"By the way, have you seen enough?"

"If you want to live broadcast, you can go to another place to live broadcast later."

"I'm leaving."

What Xu Ran wanted to say was that he had no objection to live broadcast or even live broadcasting what he was doing.

But now the actions of this elf girl have affected his next plan.

Seeing that the situation of the elves is becoming more and more pessimistic.

When Xu Ran first obtained the seedling of the world tree, he had already regarded all the elves as one of his subordinates.

The same is true for the tens of millions of elite troops of the dark camp led by the twelve-winged fallen angel.

With the entry into force of the Book of Contract.

The twelve-winged fallen angel and his army will also become Xu Ran's followers.

Of course.

Xu Ran can choose to let these twelve-winged fallen angels' army still maintain their original affiliation on the surface.

Just obey all his instructions in secret.

In this way.

Not only can some troubles be avoided, but it can also be used as one of his trump cards.

Maybe in some cases, it can play a crucial role!

And at present,

In addition to the 3 million wind elves led by the Queen of Wind Elves, the 20 million troops fighting are actually members of Xu Ran.

Since they are all his own people.

Then in this case.

Killing each other is really not worth it.

After all, under normal circumstances, NPCs cannot be resurrected.

Even if Xu Ran has props and equipment that can transform corpses into dead servants, his strength will be greatly reduced.

And now the World Tree seedling is in hand.

The next thing he has to do is to stop this war.

By the way, recruit the elves to his own command.

This is the top priority.

And because this elf girl player is still in a daze at her resurrection point.

Although every minute and every second, some gold coins are provided.

Under the effect of the only eternal talent [10,000 times reward], the amount of gold coins is not small.

But in any case, it cannot be compared with the next plan.


Faced with this situation, Xu Ran directly issued an order to expel them.


Something he didn't expect happened.

He originally thought that after hearing this, the elven girl player would leave obediently.

But he didn't expect that.

When the elven girl heard this, an anxious look suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

"It's already so late, and you still want to leave."

"What about the twelve-winged fallen angel? Do you also think that this is an unchangeable plot, so you give up, big brother?"

Hearing this.

Xu Ran was also confused at this time.

What twelve-winged fallen angel?

What unchangeable plot?

What should I give up?

The words of the elven girl made Xu Ran a little confused.

He couldn't figure out what the plot in the other party's words was.

At this time.

Players were also extremely anxious to leave messages in the live broadcast room, and some people even began to remind Xu Ran of relevant information through shouting in the world channel.

"Listen to me, Boss Tianxuan. This is the 12-winged fallen angel. Put the World Tree in your backpack. It may not explode after being killed!"

"Yes, this is the only way to change the plot!"

"By the way, Boss Tianxuan, you can also let your Valkyrie pet take action and give yourself a chance to run away!"

"Don't be dazed. The Eternal Camp needs this group of elves!"

"Hahaha, you are so anxious. Is this for the camp? I think you are coveting the beauty of these elves!"

"Don't say it. We are all part of the camp and are loyal to the camp..."


Under the "reminder" of the players, Xu Ran finally understood what they meant.


Everyone misunderstood.

Misunderstanding the 12-winged fallen angel will snatch the World Tree seedling next.

At the same time, they also misunderstood themselves and didn't know the identity of this fallen angel.

But this is also a good thing.

Xu Ran was still counting on the twelve-winged fallen angel to use his outstanding status in the dark camp to allow him to trade and get more rewards with [10,000 times reward].

If everyone misunderstood.

He would rather continue,

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran calmly conveyed his thoughts to the fallen angel, and made relevant instructions.

He looked like he had listened to the players' suggestions.

He directly let the Valkyrie attack and hastily attacked the twelve-winged fallen angel.

He caught her off guard.

At the same time.

The magnificent figure of the ancient ghost dragon was also summoned from the mount space by him.


As a loud and oppressive dragon roar spread, he jumped directly onto the broad back of the ancient ghost dragon.


Without any hesitation, Xu Ran directly issued an order to retreat.

As the wind howled.

The ancient ghost dragon spread its wings to cover the sky and turned into a shadow and flew away into the distance.

It only took a blink of an eye.

The ancient ghost dragon and Xu Ran, as well as the seemingly fragile World Tree seedling in his hand, all disappeared from the players' sight.


"Did he really just listen to our advice and escape?"

"What kind of speed is this? How can it be so fast?"

"I am in tears. The chosen one actually listened to my advice and executed it all so well."

"In this situation, running away seems to be the best choice."


Seeing this scene.

All the players were stunned.

Things were developing too fast.

It was so fast that before they could react, everything ended in a hurry?


It's not over yet.

With the disappearance of Xu Ran.

The carrying capacity brought by the World Tree seedling above the clouds also disappeared instantly at this moment.

The twelve-winged fallen angels and Valkyries in the air before, as well as the elf girl player who was responsible for providing real-time images to all players, also fell downwards at this moment.

It seemed that there were only a few seconds left before she was smashed into a pulp.

However, at this moment.

The fallen angel immediately waved her twelve flawless black wings, and also flew away at a very fast speed.

It was the direction where Xu Ran disappeared.

"She chased after him!"

"The Chosen One is in danger!"

"By the way, what about the battle below?"

"Wouldn't the Valkyrie be the only one in power?"

"It seems to be true!"

"No, look at those dark camp legions!"


During the time when the elf girl was falling in free fall, many players still had the leisure to check the situation below.

They found.

It seemed that the fallen angel had issued some kind of order.

As a result, the dark camp army, which was originally fighting hard and suppressing the elf army to retreat, actually slowed down its offensive at this time.

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