Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 386: Beating up the real guardian, ghosts crying and wolves howling

The real protector's face was extremely pale, and his right hand was shaking. The collision just now caused many of his bones to break.

On the other hand, Xu Ran was still calm, with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, looking at him sarcastically: "What? Don't you pretend now?"

"Asshole!" The real protector roared. He was a level 78 but was suppressed by a level 72 waste. It was a great shame.

At this moment, Xu Ran suddenly rushed over. He swept the giant sword in his hand, chopped out a huge sword, and slashed at the real protector fiercely.

Seeing this, the real protector's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly raised his arms to block.

Clang clang clang...

Sparks flew everywhere, and the real protector was shocked and retreated continuously, his face flushed.

"Damn it!" He roared in a low voice, his eyes were fierce, while waving the giant axe to block, he was looking for an opportunity to counterattack!

But soon, his face froze.

Because he saw Xu Ran had appeared in front of him, and raised the sword and stabbed him in the abdomen fiercely.

"Damn it!" He roared, and flew backward unwillingly, but it was too late. Xu Ran had already caught up, and the giant sword fell hard on his chest.


The sound of bones breaking rang out, and then the real protector screamed, and the whole person flew out, fell hard on the tree, and vomited blood.

"Ahem..." He struggled to stand up, and a strong look of fear appeared on his face.

Xu Ran was too weird. He was only at level 6, but his burst of strength was comparable to that of a level 9 strongman!

The gap between them was so huge that it was simply insurmountable!

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you!" The real protector roared, and then suddenly pinched the seal.


The void trembled, and a giant sword slowly condensed. It was about ten feet long, and the whole body was black, revealing a sharp and sharp aura, as if it could tear the sky apart.


The real protector roared, and then swung the sword and chopped it down.


In an instant, the pitch-black giant sword broke through the air with a whistling sound, as if it could cut through the void, with terrifying power.

"This..." Xu Ran's face suddenly stiffened. He had never encountered such a sharp attack.

He took a deep breath, and then shouted: "Swift Wind Step!"


Xu Ran instantly turned into a residual image, narrowly avoiding the attack of the giant sword, and then he took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, raising his fist and hammering the opponent fiercely.


The giant fist and the giant sword collided, a crisp sound came out, and sparks flew.

"What?" The real protector was shocked. He was actually blocked by Xu Ran's giant fist.

"Die!" Xu Ran shouted, and the Tianlong giant sword in his hand suddenly rotated, and then he slashed down at the real protector fiercely with a diagonal move!


Suddenly, a line of blood was drawn from the shoulder of the real protector.

Xu Ran's figure was like a cheetah. He punched out again, hitting the left rib of the real protector hard and knocking him away.

"You deserve to die!" The real protector roared angrily. At this time, he was no longer as arrogant as before, and looked embarrassed.

What made him even more unbelievable was that Xu Ran's fighting skills and fighting awareness were even better than his!

Moreover, he felt that Xu Ran seemed to have some kind of trump card!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but tremble!

If he didn't run away, he was really worried that he would be killed here!

Thinking of this, the real protector stopped fighting and turned around and ran.

"Want to escape now? Do you think it's possible?" Xu Ran's eyes were cold, he pulled out the dagger worn on his waist, and then threw it hard.

The dagger flew very fast, and in the blink of an eye it pierced the back of the real protector, bringing out a puff of blood mist!

"Damn bastard!" The real protector gnashed his teeth in pain and said hatefully.

"Haha, you want to escape? You're dreaming." Xu Ran sneered.

"Do you think you're sure to win? You're too naive. My True Demon Realm is not so easy to break!" The True Protector laughed loudly, and then a dazzling golden light burst out from his body.


In an instant, a strong wind blew in the valley, and layers of dark clouds gathered in the air, covering the sun and the moon, emitting cold and mysterious fluctuations.

At the same time, Xu Ran's ears also rang with cold voices: "Forbidden Realm - True Demon Realm!"


The dark clouds in the sky boiled violently, and dark lightning intertwined in it.

"Boy, stay where you are and wait for the realm to come. When the time comes, I will crush you to death with my own hands!" The True Protector sneered repeatedly, his tone full of teasing.

"True Demon Realm, do you think I haven't heard of it?" Xu Ran raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing a bit of mockery.

"Since you want to play, I'll play with you." Xu Ran grinned, then raised his hand and suddenly grabbed the True Protector through the air.

Suddenly, the air around the True Protector seemed to solidify, and then squeezed wildly, as if to grind the True Protector into a meat paste.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With loud noises, the True Protector was constantly squeezed, and his bones began to crack.

"Damn it!" The True Protector's face changed drastically. If this goes on, he will be crushed sooner or later!

"Damn it! I'll fight you!" The True Protector roared, his eyes bloodshot.

He suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a piece of jade. The jade floated in the air, swelled in the wind, and finally turned into a jade ruler more than three meters long.

"Suppress it!" The True Protector roared.


The next second, the huge jade ruler suddenly burst out with golden light, carrying a majestic power, and slapped Xu Ran fiercely.

Xu Ran's face changed drastically. Feeling the vast and unpredictable power, he did not dare to be arrogant. He immediately used the wind step to quickly dodge the attack of the jade ruler.

But the jade ruler seemed to have spirituality, constantly chasing Xu Ran, as if it was going to take his life.

Swish, swish, swish...

Suddenly, the jade ruler shook, and countless blazing golden beams burst out, shooting at Xu Ran.


Xu Ran cursed loudly. He didn't expect the real protector to have such a treasure. He hurriedly urged the giant sword to defend himself.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

A series of metal and iron clanging sounds rang out. Xu Ran not only failed to hurt the real protector, but was even numb in the palm of his hand by the jade ruler!

"What a tough magic weapon!" Xu Ran's face was solemn. He didn't expect the jade ruler to be so powerful.


At this time, the True Protector took the opportunity to leave the battle group. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said viciously: "You will die today!"

"Hmph! I want to see who will die!" Xu Ran sneered, his muscles bulged, and waves of wild power poured into his body.

"Do you think I was testing you just now?" The True Protector smiled grimly, then his legs bent and his body slightly arched.

"Nine Nether Ghost Claw!"

"Ghost Crying and Wolf Howling!"

The two powers were activated instantly, and the True Protector was filled with a thick murderous aura, as if he had crawled out of a pile of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Come and die!"

The True Protector roared, and his body rushed towards Xu Ran like a beast, with the five fingers of his right hand stretched out, flashing with a cold luster, as thick as steel bars, and filled with the power of destruction.

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