But this is far from over.

With the appearance of this siege machine that made everyone feel a tremor in the depths of their souls, a breath that seemed to destroy everything began to brew.

[Prompt: The construction of the magic energy storage destruction cannon has been completed and is being charged. Please wait! ]

[Prompt: Magic energy storage destruction.......]

At the moment the prompt sounded.

The breath of the law of destruction suddenly emerged.

It created a sense of discomfort for everyone present.

The law of destruction.

Represents the annihilation and disappearance of everything.

It is enough to cause a great sense of oppression to all living beings.

Regardless of the state of life or death.

Even skeletons and ghosts have to be afraid when facing the law of destruction.

If they are hit by skills and attacks containing the breath of the law of destruction.

If there is no corresponding law of order to maintain, then there is only one fate waiting for them.


Of course.

Players can still be resurrected, which is not a big deal.

But NPCs are different.

When the magic energy cannon of destruction appeared, Luo Duo, a legendary warrior who was integrating the army on the city wall, felt the breath of destruction here.


His face changed drastically.

The breath of destruction?

And the siege equipment of the goblin clan?

It seems that the quality will definitely not be lower than the legendary level.

Even looking at this.

Such a strong breath of destruction.

Maybe this is an epic quality siege equipment!

What is the Eternal Camp going to do?

What is wrong with the Chosen One?

It has been agreed long ago.

Everything is a fake fight.

The siege is just another obscure way of protection.

Next, the Eternal Camp will feint to attack the [Silver Fortress].

So that the Light Camp cannot declare war at the same time.

Then the Dark Camp and the Eternal Camp will take the opportunity to mine, so as to realize the plan of making a fortune together.

But what is he doing with this thing now?

To take action?

Or to show his trump card?

Thinking of this, Luo Duo felt a little scared.

These two situations.

All of them made him feel cold sweat.

If it was the former.

There is no doubt.

The army of the Dark Camp, including himself, will be buried in this fortress.

What about the epic template blueprint?

Under the siege equipment of suspected epic quality, these walls of the same quality have no advantage at all.

And that is the law of destruction.

He dare not guarantee that the wall will remain intact under his attack.

And if it is the latter.

Then this chosen person is too terrifying.

In fact.

As a member of the Dark Camp.

A noble strongman who has obtained the legendary certification.

Luo Duo is not willing to be trapped here and let millions of troops work for the Eternal Camp.

Although he will follow the agreement made by both parties.

But if there is a chance.

He will still choose a more beneficial approach for himself.

And whether that will cause some adverse effects on the Eternal Camp and Xu Ran, he can't guarantee it.

But now.

Under the oppression of the breath of the Law of Destruction.

Let alone him.

Even the birds flying over the city wall were frightened and incontinent on the spot.

Not to mention the dark camp army that was still regrouping.

Almost at this moment.

The entire [Silver Fortress] fell into an absolute silence.

Seeing this.

Luo Duo couldn't help but sigh.

God knows how many cards this chosen person has.

But just this point.

It is enough to cause great deterrence to the dark camp.

The little thoughts that just emerged immediately disappeared in this moment.


I just hope that this chosen person will not unilaterally tear up the agreement and attack myself and this [Silver Fortress] like a catastrophic attack.

Like Luo Duo.

Seeing this scene, many players couldn't help but sweat.

Although they couldn't tell whether this terrible breath represented the ultimate power of destruction.

But they could know its terrible side in their own trembling.

At this time.

The magic energy destructive cannon was still charging.

But judging by the increasingly unstable elements around it, it was only one step away from being released.


Countless players clenched their fists, and their backs were covered with cold sweat.

"Brothers, how much damage do you think this cannon can deal?"

"I think it's at least more terrifying than many legendary strongmen!"

"Why deal damage? This is a siege weapon. You have to look at the destructive power and the damage to the durability. It probably won't be too outrageous to hit people."

"It's hard to say. I feel that we can't afford this thing at all."

"Do you think the Chosen One will take action at this moment and directly knock down the Silver Fortress?"

"Nonsense, if he wanted to fight, he would have done it a long time ago. I guess this should be a deterrent. After all, this thing should be very expensive, maybe it's a disposable prop."

"I just don't know if this siege weapon can retract the power. If it explodes, we're all doomed."

"Send! I almost forgot this!"


While talking.

Many players have realized a problem.

In "Eternity".

In addition to instant skills, many skills that need to be guided can be interrupted or canceled by themselves.

Just like Fireball, a skill of the magic profession.

During the guidance process, players can regret and cancel the skill chanting at any time.

But this is not without cost.

As the skill is chanted and guided.

Players often need to calm down the elemental breath that is brewing when they cancel the release of skills.

If you are not careful, you may pit yourself.

Of course, there are also bold lunatics.

Even take advantage of this.

They mainly fight in close combat, release elemental skills with explosive attributes, and then cancel the skills one second before they are released.

In this way.

The skill is canceled.

But its terrifying power is completely released around him.

While taking the enemy by surprise.

It also has the characteristics of condensing firepower.

But there is a fatal flaw.

This crazy attack method is extremely risky.

Often people and enemies will die together.

But many players still enjoy it.

Some people even often take pride in the suicide truck.

Please remember that no matter when and where you see the "suicide truck" trying to cancel the skill, please do not panic or rush.

Next, just wait for resurrection.

And this skill is the most common and the most powerful type, which corresponds to the charging skill.

It's obvious.

The skill released by the magic energy storage destruction cannon in front of you happens to be this way.

If I remember correctly.

Charging skills may be interrupted or canceled.

But the price to pay is definitely a height that all skills cannot reach in this life.

And as time goes by.

The charging of this siege machine has reached its peak.

The runes on its surface have been completely activated.

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