She has a graceful figure, billowy breasts, fair skin, and revealing clothing, full of temptation.

"Hahaha, that's right. Let's hunt that little snake tonight and kill him."

A handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes laughed. At this time, he was tall and tall, with a pair of aquiline noses, which made him look fierce and domineering, as if he could eat people.

His name is Bakr, he is the strongest man on this island, and he is also the leader of the entire team.

As for the two people next to Bucker, one was short, only about 1.6 meters tall, with muscles all over his body, like an iron tower, exuding astonishing pressure.

The other one is relatively thin, about 1.5 meters tall, with dark skin and a sallow complexion.

But if you look closely, you will find that both of them are level 60 masters with terrifying attributes.

"Okay, I have already arranged the specific plan. All I need to do is break through the palace defense formation and kill the little snake, and everything will be fine."

After Bakr finished speaking, he took the lead towards the door.

The rest followed closely behind.


However, just when everyone was about to step out of the door, a deafening roar suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a huge body ten meters tall poked its head out of the crack in the door.

The huge head, scarlet pupils, and sharp teeth were all on display.

"The fourth son of Tianlong, Luster, it is said that he was born for fighting. He started fighting after he was born, and the fighting has not stopped until now.

Looking at this behemoth, some people exclaimed with fear on their faces.

"Roar~" Luster roared and retracted his head again.


As it retreated, the entire palace gate collapsed, creating a large crater.

The soldiers guarding the door had already turned into corpses.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but take a breath and retreat quickly in fear.

"Luster's strength is indeed very strong." Bakker narrowed his eyes slightly.

However, he did not back down.

"Brothers, let's unite to attack it!" Bakker said, and punched out fiercely.

Several people around him also took action together, hitting one attack after another.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

There was a muffled sound and a strong wind raged.

The huge figure was beaten back repeatedly.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and the door was shattered by Bucker's punch.


At this time, Luster seemed to be irritated and groaned angrily.


The next moment, Luster jumped out suddenly, opened his bloody mouth and rushed over.


Luster opened his huge mouth and bit a soldier directly, swallowing his body instantly.


The shrill screams came out, which was horrifying.

At this time, Luster's body once again skyrocketed several times, reaching more than three meters in height. His body became even stronger, like a demon made of steel.

"Run away~"

Seeing this scene, everyone felt like they were dead and ran wildly around.


Luster snorted coldly, and then kicked away two people who were running away.


Blood splattered and the two men died on the spot.

"Hurry and save people!"

Bakker shouted angrily and hurriedly punched him.


He punched Lust in the abdomen, but the opponent's body was as hard as iron and there was no damage at all.


Luster looked up to the sky and screamed, then opened his bloody mouth and tore a soldier directly.

The soldier's arm disappeared in an instant, and was even chewed by Luster. He let out a wailing sound, which made people feel horrified.

"Everyone come together, don't act alone." Bakker shouted.


As his voice fell, arrows shot out all around.

These are the arrows of elite archers, carrying strong poison.

"Boom boom boom~"

For a time, the entire palace was filled with a strong rancid smell, and the air was filled with blood.


At this time, the elite soldiers also took out their daggers and swarmed forward.

Although Luster was tyrannical, he was eventually injured under everyone's attack.

Especially that Bakker, he was like a piece of brown candy, no matter how hard he shook it, he couldn't get rid of it.

His fists came down like raindrops, making Luster miserable.


Taking advantage of this moment, Bucker slapped it on its body.


A huge counter-shock force came, and Luster was immediately knocked upside down and flew out.

It hit the wall hard, causing cracks in the entire wall.

"Hey, you beast, please hand over the dragon ball, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Looking at Luster who stood up unsteadily, Buckle walked over with a sinister smile.


Luster roared angrily, and the scales on his body stood up instantly, like steel needles.

The next moment, he suddenly raised his thick legs and stepped towards Bucker.


Bucker was unable to dodge and was stepped into the soil, sinking deep into the ground.

Others took the opportunity to launch a violent attack.


One of the knights drew out the long sword from his waist, pointed it at Luster's neck, and stabbed it into its throat.


Instantly, blood spurted out, but it was not Luster's blood, but the knight's neck was directly torn off by Luster.


The headless body of the knight fell to the ground, and his death was extremely tragic.


Others couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they saw this.

This Luster was too strong and it was hard to resist.

"You scum, die!"

Suddenly, an angry roar came out, and Luster's tail swung suddenly, sweeping across the cheek of a soldier like a steel whip.


The soldier was directly cut in half, and his intestines and internal organs were scattered all over the ground.


Luster roared again, his body turned into a residual shadow, rushed into the crowd, and killed crazily.

In the blink of an eye, several more people died, and the rest fled out in panic.

"Want to run?" Luster sneered, shook his body, and the armor on his body fell off, and then he turned into a seven or eight meter long blue dragon.

This is the true appearance of Luster, ferocious and bloodthirsty.

At this time, Xu Ran was also rushing here.

He felt strange just now, always feeling that something was staring at him.

So she quietly went around to the back.

It turned out to be a fierce Luster.

At this time, it was slaughtering a team of soldiers.

"What should I do?" Xu Ran frowned slightly, looking very entangled.

Because he knew how terrible this Luster was. Once entangled by it, there was basically no hope of survival.

Not only him, but other humans nearby, including Ye Fan on the other side, also saw the situation here.

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