Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 248: Conclusions drawn from reverse thinking

"very good."

"Then, we must find a way to be one step ahead of the twelve-winged fallen angels."

"Find the Moon Well in advance!"

While thinking about it.

Xu Ran transformed into the slender and charming figure of Willis, just like the same afterimage passing through the forest of elves.

As the surrounding scenery continues to recede.

The distance between him and the Elf City is now getting closer and closer.

It seems.

It doesn't seem like it will take long.

He was about to arrive at the only main city of the elves.

And along the way.

He must use this time to think of a way to reach [Moon Well] as soon as possible.

So I was running.

In front of Xu Ran's eyes, some clues and player posts from his past life gradually emerged.

According to the records of previous lives.

【Moon Well】.

It is actually a very special kind of building.

Originally a special building of the night elves, it not only symbolizes the endless glory and power of the Dark Goddess, but also represents the pure and sincere heart of the night elves.

But later the world tree died.

The races whose source of power came from the World Tree all became old dogs in panic at this moment.

Among them are the elves who were originally scattered throughout the eternal world.

And it also represents race.

With the demise of the World Tree, all elves are aware of the impending danger.

For survival.

The same is also to be able to preserve strength.

So regardless of whether they had any disputes or fights, at this time, as long as they were members of the elves, they were all together.

Then they rushed into this vast forest of elves.

the reason is simple.

They found out.

In addition to the World Tree that can give all the power to the elves, the [Moon Well] hidden in this area can also provide some power.

Although not as good as in its heyday, the elves became the overlords of the entire world.

But now they rely on the [Moon Well], and they are still a force that all races cannot provoke.

no way.

The attack and killing methods left over from the past of the elves and the terrifying strength they have accumulated due to their long lifespan all bring an endless sense of despair to people.

That's why.

Many players have become interested in the [Moon Well] of the elves.

They agreed.

Buildings or other things like this that can provide a source of power must not be too far away from all the people.

Just like many people use wifi.

I want a good signal.

Then it must be closer to the wifi router.

So with that.

Many players believe that all [Moon Wells] that are far away from the habitats of members of the elven clan are false disguises.

And the real [Moon Well] is definitely hidden in the Elf City in an extremely perfect way.

After all, it is too important to the elves!

So important that it cannot be replaced.

Important enough for countless elves to sacrifice their lives for.

Because that represents their strength.

It also represents the life and death of a race.

While thinking about it.

Xu Ran looked at the map.

As his footsteps never stopped, all the scenes around him also changed.


The giant trees that blocked the sky and the sun began to gradually become sparse.

And there are more and more traces of the activities of the elves.

A series of small roads.

They all appeared in front of Xu Ran's eyes.

Pass the street sign.

He determined the specific direction of the Elf City.

Just follow the road ahead and keep going for about ten minutes to get there.

See here.

Xu Ran continued to move forward.

Along the way he met some members of the elven clan who were responsible for guarding and patrolling.

have to say.

As the elves known as the most beautiful race, they are absolutely impeccable in appearance.

The elves corresponding to different branches carry different weapons and styles.

For example, the Burning Elves mainly focus on fire magic.

And the words of the Wind Elf.

They often have extremely high attainments in archery.

Among them there are some strong men wearing exquisite equipment, whose temperament and strength are far beyond ordinary people.

But it’s also these gorgeous faces.

The moment they saw Xu Ran appear, they all lowered their cold heads.

Bow politely and sensibly.

And gave way to the road.

See this scene.

Although Xu Ran was extremely shocked and shocked.

He didn't think about it either.

The Valkyrie, who had been sleeping and practicing, was actually recognized by all the members of the Elf clan.

It's unbelievable.

But then I thought about it.

Everything is perfectly normal again.

Not the same as humans.

The elves have a relatively strict bloodline hierarchy.

Although not as extreme as the dragon clan, the hierarchy is strict and clear.

But they are also divided into low elves and high elves, as well as king blood elves and so on.

Not only that.

The way they identify themselves is also very simple.

It is usually identified through blood and breath.

If the other party's bloodline exceeds your own, and the strength is also quite terrifying, then you have to be a junior and do whatever you want when necessary.

If the bloodline and strength are equal to yours, then both parties can just greet each other politely.

If your own bloodline exceeds the other party.

At the same time, your strength is also quite good.

Then you can ignore the other party and enjoy some benefits brought by bloodline and strength.

But in the final analysis, this is a matter of courtesy.

Killing each other.

It is strictly prohibited in the elves.

So if someone does not follow this rule, it will be determined whether to impose punishment according to the specific situation.

And it depends on the situation.

The members of the guards who impose punishments are also elves with quite terrifying strength.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran nodded.

According to the behavior and practices of these elf members along the way, he couldn't help but think of the unique analysis of a player in his previous life.

The other party is a member of the elf.

But his status is average.

So he is usually quite distressed about these things.

This player originally planned to study the travel habits of the elf strongmen, at least to avoid nodding and bowing like a sand sculpture.

And after a period of observation.

This player has made a new discovery.

In addition to those powerful elves with high strength and status, the strength of the guards is also quite terrifying.

But what is surprising is that.

These guards seem to be a little different from other elf NPCs.

They don't have extremely high talents.

They even look young.

But their strength is enough to be described as terrifying.

This conclusion.

As soon as the player got it, she couldn't help but think of the rumors about the [Moon Well].


The closer you are to the [Moon Well], you will get more power from it.

So your own strength will also increase very quickly.

Through reverse thinking.

This player also came to a conclusion.

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