"How could this happen? How did this guy become so powerful in such a short time?!"

Liu Xuan's pupils shrank, revealing a look of horror.

Xu Ran's change was too great. He had never heard of someone who could cultivate so fast.

"You...how did you do it!"

Liu Xuan struggled to get up, covered his wound, and looked at Xu Ran in shock.


Xu Ran snorted coldly, too lazy to answer him, approached again, raised the sharp blade and was about to cut.

"Draw the sword and cut!"

A knife was swung out, and the sharp sword light swept across.

"Damn it!" Liu Xuan's face changed. Feeling the danger approaching, he did not dare to hesitate and quickly raised the sword to resist.


The weapons collided, sparks flew.


However, he was still half a second slower, and a section of the sword tip brushed past his neck.

Blood spurted out and spilled all over the ground.

"I...I am unwilling..." Liu Xuan's eyes widened, and his throat was hoarse.

Finally, he slowly closed his eyes, and his body collapsed.

He didn't understand until his death why Xu Ran was so strong?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the main task - Frenzy Beat!"

"Task reward: 10,000 experience points!"

Xu Ran muttered in his heart.

"The reward for this task seems to be quite generous!"

Not only that, Xu Ran also found that he had a special talent - Frenzy Beat!

Skill introduction - Frenzy Beat.

Talent effect: After using Frenzy Beat, the host's strength increases by 50%, and Frenzy Beat can be used once a day for 2 hours.

Seeing this introduction, Xu Ran's expression was greatly lifted, and his heart was even more excited.

"This talent is really against the sky. As long as you use Frenzy Beat, your strength can definitely reach level 40!" Xu Ran was secretly shocked.

Although the talent effect is very strong, the side effects are also terrible.

After each use, if you are in a fierce battle, you will fall into a weak state, and in severe cases, you will even fall into a coma, leading to death.


While Xu Ran was thinking, suddenly, he felt a gust of wind coming.


Xu Ran's face suddenly changed, and his body flashed to avoid the knife.

I saw that there was a short knife stuck in the position just now.


Immediately afterwards, several cold rays came with the sound of breaking through the air, extremely fast.

Xu Ran looked solemn and dodged these attacks.

His speed was too slow after all, and he was almost cut several times.

Unconsciously, his hair stood up all over his body, and he felt the threat of death.

This was the first time Xu Ran felt such a strong sense of crisis since he awakened.

"Who are these people?"

Xu Ran's eyes showed fear.


At this moment, a sharp sword cut through the sky and stabbed towards Xu Ran.

It was a Tianlong man.

He was tall and straight, with extremely pale skin and delicate features, like a carved work of art, beautiful and magnificent.

"Shua shua!"

Two sword beams passed through his eyes, revealing a chilling coldness that made people feel cold all over.

He was so fast, like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye he came to Xu Ran's side, with a long sword like a rainbow, slashing towards Xu Ran's neck.

All this happened in a flash, making it hard to defend.

"Looking for death!"

Xu Ran's face darkened slightly, his right arm muscles bulged, his fists clenched, and he smashed down fiercely.


With a muffled sound, the Tianlong man was smashed and flew out, coughing up blood.

But he was not afraid at all, but grinned: "Human, you are very strong, but this is the Sky City, so you will still die today!"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes showed a fierce look, and then his figure flashed and turned into a stream of light.

"Swoosh!" Xu Ran was prepared and retreated quickly, but he was still a step late.


The sharp sword stabbed, Xu Ran hastily blocked, but his arm was still scratched by the sword.

"Puff!" Blood splattered, he groaned, and stepped back a few steps.

"Haha, human, you can't escape!"

The Tianlong sneered and approached again.


Another cold light flashed, and the sharp sword light came in an instant.

Xu Ran's face was gloomy, and he retreated repeatedly, barely avoiding the attack.

But the Tianlong didn't give him a chance to breathe, and kept chasing him. His swordsmanship was tricky and weird, and his sword moves emerged one after another.


Another sword stabbed, Xu Ran had no way to avoid it, so he had to raise his sword to block it.


Sparks flew, a strong force surged, Xu Ran could no longer stand, staggered, and fell back a few steps.

"Die!" The Tianlong roared, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

However, at this moment, Xu Ran suddenly jumped up and slashed with a sword.

"Po Jun Sheng Long!!"


The Tianlong was caught off guard and was slashed by Xu Ran's sword. He fell to the ground, and a hideous blood mark appeared on his chest.


He screamed, his face was extremely pale.

Then, he spit out a mouthful of blood and completely lost his fighting power.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a Tianlong and gaining 1600 experience points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for leveling up and being promoted to level 40." The system's voice sounded, and Xu Ran showed a happy look on his face.

However, he did not relax his vigilance, because there were three other Tianlongs who were eyeing him and ready to attack him at any time.

He stared at the remaining three Tianlongs with a cold look.

"Human!" The other three Tianlong people looked at each other, their eyes were cold and murderous.


They moved, and they appeared beside Xu Ran in a swaying motion.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

They each used their martial arts, either with a spear or a short knife, to kill Xu Ran.

These three people were all Tianlong people, and they were extremely powerful. Once they joined forces, they were comparable to level 40, which was very terrifying.


The three of them joined forces, and they were very aggressive.

Xu Ran frowned and tried his best to resist.


Xu Ran gritted his teeth and resisted a long knife. With the help of this force, he turned his body suddenly and avoided the attacks of the two people and went around to the left.

At the same time, he shook his wrist and pointed the long sword at the waist and abdomen of the Tianlong man.


The sword light burst out and went straight to the throat of the Tianlong man.

The face of the Tianlong man changed drastically, and he quickly waved his knife to block.

However, Xu Ran was too fast. The sword trembled and directly cut through his neck, taking away a head, and the hot blood splashed high.


The body of the Tianlong fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

Xu Ran retracted the sword and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, he had just awakened the agility attribute, otherwise he would have been killed here today.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Tianlong and gaining 1,600 experience points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Tianlong talent card."

"【Thunder Eye】 (Yellow Level): After activation, the host will gain the Thunder Eye, which can release a strong electric current and cause a strong paralysis effect on the surrounding area."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading, the current level is 40 level 11%!"

Along with the system prompt sound, a lot of information emerged in Xu Ran's mind.

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