Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 334 Luster escapes, Xu Ran's assassination

"That's good, that's good."

Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Xu Donglai:

"Teacher, your injuries are not light, go get treatment quickly."

Xu Donglai nodded, then took out a silver needle and pierced the acupuncture points for a while, regulating his body.

"Ye Fan, your kung fu is so strong that you can tie with Luster, who is level 60."

At this moment, the girl in red looked at Ye Fan with admiration.

She just saw with her own eyes that Ye Fan and Luster fought against each other and forced Luster to retreat in embarrassment.

This strength made her admire.

Ye Fan smiled bitterly: "It's just luck. In fact, I was injured a long time ago, but I just kept enduring it."

"Luster is the son of the Dragon King. The toxins and toxicity in his body are also extremely overbearing. If I don't detoxify in time, I guess I won't be able to hold on."

He sighed. This battle was really hard enough.

"Ye Fan, thank you for saving me. I will repay you personally when I need you one day." Baker looked at Ye Fan with a bitter look in his eyes.

Ye Fan risked his life to save him just now, which made him feel guilty.

"Baker, don't be like this. I am your student. It is my responsibility to protect you, and this is just an accident."


At the same time, Luster had just left here and was about to report to the Dragon King, but suddenly a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

"Hehe, angry dragon, Luster! Today is your death!"

The black shadow sneered, and then punched Luster with both fists.


Luster raised his huge head frantically.

He bit the black shadow's fist, and a ferocious arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Stupid ant! Dare to provoke this prince, you are so tired of living!"

It opened its fangs and wanted to swallow the black shadow in one bite.


But the black shadow was no one else, it was Xu Ran. He knew the horror of Luster's poison, and immediately pulled back his fist and jumped away.

Luster was stunned. He obviously didn't expect Xu Ran to dodge his attack. Not only did he not bite his hand, but he almost got bitten by himself.

He was furious: "How dare you, lowly thing, challenge this prince?"

Xu Ran was unruly: "If I kill you today, I may be able to succeed in the second transformation!"


Luster roared again, like a crocodile, and shot over.

"Swoosh!" Xu Ran didn't waste any words. He jumped back four meters.

"Crack!" The moment he landed, Luster slapped out with a claw, and the floor cracked in an instant.


Xu Ran's face changed drastically, and he quickly twisted his waist and rolled out, barely avoiding the opponent's attack.

But before he could stand firm, a cold air enveloped his body again.

Xu Ran trembled, then reacted and quickly kicked out.


With a muffled groan, Xu Ran took three steps back, bumped into the wall, and almost fell.

But before he could recover, there was another sound of breaking through the air.

Luster was already behind Xu Ran, his sharp claws piercing through the void and grabbing his throat directly.


Xu Ran drew his sword with his backhand and blocked it directly.


There was a sound of metal clashing, sparks flying, weapons colliding, with a touch of heat and constant vibration.

Xu Ran's palm was slightly numb, and he took two steps back to relieve the opponent's strength.

But before he could catch his breath, Luster approached him like a ghost.

He swept his left foot and swept it fiercely towards Xu Ran's abdomen.


The speed was extremely fast and fierce.

Xu Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and he had no time to resist, so he could only wave his long sword to resist.


There was another crisp sound, and the long sword was knocked away by Luster.

He punched Xu Ran and sent him flying.

"Haha, it's really powerful! It seems that I can't deal with you without some real skills!"

Xu Ran spat out a mouthful of blood, wiped the corner of his mouth, and then took out two pills and threw them into his mouth.


Xu Ran's whole body suddenly swelled up, his muscles bulged, and his veins protruded, like a small mountain, giving people an indescribable visual impact.

Then, Xu Ran rushed forward in one step, holding a saber and rushing towards Luster.

Luster also roared and fought fearlessly.


The two sides collided fiercely again, and the two figures separated in the dull sound.

But Luster did not fall and flew out, but rushed towards Xu Ran with unparalleled ferocity, wanting to tear the offender to pieces.

Xu Ran was not to be outdone, and shot up again with the saber in his hand.


The two sides had another hard collision, and screamed again. Luster retreated seven or eight steps, his face full of pain, and he was obviously at a disadvantage.

"Hahaha, not bad, you have some strength. It seems that you are stronger than I expected."

"This makes me more and more excited. Killing you must be delicious."

Luster blew out a puff of smoke and then pounced again.


Xu Ran kicked his right leg and took off with the help of the rebound force. Then he spread his arms and swooped down, slashing down fiercely.

This move contained a thousand pounds of force.


Luster's body trembled, and then he dodged sideways.

Xu Ran's attack missed, and he kicked after landing.


Luster staggered, groaned, and retreated five or six steps before stopping.

He stared at Xu Ran and shouted: "It's interesting, but it's a pity that your realm is a little low."

"Come on, continue!"

He stretched out his claws to Xu Ran.


Xu Ran didn't say anything more, and he flashed and rushed over directly.


Luster was also extremely brave. Facing Xu Ran, he crushed the hard wooden table with one foot, and then waved his claws to fight.

There was a crackling sound, and the two tall figures collided again.

But this time, Xu Ran was even crazier and more arrogant.

He completely gave up defense and just wanted to kill Luster as soon as possible.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a fight, Xu Ran took an absolute advantage and kept suppressing Luster.

Finally, Xu Ran took advantage of Luster's negligence and stabbed his shoulder with his right dagger, and blood spurted out.

Luster screamed, but was also very angry. He swung his tail suddenly and hit Xu Ran's neck hard.

"Bang!" Xu Ran didn't hesitate at all, raised his hands, and several silver needles nailed into Luster's arms.

He lost control and knelt heavily on the ground.

"Die!" Xu Ran didn't waste the opportunity. He stretched out his hands and grabbed Luster's neck. Then he threw him to the ground and smashed him against the wall.

With a bang, Luster had a bruise on his forehead and several ribs were broken.

"Roar, roar, roar--" Luster was seriously injured, but he still roared, his eyes were full of cruelty, as if he hated Xu Ran.

"Bang!" Seeing that Luster was about to struggle, Xu Ran shot him with several silver needles.

"Ah--" Luster groaned again, and his body fell limply.

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