thinking about it.

The towering city wall ahead came into view.

【Silver Fortress】.


But in front of countless players, the armies of the dark camp stopped one after another.

Run until now.

None of them seemed to find any hindrance.

The people in the eternal camp seemed to have evaporated out of thin air and disappeared without a trace.

Outside the city wall of [Silver Fortress], only hundreds of thousands of dark camp troops were looking at this side.

If I read correctly.

These should be the elite troops used by Luo Duo to attack the [Silver Fortress].

Their strength is at the peak of the third rank.

Compared with their main army, their strength is even slightly stronger.

See here.

They completely believed the information delivered by Luo Duo.

According to this situation.

These hundreds of thousands of friendly troops should be on alert and preparing to meet the enemy.

It is also very possible that they are preparing for a last-ditch battle.

After all, if the original plan was followed, they should be part of the abandoned force.

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