In the fierce war between the two camps.

As the siege war continued, such as supply line blocking and various raids on logistics, these situations would happen almost every moment.

No exception.

Both camps used endless means.

They wanted to weaken the opponent's strength in various ways.


The siege equipment stored in the logistics base or in transit also suffered a catastrophe.

And in the dark camp's [Silent City] capture campaign, the siege equipment made by the dwarves became the eternal god in the eyes of all NPCs and players.

This battle.

As the siege party.

The dark camp invested a huge amount of troops.

Everything was to capture this magnificent city that runs through the light camp and the neutral chaos camp.

But no one expected.

Even with 15 times more troops than the defenders, the dark camp failed to make any key progress in this offensive and defensive battle.

Instead, their logistical bases and supply lines were all bombed by the Griffin Legion of the Light Camp.

Facing these extremely fast Griffin Knights.

Although the Wyverns of the Dark Camp had higher damage and were larger in size, they were far less agile than the Royal Griffins.

So they were always in a passive state.

They could only watch the other side's Royal Griffins launch a sneak attack on their siege equipment and then leave.

Almost overnight.

All the siege equipment deployed by the Dark Camp near [Silent City] suffered varying degrees of damage.

This seriously affected their military spirit and morale.

Even their commander once had the idea of ​​retreating.

But soon.

A good news came.

All the siege equipment made by the dwarves actually withstood these sneak attacks and attacks.

Not only did they function well, they also blocked a lot of damage for the defending soldiers.

In addition, the price of the siege equipment of the dwarves was the lowest.

Although the two sides were still in a stalemate afterwards.

But after this battle.

The siege equipment made by the dwarves has completely become the first choice of most legions in the dark camp.

On the contrary, the light camp still prefers the siege equipment made by the goblins.

After all, the siege equipment made by the dwarves.

While strong and durable, there is also a flaw.

Since the dwarves are not good at making items such as gunpowder and delicate parts, they generally make "brute force" siege equipment such as siege rams or ladders.


This leads to the siege equipment they make, which is often mediocre in power.

And it is different from the dwarves.

As the goblins have extremely high attainments in manufacturing and potion science, the siege equipment they make will definitely open the eyes of countless people.

Unlike the stereotyped rams, ladders, etc. of the dwarves.

The siege equipment of the goblins is dazzling in so many ways.

The reason is very simple.

With their unique attainments in potion science, the goblins have advantages over other races in developing gunpowder, magic potions, magic reactions, etc.

Like cannons.

Magic bombs.

Magic reaction catapults.

These siege machines of various shapes are all made by these little green-skinned guys.

Not only do they look extremely complicated.

Their functions are also extremely avant-garde and bold, with high innovation capabilities.

They even made an extremely crazy attempt at one time.

They combined gunpowder and magic potions.

Using the goblin clan's special exclusive technology, they tried to create a taboo ultimate killer.

Once released.

There is even a great possibility that it can cause a terrible power that is not inferior to the forbidden spell-level skills.

But it is regrettable.

In the previous life, it was not until the late stage of the game that the goblins worked hard to make similar siege machines.

But at that time, the goblin clan's territory had already shrunk by 90%.

In desperation.

They finally chose to join the light camp and were completely swallowed up by it.

And the name of that terrifying weapon.

If Xu Ran remembered correctly.

It corresponds to the [Magic Energy Destruction Cannon (Epic Rare)] that just appeared in his backpack!

The only difference.

Under the effect of the only eternal talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward], the quality of this item is not the epic level of the previous life.

But epic rare!

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran looked directly at the item.

He wanted to see.

This weapon, which is rumored to have the power of forbidden spell-level skills, what kind of terrifying effect is it!

[Magic Energy Destruction Cannon (Epic Rare)]

Type: Siege Equipment Arrangement Prop

Quality: Epic Rare

Requirement: None

Effect: After use, you can arrange an epic rare level magic energy storage destruction cannon, which can cause devastating blows to the enemy and hostile defense system (please check the details after completing the arrangement of this item).

Introduction: A secret weapon made by the goblins with great effort. It is currently in the experimental stage. Under the influence of mysterious power, its effect and quality have been further improved, and its instability has also increased. Please use it with caution!


See here.

Xu Ran was a little helpless.

If you want to check the specific attributes, you need to arrange the props well.

But it's not a big problem.

This kind of layout props can be reused.

It is different from other siege equipment.

Once used, it can be returned to the state where it was arranged as a prop.

Not only does it avoid the risk of damage.

Transportation is also extremely convenient.

After all, when the props are arranged, they can be put directly into the backpack.

While thinking about it.

He directly activated this layout prop.

next moment.

In the prompt tone, a depressing pressure suddenly emerged.

[Tip: The mana-charged destruction cannon (epic rare) is being deployed. Please reserve enough open space to complete the layout of this siege equipment! 】



With the landing of the ancient frost dragon.

In a cloud of smoke.

The sound of complex mechanical combinations quickly appeared, and the breath from the Law of Destruction suddenly surged in all directions.

In an instant.

All players were shocked by this scene.

Although the smoke has not dissipated yet.

But they can still see a general outline.


This can definitely be called a behemoth.

Follow the movement and look.

A majestic cannon towering into the sky is being rapidly assembled automatically.

This giant cannon has a very goblin clan design style.

It is different from the practices of humans and dwarves.

This giant cannon is inlaid with magic inscriptions that not only provide a stable effect, but attack magic inscriptions that increase its power and range.

The cannon body, which is completely black, is as terrifying as a spear that penetrates the sky.

Just at a glance.

It's enough to scare countless people.

Its specific power is self-evident.

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