At this time, he and Luo Duo.

He is quietly nesting in a corner of the city wall.

A man and a woman who looked like they were discussing a series of secret matters.

But in fact.

The content of the discussion between the two parties was not trivial.

It has something to do with interests.

"As expected of you, you are so brave that I am impressed."

Under the cover of a blizzard.

Luo Duo ignored the negative state of continuous blood loss, and a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

Although this blizzard is a skill released by the ancient frost dragon.

In fact, it's not the same as before.

It does not fall into the category of forbidden curses.

Because of this skill, the damage will be determined based on the time of charging and chanting.

Therefore, the quality of skills will also start from the basic skills, all the way to the highest forbidden spell level skills.

In order to maintain the balance of the battlefield.

So this time Xu Ran did not let the ancient frost dragon take full action.

So the damage basically doesn't have much impact.

Almost like a normal snowstorm.

And heard Luo Duo's words.

Xu Ran didn't say anything more, but put forward his request.

And this requirement.

It even made Luo Duo dumbfounded.

"You have worked so hard to get here, and you have not hesitated to let your epic mount unleash a skill of this scale."

"Just so that I can deliver these mithril and associated ores to you as gifts?"

Luo Duo's whole body was numb.

In his world view, there is no set of concepts such as issuing invoices and following procedures.

But as a noble and legendary powerhouse of the dark camp.

Luo Duo just felt a little speechless about this.

It seems.

The supreme commander of this eternal camp is a person who is extremely good at planning everything.

Not only does everything have to be arranged in an orderly manner.

There are strict regulations and procedures for what has been agreed upon by both parties.

This is enough to prove the sincerity of the chosen one.

That's right.

While thinking about it.

Luo Duo couldn't help but take the initiative to figure out some reasons for Xu Ran, and was so moved that he burst into tears.


"In this way, numerical errors can be avoided."

"No one on either side will take advantage of the other, and it may seem a little more complicated, but in fact it greatly improves efficiency."

Even Rodo had to admit it.

Some of the decisions made by the supreme commander of the eternal camp are worthy of sincere admiration.

But in fact.

He was overthinking everything.

If there is no [10,000 times reward].

Xu Ran would never do this at all.

Just let the NPC under your command take away the agreed part.

But things are different now.

What he wanted from the beginning was not just the portion of mithril and associated minerals he received, but the reward after the quantity or quality was multiplied ten thousand times.

Based on past experience.

Under the influence of the only eternal talent [Ten Thousand Times Reward].

These mithril and associated minerals will directly trigger the special effects of the talent.

At that time, the value will directly increase ten thousand times!

And if you directly let your NPCs take away this part of the minerals, then the only eternal talent will not be triggered.

So Xu Ran had to go through it himself.

Otherwise, blood loss will inevitably occur.

Judging from the current situation, Xu Ran will never stay here to transport ore with his NPCs.

So he made this request.

The only purpose is to get these minerals into his hands as gifts.

This is equivalent to a reward.

Not only that.

After the NPC in charge of logistics and transportation transports these ore treasure boxes packed into boxes to [Ice City], he will then unpack them afterwards.

that time.

Under the special effect of [Ten Thousand Times Reward], he will definitely get an extremely considerable amount of resources.


As a result, he can rise directly and become the largest businessman in the mithril and rare ore market.


After a friendly and cordial meeting.

Xu Ran and Luo Duo, representing the dark camp and the eternal camp respectively, reached a follow-up agreement.

The millions of dark camp troops led by Luo Duo will secretly open up mithril and other rare associated mineral veins.

He will not leave [Silver Fortress] even half a step during the whole journey.

the rest of the way.

All mined mithril and rare ores will be escorted by Xu Ran.

to this end.

Both parties also signed a contract.

Once someone violates the contract, the penalty will take effect immediately.

So both of them felt extremely at ease.

There is a contract.

Not a big problem.

to this end.

Luo Duo even wrote the possibility of everything happening into the contract.

Such as sending out robbers, or pretending to have natural disasters such as extreme weather, etc...

This completely eliminates the possibility of Xu Ran indirectly snatching the remaining mithril and rare associated ores.


Xu Ran didn't intend to take advantage of others.

After all, these are not mithril and rare associated mineral veins obtained as gifts, and they cannot trigger the [10,000-fold reward] on his side.

In this case.

That's what drizzle is all about.

Soon after both parties signed the contract, the logistics and transportation NPCs from [Eternal City] and [Frozen City] also arrived nearby.

They all stayed in the valley behind [Silver Fortress], waiting for the mining to be completed.

And in order to protect these NPCs and the mines.

Xu Ran left all the assassin corps to them.

These epic rare quality strongmen, the number is as many as one million.

They all comprehended a trace of the law of time.

If you want to kill millions or even tens of millions of enemies, it may be an extremely difficult thing.

After all, the law of time and skills also have cooling time.

They cannot be used at will.

But if you want to delay time and take the opportunity to withdraw, there is absolutely no problem.

Even if the other party has tens of millions of troops.

It is not a big problem.

At the same time.

The 200,000 epic eternal guards and the remaining 800,000 legendary quality legions, as well as the legions that Xu Ran recruited in [Eternal City] that belong to the fiefdom.

All of them were left here by him to garrison.

The purpose is very simple.

The former is to prevent the dark camp army in the [Silver Fortress] from taking the opportunity to escape from here.

The latter will use its own status as a fiefdom legion, not belonging to the Eternal Camp, to be responsible for clearing the surrounding area.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be discovered by the scouts sent by the Light Camp.

And now the Eternal and Light Camps are in an alliance.

So only these private guards from his fiefdom can attack the scouts of the Light Camp.

And as long as no one is left alive.

No one knows about this.

While thinking.

Xu Ran looked into the distance.

During this period of time, the nearly 10 million reinforcements of the Dark Camp have been getting closer and closer to [Winter City].

Among them, the elite of the more than one million elites have exerted their speed to the extreme.

Judging from the trajectory of action.

The purpose of this more than one million elite legion is enough to be described as extremely clear.

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