Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 380: Xiaoxue was kidnapped, the sky blue beast

Xu Ran asked doubtfully. These guys were obviously vicious dogs that had been expelled, and there were more than one group.

"I don't know either. Little sister was taken away by a group of people in cloaks. They seemed to call her their saint!" the little boy said timidly.

"Well? Do you know who they are? Is there anything

"I don't know, they are all wearing cloaks and can't see clearly!" the little boy said aggrievedly.

"Okay! Then leave this place to me. You can go out first!"

"Okay, thank you." After saying that, the little boy turned and left, closing the door.

"Roar~" The wolf dog wanted to run away when he saw the food. He roared angrily, then jumped up suddenly and rushed towards Xu Ran quickly.

"Oh, I don't know whether to live or die!" Xu Ran snorted softly, raised his hand and made a fist, and suddenly hit the wolfdog's abdomen.


With a muffled grunt, the wolf dog flew out and knocked over several wooden tables.

After dealing with these low-level monsters, he began to search for the whereabouts of those people. Although he was not a good person, he still cared about his sister whom he had recognized.

"If anything happens to Xiaoxue, I'm going to kill you guys!" Xu Ran had a murderous intention, but he soon calmed down. After all, the enemy is in darkness and we are in the dark, and it would be dangerous to follow him rashly, so he decided to follow him from the dark. Start asking around.

So, he walked into the village and asked if anyone around him knew the whereabouts of that group of people.

But the result disappointed him. Apart from the discussions among the villagers, he didn't get any clues.

"Oh, did I guess wrong?" Xu Ran frowned, scratched his head in distress, and then walked towards another village.

"Brother, please wait a moment, I have something to ask you!" Xu Ran stopped a young man and asked straight to the point: "Do you know about the recent search for a saint by that force?"

Originally, the young man had a kind face, but after hearing his words, it seemed as if he heard some taboo, and he turned cold and ignored Xu Ran.

Xu Ran was stunned. He didn't understand why the young man's attitude suddenly changed.

Not only that, the passers-by around him stayed away from him.

Many people even looked at him with strange expressions.

Xu Ran was even more confused, but he didn't give up and continued to ask people around him, but the result still disappointed him.

Gradually, the people around him dispersed, leaving only a few passing vendors and salesmen. They looked at Xu Ran with vigilance and precaution.

"What's going on?" Xu Ran looked confused and couldn't understand the situation at all. What did he do wrong?

"Hey, why don't you tell me what's going on?" Xu Ran stopped a vendor and asked.

When the merchant saw him intercepting him, he immediately stopped and shouted loudly: "What are you doing? Want to rob?"

Xu Ran: "..."

"I'm not robbing, I just want to discuss something with you." Xu Ran said helplessly.

"What are we discussing?" the merchant asked suspiciously.

"Are there any forces searching for any saint recently?"

"Oh, you are asking about what happened in that small town. Those mad dogs are indeed looking for the saint recently, and it is said that everyone near that small town has suffered."

"The town was destroyed?" Xu Ran asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is said that they arrested hundreds of people, and finally found a little girl in a remote area, and finally brought the little girl to the area where the Sky Blue Giant Beast is.

When Xu Ran heard this, his heart beat suddenly. He suddenly felt that he had found that group of people, and maybe Xiaoxue was being tortured by them.

Thinking of this, Xu Ran couldn't sit still anymore and hurriedly galloped towards the direction of the giant sky blue beast.

"Hey, where did the barbarians come from and they broke into our store? Get out of here!" The owner of the store was shocked when he saw Xu Ran rushing in without saying a word, and he shouted quickly.

"Is your shop owner here?" Xu Ran asked without paying attention at all, while running quickly.

"Hey, buddy, please don't bully me for my good temper. I'll be angry if you do this. Believe it or not, I'll throw you out!" Seeing that Xu Ran didn't buy it at all, the clerk said angrily.

"That's a lot of nonsense!" Xu Ran shook his head, his right leg suddenly jumped up, and he instantly kicked the clerk's chest, bright red blood spurted out, and kicked his body away.

"Ah!" The girl in the store was shocked when she saw her clerk being kicked to death, and then screamed.

"Shut up! Arrange a ferry for me, I'm going to the Sky Blue Beast area!" Xu Ran looked at the girl with a cold face, and was so frightened that the girl fell to the ground, trembling and turning pale.

Xu Ran didn't bother to argue with it, and went straight to the only inn in the store. This inn was quite gorgeously decorated, but it was empty at the moment. Even the shopkeeper was nowhere to be found, and he had probably fled for his life long ago.

"Forget it, let's just spend the night tonight!" Xu Ran sighed. Although he was not afraid of danger, he was not willing to cause trouble for no reason. After all, he had just recovered now, so it was better to avoid trouble as much as possible.

Thinking of this, he walked into the inn, randomly picked a seat by the window, sat cross-legged and meditated, and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to recover from his injuries.

This time he was seriously injured. Although he was fine after taking the elixir, it would take some time for him to recover.

As night falls, the bright moonlight pours on the street, illuminating this quiet town and casting a layer of mist over this prosperous and beautiful town.

The next morning, Xu Ran boarded the ferry to the sky blue beast area. Because the distance was too far, he spent 10,000 gold coins, and when the ferry arrived at the sky blue beast area, he consumed more than 2,000 gold coins.

But this is not a loss, after all, Xu Ran saw with his own eyes what kind of existence the sky blue beast is. That big body is basically a small city.


The ferry moved forward slowly, and Xu Ran lay on the deck railing, looking at a dark shadow in the distance, looming.

These black shadows are the ferocious sky blue beasts in the legend!

But I don't know when, a legendary figure tamed it, and finally people built a city in the sky on the body of this beast-the Holy Tower.

The Holy Tower is Xu Ran's goal this time.

"Xiaoxue, I'm coming!" Xu Ran murmured, then picked up the kettle prepared next to him, took a sip of water, then hung the kettle around his waist, took a big step, and ran directly towards the Holy Tower in the sky.

"Is this kid crazy? How dare he go to the island alone?" Not far away, a soldier in armor saw Xu Ran's actions and couldn't help but complain.

"Maybe he is a courageous warrior?" Another person said with a smile.

"Warrior? Hahaha... That kid must be crazy. Does he know how powerful the Holy Church is?" The soldier who spoke before laughed.

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