Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 389 The Guardian's True Form, a Black Giant Octopus Monster

This elixir is a healing holy object with a magical effect.

After a while, Xu Ran felt that the pain in his body was much lessened, and his injuries were gradually healing.

Xu Ran was overjoyed and immediately sat cross-legged to continue absorbing the medicinal properties of this elixir.

Not long after, the fire poison in his body was expelled. Although he was still a little weak, he finally recovered, and his cultivation reached the peak of level 73, only half a step away from level 74.

"Not bad, not bad." Xu Ran opened his eyes, his eyes full of brilliance.

He stood up and looked up, only to see that the real guardian seemed to be back again, and was staring at him fiercely.

"Little beast, this time I will kill you, take away your spirit stones and martial arts, and torture you to death." The real guardian shouted angrily.

"Fuck, this guy is sick in the brain!"

Xu Ran's face turned black. He really didn't understand why this guy was so persistent.

However, since the other party was not willing to give in, Xu Ran didn't bother to pay attention and walked away directly.

The True Protector was overjoyed, and immediately waved countless tentacles, covering the sky and the earth, to block Xu Ran's way.

"Get lost!" Xu Ran snorted coldly, and the dragon scale sword in his hand burst into brilliant light. He stabbed out with a sword, and the sword energy was everywhere.

The sword fell, and immediately split countless tentacles, bringing up a bloody wind.

Xu Ran took the opportunity to escape and entered the forest again.

Not long after Xu Ran left, the True Protector's figure suddenly trembled, and then he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood:

"Damn it, I actually fell into the trap!" The True Protector gritted his teeth, his face full of resentment.

He thought Xu Ran was just bluffing, so he didn't have the slightest defense, which allowed Xu Ran to seize the opportunity and escape.

This made him extremely angry. He was an eighth-grade strong man, but now he fell into the hands of a waste.

"I must kill you with my own hands!" The True Protector roared, and then glanced around, and was immediately scared to death.

Because he suddenly found that the tentacles around him were getting fewer and fewer!

"No, no, we must retreat quickly." The real protector was very anxious and immediately prepared to escape.

However, the next second, it was horrified to find that it was surrounded by tentacles without knowing when.

Those tentacles kept squirming and actually formed a huge cage, trapping it inside.

"It's over!" The real protector was desperate. It struggled desperately, but it was useless.

Because these tentacles were extremely tough, no matter how it struggled, it couldn't break free.

"This time, it's really over."

The real protector wanted to cry but had no tears. He dreamed that he would end up in such a miserable state one day. He really regretted it.

"Huh? This guy... why hasn't he died yet?" Suddenly, the real protector noticed that a figure fell from the sky and slowly floated in front of it, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The two people were Xu Ran and Xiao Yifei.

Xu Ran smiled and said, "True Dharma Protector, we meet again."

The True Dharma Protector was stunned and stared at Xu Ran blankly: "You...are you not okay?"

"No, on the contrary, I'm fine." Xu Ran smiled slightly, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

Hearing this, the True Dharma Protector was startled and thought to himself: Could this little beast have cheated?

However, it soon realized that it was indeed deceived, and this little beast was clearly pretending.

"Ah ah ah! Little beast, dare to play tricks on me, I will grind you to ashes and eat you!" The True Dharma Protector roared to the sky, burning with anger.

The next moment, a huge pressure broke out, shocking the world.


As if a thunderbolt resounded through the sky, the True Dharma Protector's body suddenly grew and turned into a strange monster several feet tall, with a body like an octopus, but with nine legs.

Moreover, this strange monster exudes a strong evil spirit, just like a giant octopus!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The corpse king opened his bloody mouth and sprayed out corrosive liquids, like venom, which could corrode everything, even steel, in an instant.

"You provoked me first!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Ran's eyes flashed with coldness, his muscles swelled, and the whole person exuded a fierce aura, which made people palpitate.


Xu Ran punched out with terrifying power, hitting the corrosive venom hard, bursting and stirring up a huge dust.

And Xu Ran took advantage of the aftermath and fled to a distance. He wanted to find a place to hide and recover his strength.

Seeing this, the real protector was very angry and chased him madly, with an extremely fast speed, thousands of feet in an instant, which was amazing.

"Little bastard, you can't run away!" The real guardian roared fiercely, his body was expanding, and the body that was only two or three feet long actually increased again, and in the blink of an eye it became more ferocious and huge.

Its speed increased a lot, and it rushed towards Xu Ran frantically.


Xu Ran couldn't dodge in time, and his shoulder was grabbed immediately. The severe pain almost made him scream.

However, Xu Ran endured the pain and punched the opponent's head with his backhand.


A muffled sound came, and the head of the strange monster exploded and turned into smoke and disappeared.

But then, a new tentacle quickly emerged and condensed into a huge monster, rushing towards Xu Ran.

"Fuck, if you are not afraid of death, come and try it."

Xu Ran cursed in a low voice, retreated violently, and took out the jade slip at the same time.


A beam of red light burst out, defeating the strange monster, but the next moment, these tentacles rushed over and submerged the red light.

Then, the tentacles formed a cage and imprisoned Xu Ran in it.

"Little beast, you are dead!" The real protector laughed wildly.

"Really? Do you really think you can eat me?" Xu Ran grinned, and the next moment, his momentum suddenly rose.

"Fuck!" The real protector's face changed drastically. How did this kid suddenly become stronger?

"Hehe, real protector, now, I wonder who can save you?" Xu Ran said lightly, with a bit of evil on his face.

The real protector was horrified and immediately urged all his strength to break free from the cage, but it was useless. Those tentacles were like reinforced concrete, so solid that it was impossible to escape.

"Asshole! Get out of my way."

"Boom boom!"

The real guardian attacked desperately, even using forbidden magic, but it was useless. The tentacles were too tough to leave any scars.

"What the hell are you? Why are you so strong?"

The real guardian was really scared. It felt like it had met a devil. This little beast was not as simple as it seemed.

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