He first checked his own condition, and immediately couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I was wondering why I always felt weak, it turned out that I was poisoned."

Just now, he was forced to retreat in a panic by the Tianlong people, and his footsteps slipped, and he fell down, and he was poisoned.

However, compared with his situation, Xu Ran seemed calm.

Because he knew very well that the only way to leave was to kill all these Tianlong people.

"In that case, I will play with you!"

A bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of Xu Ran's mouth, and he slowly raised the long sword in his hand and pointed at the Tianlong people in the distance.

"Human, die!"

"Swish!" The Tianlong people shouted angrily and rushed to kill first.

"Swish!" Xu Ran swept a sword and cut a Tianlong person in half.

"Ah!" The Tianlong person screamed and rolled on the ground holding his stomach.


At this time, another Tianlong person also rushed up, with both claws out, and grabbed Xu Ran fiercely.

Xu Ran's eyes were cold, and he ducked, easily dodging the grab. Then he thrust out a sword and headed straight for the crotch of the Tianlong man.


Blood spurted out, and the Tianlong man's eyes widened, looking down at his abdomen in disbelief.

There was a deep wound that could be seen to the bone, and blood was dripping.

"Damn human, I'm going to kill you!"

The Tianlong man roared, hoarse, and his face was ferocious.

Xu Ran's eyes were indifferent, and he ignored it.

He knew that the poison in his body was getting worse and worse. If he didn't end the battle quickly, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!"

Suddenly, the wind blew, and the Tianlong man's figure was erratic, like a ghost, and came in an instant.


He grabbed with one claw, tearing Xu Ran's clothes, leaving a shocking claw mark.

"Hmm!" Xu Ran groaned, his face a little pale.

He looked at the Tianlong people who were close at hand, with a mocking look on his face, and said coldly: "Tianlong people, this will be a massacre!"

"You dare?" The Tianlong people were furious and extremely angry.

"Haha, do you really think you can win?" Xu Ran sneered.

"What do you mean?" The Tianlong people's heart skipped a beat, and they felt that things seemed to be beyond their control.

Xu Ran looked teasing, and said: "Tianlong people, you have forgotten your origins. You are the bastards that the Tianlongs forced humans to give birth to. Now you dare to slaughter your own brothers and sisters wantonly. You are really amazing!"

"Nonsense! Do you think you can scare me like this?" The Tianlong people scolded.

"Whether it is nonsense or not, you will know after trying it?" Xu Ran said lightly.

After the voice fell, his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

The Tianlong people's face changed drastically, and they subconsciously stepped back, trying to keep a distance.

"Chi La!" Xu Ran appeared in front of the Tianlong again, and the sword blade pierced into the Tianlong's chest without mercy.

At this moment, the Tianlong froze, with despair and resentment in his eyes.

Xu Ran's eyes flashed with pity, he drew out his long sword, and left.


The body of the Tianlong fell from midair, hit the ground, and splashed dust.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Tianlong and gaining 2000 experience points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for upgrading the level, the current level is 40 13%."

The system voice came, Xu Ran smiled slightly, finally upgraded to level 40, and the strength became stronger.

However, Xu Ran did not relax because of this, after all, he just used some fur.

And, the most important thing is that he is still in the Sky City.

Although these Tianlongs are dead, their remaining energy has not dissipated, and they are still protecting this place.

Therefore, if you want to leave here safely, you must destroy this formation.

"It seems that I must go to the third floor!" Xu Ran pondered and made a decision.

However, even if he wanted to enter the third floor, he needed to make good arrangements to avoid any suspicion.


Night fell.

In the Sky City, night is the most dangerous time.

Under normal circumstances, humans would have already gone to sleep at this time.

However, the Sky City was brightly lit at this time, and teams of Tianlong people patrolled and searched for human traces.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Suddenly, a group of black shadows flashed and appeared in front of the Tianlong patrol team.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

These Tianlong people just appeared and attacked crazily without any courtesy.

The Tianlong patrol team was wiped out in just a few minutes.

Then, Xu Ran found a suitable location and started digging a pit.

Not long after, he dug out a cave and got in.

Then, he closed the cave entrance, set up a formation ban, and hid his whereabouts.


After doing all this, he exhaled a breath of turbid air, sat cross-legged, and began to recover the consumed internal strength.

The poison in his body was very strong. In just one hour, it spread to his internal organs, causing him great pain.

Xu Ran gritted his teeth and endured, constantly mobilizing his internal energy to practice.

A night passed, and when dawn broke, Xu Ran opened his eyes.

"Huh... I finally recovered 70% to 80%." Xu Ran exhaled a breath of turbid air, and he was full of energy.

Then, he looked around and found that the whole palace was shrouded in a hazy glow.

Moreover, the oppressive atmosphere was gradually weakening.

"It seems that the poison of the Tianlong people is about to dissipate, but this can't be wasted!" Xu Ran grinned, revealing his cold fangs.

He stood up and walked towards the palace.

His steps were extremely steady and powerful, as if every step he took contained a certain rhythm, mysterious and unpredictable.

Moreover, Xu Ran's body was upright and full of masculinity, giving people a sense of majesty and majesty.


A violent dragon roar resounded through the sky, deafening.


"Roar roar roar..."

In an instant, the whole palace was boiling, and Tianlong people woke up one by one.

Xu Ran, hiding in the dark, looked at those Tianlong people who seemed to be worshiping,

his eyes flashed with brilliance.

He could feel the powerful momentum emanating from those Tianlong people.

That was the majesty of the king, the innate nobility.

As one Tianlong after another woke up, their momentum became stronger and stronger, as if they could destroy the world.

But Xu Ran was not afraid. His eyes were determined and full of fighting spirit.



The next moment, the Sky City fell into chaos, with hundreds of Celestial Dragons fighting each other.

At this time, Xu Ran took the opportunity to sneak into the depths of the palace, looking for opportunities.

Soon, he found the leader of the Celestial Dragons, who was with a human woman at this time.


Xu Ran stomped his feet hard, and his figure burst away, instantly appearing behind the Celestial Dragon leader on the third floor.


Xu Ran thrust out a sword, the sword light was bright, and the sword energy was crisscrossed.

And the speed was so fast that it was impossible to avoid it.

The Celestial Dragon leader was immediately severely injured, flew backwards, and hit the wall of the palace.


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