Seeing this situation.

The elf girl who is still falling can't help but feel a little surprised.

It seems.

These elite enemies from the dark camp are going to evacuate here.

This is definitely the best thing for the elves.

Thinking of this.

Even if she has to die again next.

This elf girl player is not so sad.

After all, if the elves can be preserved, it is definitely good news for her.

Otherwise, she can't take the task.

Now I just hope that the chosen boss can be more powerful.

Run a little faster.

Don't be caught up by that damn twelve-winged fallen angel.

Then she can be with the elves and follow the eternal camp from now on.

Thinking about it this way, it's not bad.

So the chosen boss must run faster!

While the girl was thinking about this, the players also noticed this scene through the exciting picture like a bungee jump.

For a while.

Whether in the live broadcast room or the world channel, there were extremely heated discussions.

"Speaking of which, why are these dark camp armies retreating?"

"Nonsense, the twelve-winged fallen angels are already on their way to pursue the Chosen One, and the army of the light camp is expected to arrive here soon. If we don't retreat, we will be killed by the light camp and the elves?"

"That's right, there is no oil and water here, why not retreat?"

"Speaking of which, in this case, the dark camp is too shameless, destroying other people's homes and trying to rob the world tree?"

"Haha, we in the dark camp should do whatever it takes. This time I support my wife, the twelve-winged fallen angel, and she did a great job!"


Witnessed this scene with my own eyes.

Many players understood the reason for the dark camp's retreat.

Among them, the morale of the dark camp players was greatly boosted.

Although the army representing their own camp has already shown a trend of evacuating here.

But they still feel that it is a good profit.

Some even thought that the World Tree seedling was about to become the possession of the Dark Camp.

After all, that was the Twelve-winged Fallen Angel.

Although the Chosen One was terrifying enough and had a high reputation among the players.

But players were still players after all.

In front of a true powerhouse like the Twelve-winged Fallen Angel, they could only face a helpless ending.

Coupled with the Twelve-winged Fallen Angel's beautiful appearance, his popularity among the player community soared.

Some even set up a fan club.

In the world channel and the live broadcast room, they kept brushing and cheering, and they must snatch the World Tree seedling back.

In that case.

The elf girls will also become part of the Dark Camp.

For these players, it is simply the rhythm of their lives that are about to reach the peak.

In addition.

Other players are condemning this behavior.

But at the same time.

They nodded secretly in their hearts.

That's right.

But if it were me, I'm afraid I would have to make the same choice as the Twelve-winged Fallen Angel.

After all, this is the only way to avoid more casualties.

And they can also get more benefits.

So no matter who they are, they all think that the retreat of the dark camp army is definitely a wise choice.

As for those wind elves, what are they?

Some people admire the dark camp's unscrupulous means.

Some people sympathize with the tragic experience of the beautiful elves.

Some people admire the chosen one who snatched the world tree seedlings from under the noses of the twelve-winged fallen angels.

But no one has any good impression of the traitors of the wind elves.

After all, being a traitor is the most hated identity.

Even if the wind elves also have a flawless figure and appearance, they have no advantage in front of the twelve-winged fallen angels and other elf NPCs.

On the contrary, all players are eager for these wind elves to die quickly.


In the process of the elf girl player falling from the clouds.

Some players, although they want the twelve-winged fallen angels to snatch the world tree seedlings.

Some players, such as those in the eternal camp, want Xu Ran to escape successfully.

Thus, the elves can become part of the eternal camp.

What's more.

Maybe they can also get some benefits from the World Tree Seedling.

Let's not talk about anything else.

It is estimated that some extremely powerful buffs can be automatically obtained by approaching.

And some players in the light camp have already laid down.

The World Tree Seedling is no longer a possibility.

The reaction of this group of NPCs in the light camp is too slow.

But if the elves can be successfully incorporated, it will be a good result.

Of course.

Even with this result, the hope is estimated to be quite slim.

Although the players have their own differences, there is one thing that they have maintained a high degree of unity of opinion.

That is, any result can be accepted.

But the group of idiots of the Wind Elves must be killed.

In addition.

That elf girl player is really miserable.

She died twice in a very short time.

Thinking of this.

Many players looked at the rapidly falling live screen and comforted the elf girl player.

But at this moment.

Suddenly all the players were stunned.

In the falling screen, a beautiful and flawless face appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment.

Countless players forgot the previous force field.

Their minds were blank.

In the dark night, the falling screen made countless players feel as if they were there.

This terrible sense of substitution made their palms and backs sweat.

But at this moment.

A beautiful scene appeared.

The beautiful Valkyrie appeared in front of everyone with a cold expression.

Then she stretched out her hand and grabbed the elf girl's neck.

Just like lifting a chick.

In mid-air, the Valkyrie directly lifted up the falling body of the elf girl.

Then she walked in the air.

In the whistling wind.

Valkyrie Velis and the elven girl player landed steadily on the ground together.

And because the girl's live broadcast was from the first perspective.

So the screen in the live broadcast room always stayed on the breathtakingly beautiful face of the Valkyrie.

At this moment.

All the players felt that they were in love.

As for the twelve-winged fallen angels and the beautiful NPCs of the elves, they were all forgotten by the players.

After all, in the immersive picture, nothing is more exciting than the beautiful NPC saving oneself.

And most of the players who fell into it are girls.

In their hearts, the Valkyrie has become the most exciting figure.

There are even many girl players in other main cities who left their original camps on the spot.

Then there was no hesitation.

This part of the players directly joined the Eternal Camp and became a member of Xu Ran's command.

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