Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 385 Great God, please look at your loyal followers

Then he squatted down slightly and pushed his feet on the ground.

With a rumble, the solid ground cracked, forming spider web-like cracks that spread towards the surrounding areas.


Xu Ran jumped up, a layer of golden light appeared on his body, and then he took out the Tianlong Giant Sword.

He held a long sword and swung it down suddenly.


The sword clanked, and terrifying power poured out, heading towards the true protector to suppress it.


The true protector was shocked. The sword was so fast that he was directly blown away by the sword before he could react.


He smashed into the ground and the ground collapsed, leaving a large crater.

Immediately afterwards, he spurted out another mouthful of blood, and his face became even paler.

"Ahem, you bastard, you actually secretly learned the special skills of this protector!"

The true protector coughed and said, he didn't expect that Xu Ran would secretly learn his special skills!

That was the secret skill that he was most proud of. How could a newcomer steal it? !

He was heartbroken.

Such a powerful move is difficult for even other guardian geniuses to learn, because it requires extremely high understanding!

And the price to pay is also very high. After all, every time you learn a skill, you need to consume a lot of elemental values ​​and experience points, and it requires long-term practice!

If he were an ordinary person, he would probably fall down from exhaustion long ago.

"Haha! I learned it, so what?" Xu Ran smiled arrogantly, his eyes full of contempt.

When he heard this, the true protector suddenly became furious and roared: "Asshole, I will fight you!"

Then he roared angrily, with demonic energy boiling all over his body, and a long sword exuding rich black mist condensed out of thin air, and stabbed Xu Ran directly in the head!

But this time, the power was obviously increased, with a vague aura of destruction.

Xu Ran frowned, and then he took a deep breath, and the muscles in his body swelled, as if cast by magma, exuding scorching heat.

Immediately, he took a step forward, holding the giant sword in his hand to face the dark sword!


The two collided together, sparks flew, and then a crisp sound came out. The real protector felt numb in the tiger's mouth and almost couldn't hold the long sword in his hand.

But Xu Ran remained motionless!

A bright smile appeared on his face, and he felt extremely comfortable. He knew that he could now use Dragon Blood Boil!


He roared and whipped his whip leg towards the True Protector. The speed was extremely fast, like thunder. The True Protector could not avoid it and was kicked instantly.


With a muffled sound, the true protector was kicked out more than ten meters by Xu Ran, fell to the ground and vomited blood.

"Damn little beast, I'm going to kill you!" The true protector got up with difficulty, his face covered with ferocity and haze.

When Xu Ran saw this scene, he grinned.

"I told you I was going to kill you!" he shouted, taking another step forward and rushing towards the true protector.

Bang bang bang!

The two fought together, violent energy ripples spread out, and the ground continued to shatter and explode.


The True Protector gritted his teeth and took a bottle of green potion. Immediately, the wounds on his body healed and his aura became extremely strong.

He had originally had three fingers chopped off by Xu Ran, but now that he had recovered, his fingers had grown back and were intact.

Not only that, his momentum was even greater. He punched out, carrying majestic power towards Xu Ran.


Seeing this, Xu Ran snorted coldly, and then showed no sign of weakness, raised his giant sword and also faced him.


Xu Ran's wrist trembled, and then a brute force was transmitted into his arm. The shock made Xu Ran's arms weak and almost dislocated.


This time, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, but the ferocious color in his eyes became more intense. Then he bullied him again and started a fierce fight!

The two fought fiercely in the jungle, constantly colliding and setting off endless strong winds.

The true protector became more and more frightened as he fought. He had never thought that a newcomer could be so powerful!

Especially the moves Xu Ran performed made his heart palpitate.

These moves are all his own, and he would not dare to use them easily. Because once used, it will consume a huge amount of elemental value, and it will also take a lot of time to fill it up!

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, he is not willing to use it.

But now, he was completely angered by Xu Ran, and even used this forbidden technique.

The injuries on his body continued to increase, and the blood stained his clothes red.

"Great God, please look at your loyal followers, I need your help!"

The true protector suddenly yelled, and then murmured for a while. Xu Ran knew that he should be reciting a spell, but just as he was about to interrupt him, he noticed that a terrifying aura suddenly burst out from the other person's body.

"Not good!" His expression changed, and he quickly circulated the spiritual energy in his body to prepare for resistance.

At this time, the true protector suddenly raised his head, stared at Xu Ran with his scarlet eyes, and then shouted crazily: "A dragnet of heaven and earth!"

In an instant, the entire forest seemed to be plunged into darkness, and endless demonic energy swept in, covering the area.

Xu Ran stared in front of him dumbfounded. The space had turned into darkness and he couldn't see his fingers!

"Damn it, this guy still has a trump card!" He cursed in his mind.

But then he shook his head, his eyes gradually narrowed, and he felt a dangerous aura.

The next moment, Xu Ran's eyelids twitched.


Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the entire sky was shaking violently, and endless waves of air were rolling.

Then, a figure flew out in a panic and landed in the distance.

This figure was Xu Ran!

"Haha, is this your final trump card? Although it is very strong, I am not afraid. Continue!" Xu Ran wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted coldly.

At this moment, a blush appeared on his cheeks, his eyes were red, and his whole body was emitting a hot breath, as if burning!

And his breath was also rising step by step, quickly reaching the peak of level 73.

And his attributes also changed suddenly, soaring directly to 20,000!

"This... Is this kid a monster? Why is his breath so strong?!" The real protector was horrified, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and a fine bead of sweat oozed from his forehead.

"No matter who you are, you must die today!" Xu Ran shouted, stomped his feet on the ground, and rushed straight to the real protector.

His speed was too fast, like a ghost, making people panic!

In an instant, he approached the real protector, then jumped up and stomped hard on the real protector's head.

"Looking for death!"

The real protector roared, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

He clenched his right fist suddenly, bursting with brilliant light, and then hit Xu Ran's ankle heavily.


A dull sound exploded, and both of them retreated several steps.

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