"Dear me! This golden-armored warrior has devoured so much blood and food, yet his cultivation speed is so fast. He has reached nearly level 50, which is even more terrifying than my talent!" Xu Ran sighed in his heart.

His current strength is level 40, but at most he can only compete with people around level 45, which is far from level 50. This is something he barely managed to improve after experiencing a lot of fighting and killing countless enemies.

But the golden-armored warrior just devoured some monsters, and his cultivation improved so quickly, which is simply unbelievable.

"Could it be that all those monster beasts were eaten by him?" Xu Ran was shocked.


At this moment, an angry roar sounded.


A bright light burst out from the body of the golden armored warrior, like a falling meteor, hitting Xu Ran instantly.

Xu Ran only felt that his body flew out like a cannonball, blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground.

"Damn it, isn't this golden armored warrior too scary?"

Xu Ran covered his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"As expected of the Dragon Vein of the Tianlong Clan!" Xu Ran was horrified.

The attack of this golden-armored warrior has definitely exceeded that of many people who have awakened for the second time. As for how strong it is, you can only understand it in person.


At this moment, the golden-armored warrior attacked again, sweeping his spear across, and a dazzling light enveloped the sky and illuminated the entire space.

Xu Ran's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly avoided it, but there was still some light that passed over his shoulder, making him feel a burning pain.

"No! This is not the way to go. I can't wait any longer."

Xu Ran's face was gloomy and he thought in his mind.


Suddenly, an extremely powerful aura came from the ground, shaking in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, huge figures slowly rose from the ground.

The giant metal beasts exuded strong aura fluctuations, which made Xu Ran feel horrified.

"Are these giant beasts all from the Tianlong Clan?" Xu Ran was horrified and quickly retreated.

At this moment, the group of metal giant beasts rushed towards Xu Ran.

Their bodies are covered with golden scales, and their eyes are shining with golden luster.

Every time they took a step, there was a shocking sound, like thunder exploding, and the entire valley shook.

"These giant metal beasts are so terrifying. No matter which one they are, they have four times the combat power of ordinary monsters, and each one is comparable to a boss above level 45!"

Xu Ran thought to himself, his heart beating violently.

He quickly used Soul Storm to attract the attention of these giant metal beasts, then turned and left.

He had barely taken two steps out when those giant metal beasts followed him, making his heart sink.

"Oops, I really got out of my way this time and actually broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Tianlong Clan!"

Xu Ran's face turned pale. He didn't expect that these giant metal beasts could track him easily. It was simply too powerful.

However, Xu Ran was also determined, his thoughts changed quickly, and he made an immediate decision.

"In this case, the only thing we can do is fight!"

Xu Ran's eyes flickered, and he quickly took out a magic talisman and crushed it.

Suddenly, a black mist filled the air and enveloped his entire body.


Those giant metal beasts chased closer and suddenly hit the black mist, stirring up a large area of ​​black mist.

"Boom boom boom!"

The black mist, like meteorites, kept hitting the metal beasts, causing them to scream in agony, their armors damaged and blood dripping from them.

However, soon, their injuries recovered and they rushed towards Xu Ran again.

Xu Ran looked ugly when he saw this scene.

"No, my strength is not enough to last for long, I must leave immediately!"

Xu Ran gritted his teeth and continued running outside.

These metal behemoths are so terrifying that they cannot be stopped at all.

"Bang bang bang!"

He had just ran a few hundred meters when a deafening roar suddenly came from behind.

He looked back and found that the giant in golden armor had taken action again.

I saw the giant waving a brilliant golden spear and stabbing Xu Ran hard.


Xu Ran only felt that his heart was pierced, and his body was taken away by a terrifying impact.


Xu Ran looked up to the sky and roared, his eyes full of unwillingness and resentment.

Although he has good combat power, he has not yet entered the awakening stage. Compared with those level 50, 60, and 70 monsters, there is a huge gap.

Not to mention, the combat power of this golden-armored warrior completely overwhelmed him, leaving him defenseless and left to be slaughtered.

"No...I can't just give up! My potential is more than that!"

Xu Ran had a look of madness in his eyes.


His body suddenly expanded and turned into a three-meter-tall man.

Those golden eyes shot out sharp sword-like edges, making him look like a demon, which was intimidating.

At this moment, his body seemed to become bigger and stronger.

That figure is like a small mountain, full of powerful power, giving people a visual impact.

His skin showed a light purple color, as if it were carved from a piece of purple jade.

This color represents his potential, which far exceeds that of warriors of the same level.

Xu Ran slapped the metal ground with his palm, and suddenly the earth shook, "Use thunder! Destroy the darkness!"

Suddenly, the air around him seemed to be distorted, becoming extremely distorted, turning into rolling thunder, sweeping in all directions.

The power contained in this palm was so terrifying that it distorted the air nearby.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunder condensed into thick electric snakes in the void, densely packed, making it seem as if thousands of lightning bolts were descending from the void.


The thunder struck the ground, erupting with a deafening sound, and cracks crisscrossed on the ground, and bottomless pits appeared one after another.

Those metal beasts were all split into charcoal by the electric snakes and turned into piles of black ash.

"Huh~~~ It's finally resolved!"

Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief, his face was slightly pale, his clothes were tattered, revealing the strong muscles inside, looking extremely wild and beautiful.

"As expected of the Tianlong clan, the strength is really terrifying." Xu Ran's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that the Tianlong clan was so strong.

Even among the Tianlong clan, it is the top existence.

Xu Ran was somewhat relieved.

Fortunately, he was smart and did not choose to fight head-on, otherwise, he would definitely be destroyed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through to level 44!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Soul Shock!"

The system prompt sounded in his mind.

"I didn't expect to be given so much experience this time!"

Xu Ran's eyes flashed with excitement. His current strength has reached an extremely terrifying level.

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