"Okay! Stop making sarcastic remarks! Get to work quickly!" The soldier next to him gave him a hand and walked towards the cabin, seemingly ready to work.

Xu Ran didn't notice all this. At this moment, he was standing on the pier, looking up at the towering behemoth in front of him. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then walked slowly towards the holy tower with steady steps.

The holy tower is surrounded by dense forests, and occasionally you can see some ferocious demonized beasts running around in the trees.

Xu Ran checked the surrounding environment while walking. The trees here were very thick, and each tree was wrapped with various vines, blocking the view.

But for Xu Ran, this was not difficult. He encountered many vines blocking him along the way, but in the end he easily escaped.

Soon, he came to the Holy Tower. This huge tower was ten feet tall, silver-gray in color, glowing with light fluorescence, and looked like it was made of fine iron.

It stands high above the forest, like a majestic sculpture, overlooking the earth, making people feel shocked and insignificant.

At the top of the holy tower, there are five bright and dazzling white lights shooting out from the center of the holy tower, intertwining into a huge spider web, covering the entire holy tower, forming a strong protective film.

Around the holy tower, there are stone walls several meters high. These stone walls are covered with runes, which are obviously blessed by some kind of formation on the stone walls.


Just as Xu Ran was observing here, a roar suddenly resounded throughout the sky.

"It should be there just ahead.

Xu Ran raised his head, looked at the huge spider web in the sky, his eyes showed joy, and then continued to move towards the holy tower.

This holy tower occupies an extremely large area, at least larger than a village. Various defensive measures are scattered around the holy tower.

And here is the headquarters of this holy tower.

After a while, Xu Ran arrived in front of the Holy Tower and saw several young men riding wolves standing at the entrance of the Holy Tower, looking at him with a vigilant look.

Xu Ran frowned slightly when he saw them, and then waved towards them: "Hello."

The men riding wolves looked at him with strange expressions when they heard this.

People here are very face-conscious, not to mention that in public places like this, they usually don't take the initiative to show kindness, let alone say hello to enemies.

So when they saw Xu Ran actually waving, these people were stunned.

"Who are you looking for?" One of the young men came over and asked.

"Uh..." Xu Ran was speechless. He wanted to tell his origin, but he felt that this would cause misunderstanding among these people. After all, he also knew that these NPCs had very low intelligence and could not even think.

"I'm looking for the entrance to the Holy Cult!" Xu Ran could only reply.

"Looking for the entrance to the Holy Cult?" When these young people heard this sentence, they suddenly showed surprise, and at the same time looked at Xu Ran with strong wariness and suspicion.

Because in their eyes, Xu Ran was here to cause trouble.

"Do you have any credentials?" one of them shouted coldly.

Xu Ran was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Sorry, I don't have it, I can only ask you for help and guidance."

"Huh, sure enough! Not only do you have a brain problem, you are also a fool!"

"You are not welcome here! Get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

These guards were very disgusted with Xu Ran. They thought Xu Ran was a fool, otherwise how could he do such a thing.


Xu Ran glanced at these people indifferently, then turned and walked towards the forest.

"Oh, brother, wait a minute, where are you going?" Suddenly, a thin man ran over and blocked Xu Ran.

"What's the matter with you?" Xu Ran frowned and asked impatiently.

"Brother, I think it's quite miserable for you to be alone. If you don't follow us, we will be unlucky. How about letting you hang out?"

Xu Ran raised his eyebrows. Could this guy be out of his mind?

"Oh! Do you want me to join your Holy Tower Guards?" Xu Ran asked lightly.

"Uh, so be it! My name is Mag, and I am the captain of the Holy Guard." The guy called Ma Wentao said quickly.

Xu Ran shook his head helplessly. Although these people were very strong, their minds were not very bright. Wouldn't this be a waste of resources?

However, he did not show any objection. Instead, he nodded respectfully and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I still want to enter the Holy Tower to give it a try."

"you sure?"

Ma Wentao frowned when he heard this: "As far as I know, inside the Holy Tower, which is what you outsiders call the Sky Blue Beast, only saints can enter, and no one who enters has ever come out!"

"No, I believe I have a chance to enter the Holy Tower, so I hope you will let me go without worrying!" Xu Ran said sincerely.

"In that case, then go ahead!" Ma Wentao hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

"Thank you!" Xu Ran saluted with his hands raised, and then walked straight towards the holy tower.

As soon as he stepped into this place, an icy cold and sinister air suddenly hit his face, making the hairs on his body stand up. The blood in his body seemed to have solidified, and his whole body became extremely stiff.

"There is such a terrifying evil spirit here. No wonder the people here don't live long. It's probably because of the Holy Tower." Xu Ran sighed secretly.

At this time, a transparent barrier appeared in front of Xu Ran, blocking the distance between him and the Holy Tower.


Xu Ran took out a shiny black crystal core and threw it towards the barrier.

Instantly, the black crystal core flew into the air, emitting a faint blue light and falling into the barrier.

Suddenly, the pale yellow barrier flashed a strange ripple and then disappeared.

Seeing this, Xu Ran threw the black crystal core towards the barrier again.


A thunderous roar sounded, and circles of ripples spread out, and the barrier appeared again.

Seeing this, Xu Ran's mouth drew a smile, stretched out his hand to take the black crystal core on his arm, and threw it towards the barrier again.

Then this time, the pale yellow barrier.

Seeing this, Xu Ran rushed into the holy tower without hesitation.

In an instant, a ray of light shone on him.


The light flashed, and the next moment he appeared in another area.


Xu Ran was a little surprised. He didn't expect to get in so easily.

At this time, he found himself in a passage, with torches and oil lamps on both sides illuminating the surroundings, giving people a drowsy and depressing feeling.

"Is this the body of the sky-blue giant beast?" Xu Ran muttered and stepped forward.

But when he saw that there were actually a lot of small houses inside, he was immediately surprised.

He thought that this place should be filled with mountains of corpses and seas of blood, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, but rather it has a lot of life.

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