Except for the different corresponding areas, the content of the two regional announcements is almost identical.

And at the moment when the regional announcement sounded.

Whether it is the small group of players who have not yet left the light camp, or the vast majority of people who have joined the embrace of the eternal camp, there is an additional commission task to be activated in the task bar at this time.

The task content is very simple.

At the same time, it is also very clear.

Go to [Winter City] and be responsible for the defense of this main city.

Perhaps it is because the number of enemies is really too terrifying.

This time the task reward has been raised to the highest level.

Not only that.

Because this is a cross-camp commission task.

The completion rewards can all be converted into the exclusive points and general military merit points, merit points, etc. of the player's corresponding camp.

In addition, there is news that there are tens of millions of dark camp troops.

At this moment.

All the players who received the task were boiling.

Thinking of Xu Ran's previous shouting in the world channel.

Their eyes couldn't help but moisten a little.

"So touching!"

"It turns out that Boss Tianxuan did all this for our brothers in the Eternal Camp!"

"Wow, wow, wow, I will be a dog for Boss Tianxuan for the rest of my life."

"At this time, Brother Tianxuan is still thinking about me, he must have me in his heart!"

"Get lost, gays!"

"Brothers, there is a teleportation array here, charge!"

"Charge, charge, charge!"


While shouting.

These tens of millions of players who were besieging [Silver Fortress] or were at a loss in the chaos seemed to have found the dawn of life.

They all stepped onto the teleportation array without hesitation.

Then they appeared in [Winter City].

Of course.

This is only part of it.

Due to the limited number of places in the teleportation array, more than half of the players gave up queuing.

[Winter City] is not far from [Silver Fortress], and it should be in time to run there.

So they didn't say any nonsense.

All of them ran straight to [Winter City].

Players with mounts and knights rushed to the front.

Grab the chance.

Otherwise, what's the difference between you and trash?

When they thought of what the chosen boss had done.

Tears welled up in the eyes of these players.

Although the chosen boss ate most of the meat, he never forgot everyone.

He really implemented the principle of not forgetting each other when you are rich.

He deserves the respect of all players.

At this moment.

All the players expressed their high respect to Xu Ran in the world channel.

Then they ran towards the direction of [Winter City].

It seems that in the battlefield in front of the towering main city in the distance, there is something they value most.

At the same time.

The 6 million troops under Xu Ran's command, which set out in advance, are about to arrive at [Winter City].

Among them, the assassin corps and the one million troops initially recruited are responsible for protecting the logistics and transportation NPC team and controlling the balance of the battle in [Silver Fortress].

So they still stay here.

And these six million troops did not appear in everyone's sight at the first time.

They used the terrain and the surrounding environment to cover up and ambushed.

And because their level and quality, as well as the number of job transfers, were ridiculously high.

So as long as they did not reach the peak of the third job transfer, those players who came here would not be able to find these six million troops.

After doing all this.

Xu Ran looked at the dark camp reinforcements in the distance.

As time passed by.

These tens of millions of troops were approaching [Winter City] at a terrifying speed.

His guess was indeed correct.

The dark camp army's style of action was exactly the same as in the previous life.

Encircling a point and attacking reinforcements, making a feint to the east and attacking in the west.

It was a common tactic used by the other side.

If it was placed in the previous life, or in front of other players and forces, it might really play an extremely terrible role.

But in front of Xu Ran, everything was doomed to be in vain.

"Let's go too."

Without any hesitation, Xu Ran rode the ancient ghost dragon and left [Silver Fortress].

Under the cover of the blizzard.

His departure was silent.

Perhaps in the following period of time, including Luo Duo and all NPCs and players, they will mistakenly believe that he is still staying near the [Silver Fortress].

And try to seize this main city.


The whistling wind is always lingering in the ears.

The ancient ghost dragon waved its wings that covered the sky and the sun, and now it has climbed to a height of 10,000 meters.

If someone looked up at the sky from the ground at this time.

Maybe they can't see the figure of the ancient ghost dragon at all.

There may only be an extremely tiny black dot like a needle tip.

Even if they see it.

They will think it is their own illusion.

Such a terrifying height also caused the temperature to drop sharply, even to below freezing.

The ice chips in the air are like sharp blades, constantly cutting Xu Ran's body, but they can't pose any threat to his life.

Xu Ran doesn't care at all.

The reason is very simple.

He has the favor of the Frost Goddess, and this buff has been with him since the beginning of the server.

Under the favor of the Frost God, the owner will ignore the negative effects of cold (slowness, freezing, etc.).

At the same time, he will also gain a continuous magic value recovery effect. The colder the environment, the faster the magic value recovery speed.

This allows Xu Ran to be in such a cold environment.

Not only is he not affected, but he is more comfortable than normal.

Not only that.

Because he also has extremely terrible magic resistance and corresponding defense.

Even the injury-free rate is beyond the reach of countless people.

So these ice chips like sharp ice blades can't cause any substantial damage to him from beginning to end.

It's even a bit like a state of not getting a single leaf on his body.

And as time goes by.

Xu Ran passes through one familiar and unfamiliar territory after another along the way.

These areas.

He has set foot in his previous life.

He even knows where the treasure chests and BOSS are hidden, and how to obtain tasks.

But for him.

The most important thing now is not these things.

Otherwise, he may not be able to clear those tasks even if he spends several years.

After all, this is something prepared for all players.

Just one person?

I am afraid that he will not be able to collect all of them in his lifetime.

In addition, as his own strength continues to improve, Xu Ran's vision is a bit too high.

Ordinary rewards are just a drizzle.

And it is a waste of time.

Even if it can trigger the [10,000 times reward], it is not as good as a higher quality reward.

Just thinking about it.

The prompt sound kept ringing in his ears.

A series of familiar place names appeared in his ears one after another.

[Hint: You found the Soul Burial Hill! ]

[Hint: You found the Scorching City! ]


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