Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 333 The powerful Ye Fan fights against Luster

"No, I have to save them!" Ye Fan secretly thought, and then jumped.

He was extremely fast, covering hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, and with the last step he was in front of everyone.

When they saw Mark, everyone looked startled, not expecting him to show up.

"Huh? There is actually a human, watch me eat you!" Luster's eyes were blood red and he opened his mouth to eat Ye Fan.

But at this critical moment, Ye Fan clenched his right hand and a golden light emerged.

"Dragon Elephant Holy Law!"


A huge dragon elephant emerged and then crashed towards Luster carrying endless pressure.


The power of this dragon elephant was so terrifying that it knocked Luster to the ground and crushed him into a pulp.

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, Bakker's pupils shrank violently, and his heart was full of horror.

"Ho ho ho!"

Luster's anger still failed to subside, and he roared and got up from the ground.


Immediately, a white light lit up on its forehead, and a vast power radiated from its body.


This power is extremely terrifying, as if it can destroy the world.


The next second, Luster slapped it hard with his claw.

Suddenly, the ground shook, dust and smoke billowed, and the entire hall was shaking.

For a moment, everyone felt a sense of despair.

The huge momentum and terrifying power made everyone tremble and almost kneel on the ground.

Only Ye Fan still stood tall and straight, his eyes were cold and his whole body exuded a bright golden light.


Then, Ye Fan took a step forward, instantly arrived in front of Luster, and then punched him.


The two collided, causing a deafening explosion.


I saw a clear pit suddenly appeared on Luster's scale-covered chest, and even the bones were broken.

It screamed and took several steps backwards, its body covered with dense cracks.


When Xu Ran on the side saw this scene, he immediately felt that this Ye Fan was definitely not simple. He actually beat Luster back and forth by himself.


Luster roared, and the scales on his body slowly faded away, revealing his original appearance.

It was a huge lizard about four to five meters tall.

Its body is blue-black, with three wings on its back, and it exudes a cold aura.

At the same time, a more majestic force was released from him, even more terrifying than before.


"How did it become stronger?" Xu Ran's eyes widened.

Luster's strength has increased a lot, and he is no longer inferior to her.

Moreover, Luster exuded a violent aura, like a bloodthirsty demon.

"Boy, go to hell!"

The next moment, Luster opened his bloody mouth and spit out a black ball the size of a basketball.

The sphere was extremely dark, with thick juice flowing on its surface, exuding a heart-stopping chill.


The black sphere cut through the void and headed straight for Ye Fan's face.


Ye Fan snorted coldly, and then punched out.


This time, there was a sound of gold and iron, and the black sphere resisted Ye Fan's punch, only slightly shifting its position.

"What a powerful defense." Ye Fan frowned slightly.


At this time, Luster had already attacked again, his claws stretched out, biting directly towards Ye Fan's shoulder.

Ye Fan hit Lust on the head with an elbow, but it reacted quickly and blocked Ye Fan's attack with its head.


Ye Fan retreated quickly, plowing a deep ravine on the ground with the soles of his feet.

"Kill!" Luster's defensive power was so amazing that even Mark was a little stunned.

"Roar~" Luster did not give him a chance to breathe and continued to chase him.

"Ho ho ho..." Ye Fan waved his fist and fought fiercely with him.


The strength of the two was equal, and their fists stirred up strong winds.


Suddenly, a miserable cry suddenly sounded.

"No, Carl!"

Hearing this voice, everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look.

I saw that Karl had been torn into pieces by a heavenly dragon guard, without even leaving a body.

"Beast, you're seeking death!" Bakker shouted angrily, then pounced directly on him.

He is short in stature and looks weak, but when he uses his hands, he is no less powerful than others, and is even more ferocious.


He exchanged punches with Luster, and then hit the waist of the Tianlong guard with a whip kick.


That day, the dragon guard howled miserably, flew out, and fell to the ground hard, bleeding from his mouth and nose.

Taking advantage of this gap, Bucker also joined the battle with Lust and pinned it down.

"Roar~" Luster was extremely angry and kept roaring.

It's a pity that it can't break free from Bucker's shackles at all, so it can only worry on the side.

Ye Fan seized this opportunity and rushed directly towards Luster.


A punch hit Luster's body. Although Luster blocked it with his tail, he was still severely injured.

"Roar~" Luster roared in pain, his huge body trembling.

It seemed to sense danger and turned around to escape.


At this critical moment, Ye Fan suddenly took action, held down Luster's neck, and then twisted it hard.

But what he didn't expect was that he couldn't twist the other person's head and could only drag it off.

Luster let out a wailing cry and disappeared in a flash.


The next second, it appeared in the distance again, and then galloped away into the distance.

"Damn it!" Ye Fan cursed.

But there was nothing he could do about Luster. With his current strength, he was completely unable to deal with a monster with level 60 strength.

If Ye Fan hadn't secretly learned the Dragon Elephant Pannuo Kung Fu just now and his strength had improved a lot, he would have died today.


Luster roared unwillingly, then turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the forest.

"Damn bastard, I won't forgive you next time."

Before he left, he didn't forget to say a harsh word.

Afterwards, Luster disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared.


Seeing Luster leaving, Ye Fan's body slumped to the ground, his face pale and without any blood.

The battle just now consumed too much real energy and mental energy, and he felt a little tired and sleepy.

"Evan, are you okay?"

Bakker and the others gathered around.

Ye Fan shook his head: "I'm fine. What about you, is your injury okay?"

"I'm fine."

Bakker smiled and said, "It's just that my internal organs feel a little uncomfortable. I'll be fine after a few days of rest."

His injury was not serious, but his martial arts foundation was damaged due to taking forbidden drugs, and he needed to practice meditation to recover.

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