Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 323 Storm Hammer? I'll crush you with one punch

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!"

His skin also became more bronze, and his muscles became stronger.

"Now, let me try to see how terrifying the fighting power of the Tianlong Clan is!"

Xu Ran's eyes were cold, and his heart was burning with anger.


He punched out, and a terrifying energy, like substance, formed a huge fist, and slammed into the golden armored warrior in the distance.


With a muffled sound, the metal giant's body trembled, and a dense layer of electric arcs appeared on his body.


The golden armored warrior roared, with a strong fierceness in his eyes, and waved the golden spear again, killing Xu Ran.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The two fought, and terrifying energy exploded. Huge cracks appeared on the ground, and a gully hundreds of meters wide was plowed on the ground.

Xu Ran punched the ground one by one, shattering the soil and turning it into powder.

Every move he made contained a terrifying destructive force.

Every time a punch landed, the ground cracked, and huge hideous gullies appeared, which were bottomless and looked like an abyss.

And in Xu Ran's fist, there was an endless destructive force, as if to tear the void apart, turning it into annihilating energy and devouring everything.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The golden spear drew brilliant silver light in the void.

Xu Ran did not dare to be arrogant. He knew that he was not an opponent and could only avoid its sharp edge in various ways.

And the golden spear, as if it had spiritual consciousness, actually followed Xu Ran closely, making him exhausted.

"No, this is not a solution!"

"It is absolutely not possible to continue to consume like this! We must find a way, otherwise, sooner or later, we will die here!"

Xu Ran's face showed anxiety, and he was thinking about a solution in his heart.

The power of this golden armored giant was too strong, and he did not even dare to fight with brute force.

"I remember that there was an ability called 'Frenzy' before!"

Xu Ran suddenly remembered a combat skill he had learned before.

The berserk is to activate the berserk gene in a cultivator's body, and then the person who activates the berserk gene will instantly increase his strength several times and burst out with invincible combat power.


Xu Ran shouted in a low voice, and his muscles bulged and his veins swelled, like a knotted earthworm, full of terrifying power.

"Crack, crack!"

Cracks spread out on his body surface, which looked shocking.

But Xu Ran didn't care and continued to attack the golden armored giant.

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning roared, and thunder rumbled. Electric snakes entangled in the sky, as if dragons were tumbling, which looked particularly terrifying.


Suddenly, a thunder sounded, and the calamity clouds in the sky actually gathered into a ball, turned into a lightning net, fell from the sky, and fiercely bombarded the back of the golden armored giant.

The golden armored giant was repelled, and smoke came out of his body. The golden armor on his body could not withstand this huge force and broke apart.

"Hahaha, aren't you awesome? Why? You can't even withstand the attack of thunder?"

Xu Ran laughed up to the sky, his eyes full of mockery, and his eyes looking at the golden giant were full of contempt.

No matter how strong this guy is, he still can't avoid the bombardment of thunder?


The golden giant was so angry.

He jumped up, his body shining with golden light, as if he had turned into a golden giant, rushing towards Xu Ran.

"Storm Hammer!"

The golden giant roared, and the golden light burst out, turning into a golden giant hammer that was a hundred feet high.

The golden giant hammer emanated a series of hot waves.

It was like a Titan, carrying a terrifying force, and smashed down towards Xu Ran fiercely.


A terrifying force swept out like a tide.

Xu Ran sank all over, feeling an unspeakable sense of oppression.

But he was not afraid.

"Break it for me!"

Xu Ran stretched out his arm suddenly and grabbed the void, and golden thunder poured into his palm.

Suddenly, Xu Ran's whole body strength suddenly surged.



His five fingers clenched suddenly, shining with golden light.

"Open it for me!"

Xu Ran shouted, and cracks spread out on the surface of his body.

His skin turned red, as if his blood was boiling, emitting a scorching temperature, like magma, flowing continuously.

He seemed to have turned into a furnace, burning all the air around him.


Xu Ran suddenly exerted force and grabbed the giant sledgehammer.


Xu Ran squeezed his five fingers suddenly, and the sledgehammer was directly crushed and turned into golden energy all over the sky.

As his figure flashed, he came to the side of the golden armored giant and punched him again.


This punch hit the golden armored giant heavily.


The golden armored giant was knocked away and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood in the air. The golden armor on his body was sunken, revealing bulging muscles, which looked extremely weird.

He looked at Xu Ran in shock, with an incredible look in his eyes.

He had never expected that the young man in front of him was so powerful!

"How is it possible!"

"There is such a big gap between us!"

The golden-armored giant was frightened, but he was not panicked.


He roared, bent his legs slightly, and rushed towards Xu Ran like a cheetah, extremely fast.

Xu Ran exerted force on his feet, and his whole body hit the chest of the golden-armored giant like a cannonball.

The golden-armored giant was thrown backward by the impact, and a large piece of his chest collapsed. Blood spurted out, staining a large area of ​​land red.

The armor on his body had also become badly damaged, with golden skin exposed in many places, looking ferocious and terrifying, like a wild beast.

Xu Ran's body appeared next to the giant in golden armor again.

There was a touch of coldness on the corner of his mouth, and a glimmer of coldness flashed in his eyes: "With your little strength, you are worthy of taking action against me, you are really overestimating your capabilities!"


The golden-armored giant looked up to the sky and roared, looking at Xu Ran with cold eyes, and the aura on his body suddenly increased.


The golden-armored giant's body glowed with dazzling golden light, like the sun, dazzling and dazzling.

Behind him, a huge phantom of gods and demons appeared, like a star, blooming with dazzling light and exuding waves of terrifying aura.


Xu Ran was shocked and his eyes were shocked.

He felt that this giant in golden armor had reached level 50!

"Who are you? How could it be possible to reach this level?!"

Xu Ran turned pale and asked in horror.

"You have no right to know who I am! I will crush you to ashes today!"

The golden-armored giant roared angrily, raised his hands above his head, and slammed them down.

He was covered in golden light, as if he had turned into a golden lightning bolt, and struck at Xu Ran at an incredible speed.


Xu Ran felt as if the whole world had been turned upside down.

The giant golden fist struck down, as if it could destroy the heaven and earth, and its power was frightening.

Xu Ran's expression changed drastically, and his body quickly retreated, constantly resisting.

But his speed is still far behind compared to the giant in golden armor.


Xu Ran was hit by a punch so much that he vomited blood and flew backwards. His body broke a thick tree trunk before he could barely stabilize himself.

His body was trembling slightly, and he felt deeply fearful.

This golden-armored giant is simply too powerful!

Moreover, this is just one of his moves!

"What kind of weapon is this? Why can it explode with such powerful power?"

Xu Ran gritted his teeth and stared at the golden armored giant, his heart filled with unwillingness.

He is not convinced!

"Do you think you can kill me just by relying on these methods?"

The golden-armored giant snorted coldly, used both feet to gallop over again.

Xu Ran's eyes were cold: "You really don't want to take any losses!"


The golden-armored giant swung the giant hammer violently and struck at Xu Ran again.

But at this moment, Xu Ran's aura suddenly rose.

He was radiating hot golden flames, as if he had been reborn from the ashes.

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