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Chapter 388 Secret Technique: Dragon Blood Rage, the True Protector’s Back-up Plan

Yaksha's defense was so amazing that Xu Ran's attack didn't even break Yaksha's scales, but he suffered a backlash.

Xu Ran groaned, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although his strength was much stronger than the real guardian, the gap in realm was too big after all. Xu Ran couldn't hold on for long in that state just now.

Yaksha seemed to have discovered Xu Ran's embarrassment. It roared, swung its giant axe, and made bursts of air-breaking sounds, and chopped it down fiercely, trying to kill Xu Ran.

"Damn it!" Xu Ran was furious. He didn't dare to resist, because he knew that he would be torn into pieces by this axe!

So Xu Ran could only choose to escape. His figure flashed rapidly and kept moving, trying to get rid of Yaksha's attack.

"Roar!" Yaksha roared, and then ran towards Xu Ran with his huge legs.

"Damn it! Still coming?" Xu Ran was furious, but he had no choice. This guy was extremely fast and avoided his attack every time.

"Damn it, no matter what, let's fight!" Xu Ran gritted his teeth, and then his body stagnated. Behind him, a brilliant white light suddenly burst out.

"Secret Technique·Dragon Blood Rage!"

Xu Ran shouted, and a raging flame burned all over his body, as if he was roaring to the sky.


The dragon shadow exuded a terrifying pressure, which made Yaksha's footsteps stop slightly for a moment. Obviously, this pressure made it feel threatened.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xu Ran immediately urged the huge dragon shadow behind him to pounce, and he slashed Yaksha's neck fiercely with a sword.


The teeth-grinding sound of bone breaking sounded, Yaksha let out a deafening roar, and then the huge body fell down with a bang, completely dead!

Watching Yaksha slowly fall, Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Xu Ran did not feel any joy, but frowned, with a deep worry in his eyes.

Just now, he used the Dragon Blood Rage and temporarily gained power beyond his limit, but the side effects were very obvious, which would make him weak.

"No, we have to end the battle as soon as possible, otherwise the real protector will arrive and we will definitely lose."

Xu Ran whispered, he fumbled out two pills from his arms, swallowed them, and replenished his vitality.

After doing this, Xu Ran looked at the position of the real protector with a cold look.

Sure enough, the next moment he rushed out directly!

"System! Fuck you, if you don't settle the experience reward for me, I will really die here today!"

"Ding, first kill of Yaksha, reward 2 million experience, get 10 points of luck!"

"Ding, host level increased, Lv71 (58/100)"

In an instant, Xu Ran felt full of strength.

"Damn it, do you think I'm dead? I haven't bothered you yet, but you're here to give me trouble!"

Xu Ran sneered, and then swept his sword across, fiercely slashing at the head of the True Protector, and the sword energy whistled out.


Blood spurted out, and one of the True Protector's arms flew out in response, and blood sprayed everywhere, dyeing the trees and soil red.


A shrill scream came from the True Protector's throat, which made Xu Ran's pores shudder.

He saw that in the True Protector's abdomen, a hideous wound was cut by his sword, and his intestines almost flowed out.

"Good opportunity!" Xu Ran was overjoyed, and immediately slapped the True Protector's chest with a palm.

But at this moment, the True Protector seemed to have used some secret method, and the whole person suddenly became extremely ferocious.

I saw that the tentacles like sharp knives surged out of the opponent's body

Densely packed, like a pile of tentacle monsters.

Xu Ran was shocked and immediately withdrew his hands and retreated quickly.

But it was too late!

He saw these strange tentacles lashing out fiercely, knocking him to the ground, in a miserable state.

"Hahaha, little bastard, I'm going to tear you apart!" The real protector laughed, his face twisted, as if he had become a different person.

"Fuck, don't be so proud, wait until I recover, I'll kill you!" Xu Ran endured the pain and cursed, and at the same time hated him in his heart.

If he hadn't just used the Dragon Blood Rage, how could he be beaten so badly now!

However, at this time, Xu Ran didn't notice that a hint of sarcasm appeared on the ugly face of the real protector.

"Haha, I see you have a few more tricks!" The real protector sneered, his tentacles danced wildly, covering Xu Ran, trying to tie him up.

These tentacles look extremely slender, but they are extremely sharp, easily cutting through the skin, drilling into the body and wreaking havoc, causing serious damage.


Xu Ran was furious, and immediately activated the flames and thunder in his body to burn the tentacles, but he was also seriously injured and his face was extremely pale.

"Hehe, let's see where you run this time." The real protector smiled grimly, and then his body shook, approaching Xu Ran in an instant.

Xu Ran was shocked and quickly used his body skills to dodge, but found that his speed was about 30% slower than before.

This made Xu Ran's heart sink. He knew that this was because he consumed too much energy, resulting in overdrawn physical strength, and he was also injured.

"Am I going to die in this ghost place today?" Xu Ran felt bitter and unwilling.


However, just as Xu Ran was thinking wildly, several black shadows suddenly attacked him, causing his pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Fuck, this is an octopus?!" Xu Ran was horrified.

"Haha! Brat, you want to fight me?" The real protector laughed wildly.

"Haha, who said I'm going to fight you?" At this moment, Xu Ran suddenly changed his previous panic and showed a playful expression on the corner of his mouth.

A layer of light golden flames emerged from his body, instantly raising the temperature around him.

The next moment, Xu Ran reached out and took out a jade talisman from his waist, and then crushed it without hesitation.


As the jade talisman exploded, a series of blazing light columns suddenly shot up into the sky.

Then, Xu Ran turned around and turned into a residual image, leaving quickly.

All this happened too quickly, so fast that in the blink of an eye, Xu Ran's figure had already fled hundreds of meters away.


At this time, the real protector was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Xu Ran to have a trick up his sleeve. This made him very angry. He chased after him continuously, but he could no longer see Xu Ran's trace.

At this time, in a hidden forest, Xu Ran was panting heavily, his body was covered with sweat, his face was a little pale, his clothes were tattered, there were many scars, blood and flesh, and even one of his ribs was broken.

"Damn, I'm finally safe." Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the ground. At this moment, his physical condition was very bad, his whole body was in great pain, and his internal organs seemed to have moved, the pain was unbearable.

"No, I need treatment immediately." Xu Ran stood up with difficulty, took out a green pill, and stuffed it into his mouth.

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