There is only one method left that can be used.

That is like Xu Ran.

Use disguise to invade here.

Then, without anyone noticing, he deceived the guards of the Elf City and the ancient tree's questions and answers, thus appearing where he is now.

This looks like it.

It seems quite ridiculous.

But in comparison, it's quite acceptable.

After all, although the guards of the Elf City are difficult to deceive, if they use props like [Spark Grass] like Xu Ran, they will lose their money severely.

That's not a big problem.

What really needs attention is actually the ancient tree Q\u0026A.

That's right.

Ancient Tree Questions and Answers.

As the name suggests.

All creatures that enter this elven city, including members of the elven clan who come and go all day long.

Even powerful people like the Elf Queen, Valkyrie, etc.

If you want to appear in this elven city, you must sincerely answer the ancient tree's question the moment you enter the city gate.

And it's like a life with evil intentions.

When faced with the problem of ancient trees, they often automatically reveal their true inner thoughts.

And maybe it's alarmism.

It could also be that three people become a tiger.

According to rumors.

When the creature that opens the ancient tree question and answer really feels a little fishy in its heart.

This ancient tree, known as the Tree of Life, will ask the question that it least wants to be asked.

And under the influence of its mysterious power.

No matter who it is, they will answer with utmost sincerity.

Even if the truth is extremely cruel.

Of course.

As long as all problems exist, there will be corresponding solutions.

Although Xu Ran has never heard of it, how to decipher this ancient tree question and answer.

But he had already made sufficient plans.

At the very beginning.

Xu Ran didn't intend to answer this question himself, but wanted to use a tricky way to try to deceive the ancient tree.

Because the Tree of Life is actually a subcategory cultivated from the rumored branches of the World Tree.

But even so.

Once allowed to grow.

The Tree of Life can also tower into the clouds, and possesses terrifying strength that is the envy and extreme of countless creatures.

And even if Xu Ran didn't know what method the twelve-winged fallen angel used to deceive the ancient tree problem.

But he understood one thing very well.

So far.

The other party never moved an inch.

So maybe we encountered an unsolvable crisis, or maybe we were trapped in a corner.


"The Palace of Winds?"

The thought of this.

Xu Ran's eyes couldn't help but light up.

If I remember correctly.

The location of the twelve-winged fallen angel should now be clear.

It is the rumored Palace of Winds!

The reason why Xu Ran confirmed this guess now was because he recalled some complaints about being trapped in his previous life.

The past life was in the game forum.

Players often complain about some game mechanics.

By chance.

Xu Ran found a strange post.

Also complaining.

But it seemed like the other party was telling an insignificant matter.

This made him a little confused.

Could it be that.

Is this a businessman who pretends to be confused and then actually sells guides?

Later, the truth was told to Xu Ran.

He guessed correctly.

This is really a game shady businessman selling intelligence and strategies.

And he is also an unscrupulous second-hand dealer.

The so-called second-hand dealer.

It's actually a weird name that came later.

Those game dealers who are called second-hand dealers not only purchase various second-hand equipment, props, information and other items.

Then sell it to buyers in need at a high price.

In the end, the money and goods were cleared, and success was achieved.

As for whether it is useful.

Or maybe nothing will go wrong.

Most people can accept it.

Therefore, as soon as these second-hand dealers appeared, they were sought after by many players.

There were even many people who came to pick up various things they needed.

It is also euphemistically called "shopping on Taobao".

While thinking about it.

Xu Ran began to sort out the clues here.

First, some information about the Elf Forest.

This is now extremely skillful.

Xu Ran wouldn't worry about any problems at all, after all, he had already remembered all this.

Once the other party plays tricks.

There will definitely be no good fruit to be eaten.

Next are some special situations in the Palace of Winds.

These are all dry goods.

Xu Ran also remembered it very clearly because of this.

In the city of elves.

As a main city built rationally by many branches of the elven clan.

Not only did countless tribesmen sacrifice their lives and blood, but there were also some things that were helpful to various branches.

Such as the Temple of Fire.

Often it will be of great help to the Burning Elf clan.

Of course.

When this temple was originally built.

The blood and sweat put in by these members of the Burning Elf clan far exceeds that of other branches.

And like the wind elves clan.

The corresponding palace is the Palace of Winds in the southeast direction.

Based on what happened in the previous life, players who later chose elves as their race had a difficult time sorting it out.

They also discovered some secrets in the Palace of Winds.

In this hall full of the breath of wind, there is actually a wind tunnel.

As long as you take off.

Then find the right angle, you can shuttle through the wind tunnel and appear in an area that makes countless players extremely excited.

That is the Moon Well.


When Xu Ran confirmed that it was the Wind Hall, he secretly said that it was not good.

The wind tunnel that can reach the Moon Well.

It is definitely what the twelve-winged fallen angel wants to find.

Although according to the description of the few elf players, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that

To find the wind tunnel.

Not only does it require repetition and experimentation, but it also requires enough terrible luck.

If you are unlucky.

Maybe you may not make any substantial progress in your lifetime.

The most important point.

At present.

The twelve-winged fallen angel who has the [Book of Contract] as a bond with herself is now trying hard to find the wind tunnel.

No one knows how long it will take her to complete this goal in her heart.

But no one dares to bet.

Bet on when this moment will appear.

Maybe the next second.

The other party has found it.

It is not impossible.

So it must be fast.

It must act as soon as possible.

It must arrive at the [Moon Well] before the twelve-winged fallen angel finds the wind channel or succeeds.

As long as he finds the rumored [Moon Well], he will meet all the conditions.

He only needs to find and take away the World Tree sapling hidden in the well water at the most appropriate time.

Then it will be done.

As for the process?

Like the recognition of the Valkyrie, and the identity verification problem of entering it.

He has already made sufficient plans.

Coupled with the terrifying effect brought by [Starfire Grass], the perfect disguise is enough for him to freely enter and leave the [Moon Well], the forbidden place of the elves.

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