They were heading straight to the central area of ​​the [Winter Wasteland] which was covered with frost all year round.

There was the location of [Winter City].

"The war is about to begin."

Xu Ran posted a message directly in the world channel.

The content was very simple.

It was related to the attack of the Dark Camp.

His purpose was also very simple.

He wanted to use the mouths of the players of the Light Camp to convey the news that the Dark Camp army was about to raid [Winter City] to the ears of the high-level leaders of the Light Camp.

He believed.

In front of the main city.

The Light Camp would inevitably fall into a dilemma.

The follow-up would inevitably unfold the next stage of the plot according to his plan.

However, the development of things made him a little confused.

Even a little ridiculous.

At the moment when he passed the message, the direction of things was as he expected, extremely normal.

Countless players saw that it was the world call of the Chosen Boss, and they immediately fell into a frenzy.

During this period of time, Xu Ran has gradually become a real camp commander in the hearts of countless players.

The weight of the words is simply beyond words.

After all, the high-level officials of the other two camps would not issue tasks to themselves so easily.

Nor would they be so generous.

Like many ordinary NPC tasks, they are often accompanied by great risks.

The benefits may not be as high as this side.

Of course.

They don't know that Xu Ran issued tasks in order to better extract part of the benefits, and most of them were generous to fill their own backpacks.

But even if they knew, it would be the same.

As long as there are benefits and rewards, who cares who pays for it?

So when this call just appeared, countless players were all boiling.

But surprisingly.

Even the players of the light camp far away in other areas did not go to report.

Instead, they all wanted to get a share of the pie.

The reason couldn't be simpler.

Who would sit and watch the rewards in front of them, but not be able to eat them?

It's like the appearance of the world boss.

Almost everyone wanted to grow two wings immediately and fly to the boss to output crazily.


That's how much benefit there is.

Many people thought of the previous experience of providing intelligence to the Light Camp, but being questioned by the other party as false intelligence.

If it weren't for a player with the lowest rank, the Light Camp would not have sent reinforcements until now.

And that player hasn't received any good rewards.

It is said that it is just a silver-level treasure chest.

So this time, no one did that kind of thankless task.

Seeing this.

Xu Ran couldn't help but be confused.

There is such a thing?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly curse the Light Camp.

Being overly cautious and stingy in such matters is definitely a manifestation of insanity.

But things have come to this point.

Things must proceed according to plan.

So he posted another call in the world channel.

The content made countless players dumbfounded.


"The Chosen Boss is really righteous. He actually asked the players of the Light Camp to report this matter!"

"Not only that, it seems that he is willing to pay for it. Although it will be paid in the form of task rewards afterwards, it is enough!"

"Brothers, let's go!"


Seeing Xu Ran's shout.

All the players couldn't help but show a look of shock.

How big is the crisis.

It actually made the Chosen Boss willing to provide rewards and let the leaders of the Light Camp know this information?

Almost instantly.

Everyone realized the special nature of this information.

Maybe this time.

The Light Camp should not be stingy.

Thinking of this.

The players who had previously reported the relevant information once again provided this news to the Light Camp.

As we all know.

People can't fall into the pit twice in a short period of time.

Those high-level people in the Light Camp are obviously not fools.

The moment they got this information, they mobilized a group of members of the Royal Griffin Knights from other main cities.

The number is about hundreds of thousands.

These knights riding the Royal Griffins were not the main force to stop the Dark Camp's millions of reinforcements.

Rather, they were scouts responsible for verifying the authenticity of the news.


These Royal Griffin Knights arrived at [Winter City] on the teleportation array.

Then they all quickly rose into the air.

With the advantage of vision brought by the height, they soon noticed the figures of the Dark Camp's army.

The news was accurate.

After verification, the top leaders of the Light Camp responded immediately.

But their style of doing things was really frustrating.

Although like the Dark Camp, the Light Camp also adopted a parliamentary system.

But their way of dealing with problems was extremely complicated.

For this intelligence.

They first convened a parliament to discuss, and only after discussing a specific plan could they decide whether to send troops and the scale of the army to be sent.

Not only that.

After getting a specific plan, they would also draw scattered legions in major main cities to gather them together.

This is when reinforcements are sent out in the true sense.

The efficiency of the whole process is as slow as an old dog.

However, this time.

The trajectory of the development of the situation is exactly as Xu Ran expected.

After learning that there are tens of millions of players in the Eternal Camp and 15 million players stationed in [Winter City].

Although most of the 15 million players have left the camp.

Currently, they are also people from the Eternal Camp.

But due to the alliance status.

The Light Camp immediately decided to let this group of players defend [Winter City].

Then they will slowly mobilize the major legions.

The reason is very simple.

Not long ago.

The battlefield situation on the [Silver Fortress] side attracted the attention of the Light Camp.

In their eyes.

[Silver Fortress] can also be said to be the mithril vein, which is what they care about most.

So before making this decision.

The Light Camp just passed a plan.

That is to summon a large army to rush to the siege of [Silver Fortress].

And because the expansion pack has just been launched not long ago.

The faction war has not yet started in full swing, so the deployment of troops of the two factions is extremely scattered.

So at present.

They do not have extra troops to defend [Winter City] in a short period of time.


These tens of millions of players are their only choice at this stage.


About a few minutes later.

The areas near [Winter City] and [Silver Fortress] sounded regional announcements issued by the Light Faction.

[Regional Announcement (Winter City): Since reinforcements from the Dark Faction will arrive in Winter City soon, all adventurers in the nearby areas can unlock the commission of the Light Faction and go to Winter City to defend against the army from the Dark Faction! ]

[Regional Announcement (Silver Fortress): Since reinforcements from the Dark Faction will...]


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