Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 384: Kill the Holy Cult in one day, the true guardian

Seeing this, Xu Ran understood. Then he complimented a few words, chatted with the knight for a few words, and then took the opportunity to escape and quickly left here.

After Xu Ran walked away, the knight breathed a sigh of relief, touched his forehead, and muttered: "I always feel a little strange."

Then he shook his head, ignored the matter, and continued to patrol.

At this time, Xu Ran was far away from everyone and came to the foot of a towering ancient tree.

"Ding! Ask the host to kill the Holy Cult and the true protector within one day!"

"Reward: instant recovery, opportunity to use, a skill card." The system prompt sounded in his ears, making Xu Ran slightly stunned.

But soon he woke up with a start and then became ecstatic.

What is the concept of instant recovery?

He clearly remembered being assassinated by Oster before. His attribute bar was gray and there was no damage.

And at that time, if there was an instant recovery skill card, he could at least escape.

"That guy turned out to be the man in white cloak in the center of the altar. I wonder if a sneak attack can directly kill him.

Xu Ran thought, and then rushed towards the direction of the temple.

What he didn't know was that there were two pairs of eyes staring at him behind him.

A pair of extremely dark eyes, hidden in the night, like a black shadow, silent.

There is also a pair that is bright and dazzling, as if there are stars floating in the sky, shining dazzlingly, like a dazzling galaxy, extremely dazzling.

"He finally took action. He is indeed our God's chosen one!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect this kind of loser to have potential that is not inferior to ours. It's really amazing."

The two chatted softly, and then quietly disappeared into the darkness, as if blending into the night.


Xu Ran quickly rushed towards the area where the temple was located according to his memory.

Soon, he came to a mountain range.

In front of him was a wide platform, and on the platform stood stone pillars.

The true protector was sitting cross-legged in the middle, and around him, there were thirty-six cavalry guards, including a Holy Cult believer.

Xu Ran hid in the corner and quietly observed all this.

"Huh?" Suddenly he raised his eyebrows and stared at the ground. In the shadow of the ground, there was a piece of gravel, which was covered with lines and symbols.

These lines and symbols were so complicated that he was dazzled and couldn't understand them at all.

"What should I do? These runes don't seem to be from the earth. I don't recognize them."

He frowned in thought, then rolled his eyes and drew an evil curve at the corner of his mouth.

"Since you don't know it, then destroy it!"

Xu Ran murmured, then reached out and squeezed suddenly!


With a crisp sound, the piece of gravel turned into dust.

At this time, the knights who were monitoring from a distance were startled, and then they discovered what Xu Ran had done.

"Damn it, stop him!"

When the leading knight saw this scene, his expression changed and he quickly urged.


Suddenly, more than ten cavalrymen charged forward on horseback, galloping towards Xu Ran.


Seeing this, Xu Ran raised an evil smile, and then jumped up to a giant tree.

The knights knocked down the giant trees one after another and fell dizzy.

Just as they were about to get up, Xu Ran had already jumped down from the treetops, waving his arms suddenly, and the sword light roared across the void, slashing hard at the group of knights!


Blood spurted out, and Xu Ran's move directly knocked them to the ground, losing their fighting power.

Seeing this, Xu Ran took away their weapons without hesitation, then kicked them away, successfully obtaining the weapons of these knights.

"Ha ha!"

Xu Ran laughed wildly with excitement, this was great, he made a lot of money this time.

Then he looked around, looking for his target.

Soon, his eyes lit up and he locked onto a knight wearing armor holding a bow and arrow.


The knight groaned and felt severe pain in his back, and then he saw Xu Ran's playful and greedy eyes.

"What do you want to do?" The knight felt uneasy and shouted quickly.

"Don't worry, I'm just borrowing your weapon. I will never kill you." Xu Ran said with a grin, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"You...don't mess around!" the knight said hurriedly.

"Ha!" Xu Ran sneered, then smacked his palm suddenly, breaking the knight's neck with a bang.

All of this sounds slow, but in fact it all happened in the blink of an eye. From the moment Xu Ran took action to the end, it only took a short tenth of a second.

Then he directly picked up the opponent's spear and stabbed it at the real protector.


The spear pierced the air and directly pierced the chest of the true protector. The true protector seemed to have expected that Xu Ran would attack him, and moved his body a few inches to the side, allowing the spear to deflect.


Although he avoided the fatal attack, the spear grazed his shoulder.


He couldn't help but roar, and black smoke billowed out from his body.

But Xu Ran took this opportunity to grab his right shoulder and tear it apart!

There was a puff, blood shot out, and bones and flesh flew everywhere!

The true protector howled miserably, and his entire right arm was torn off.


A shrill howl sounded, and the pain made the true protector almost go crazy.

"Looking for death!" He was extremely angry, his eyes were red, and he kicked Xu Ran hard, kicking him out.


Xu Ran hit a tree trunk hard, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The real protector didn't care about his injuries, and rushed towards Xu Ran directly, wanting to kill him!

Xu Ran struggled to get up, but saw that the real protector had rushed to him, holding a scimitar and slashing at his head fiercely.

His pupils contracted, his heart pounded, and he watched the scimitar getting closer and closer.

"Kafeng's gift! I don't believe you are faster than me.

At the critical moment, Xu Ran suddenly exploded and punched the real protector in the chest, directly knocking him several meters away.

While panting, he looked at his left hand, which was flashing a ray of bronze at this time.

"Sure enough, I am still too weak. I must reach level 75 as soon as possible to have enough combat power! "He murmured, his eyes gleaming.

At this time, the real protector slowly stood up, his face twisted and looking at Xu Ran, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Little beast, you angered me, I will kill you with my own hands!" He said in a low voice.

"Come on! I'm waiting for you, I hope you don't give up!" Xu Ran said lightly, and then he pulled out the spear stuck in the soil and pointed it directly at the other party.

"Asshole! You are forcing me to kill you." The real protector shouted angrily and rushed towards Xu Ran again.

Xu Ran saw this and a trace of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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