Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 402 Completely crazy, Xu Ran's outburst

Xu Ran's attack speed was not fast enough, but he keenly caught the weakness of the bison, and then seized the opportunity, and struck hard, slashing the bison's waist.


The opponent was knocked several meters away, and hit the stone, smashing it, and the broken stone splashed, and the dust was long.

Xu Ran took a deep breath, feeling the burning pain in his chest, but he didn't care too much, and immediately picked up the giant sword and rushed up.


After the attack, Xu Ran was kicked seven or eight meters away.

He barely got up, and the place where he was kicked just now was burning and painful. It is estimated that several ribs were broken, but fortunately, this guy did not burst out special skills, so he did not die.

"MD! Can you still stand up?" Seeing this, the bison's face changed drastically, and then rushed over again.


After a punch, Xu Ran suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Bison punched him in the stomach again, knocking him to the ground. This feeling was worse than death.

However, at this time, Bison did not continue to attack, but panted and stared at Xu Ran vigilantly.

His face was extremely gloomy. His strength was much higher than Xu Ran. Logically, one punch was enough to kill Xu Ran, but Xu Ran was fine after being hit by two punches.

Xu Ran lay on the ground, feeling that his body was about to be useless. He felt his stomach churning and a foul smell came. It was obvious that he had vomited blood from being beaten just now.

Moreover, Bison hit him very hard just now, and his internal organs were severely injured by the shock.

Fortunately, the healing potion rewarded by the system was very effective. After Xu Ran took it, his body was warm and comfortable.

He slowly climbed up and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his lips.

Bison narrowed his eyes, full of danger. He felt that Xu Ran in front of him was more dangerous, and the other party seemed to be hiding something.

"Hu...Hu..." Bison panted heavily, with dense beads of sweat on his forehead. He felt that Xu Ran's strength was recovering rapidly. If he continued like this, he would definitely lose.

Thinking of this, he decided not to waste time and rushed up again.


Xu Ran was knocked away again, and the blood in his mouth could not stop flowing. Moreover, his left leg seemed to be seriously injured.

Fortunately, the opponent did not pursue him, otherwise he would have been defeated today.

"Ha...ha..." Bison looked at Xu Ran excitedly, with a bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes.

"It's over!" He shouted and ran towards Xu Ran again.

This time, Xu Ran was well prepared, and the giant sword stabbed straight forward. Bison hurriedly reached out to grab the giant sword, then knelt on his knees and pushed up with both hands.

Ding Ding!

Sparks burst out, and Bison's knees rubbed against Xu Ran's giant sword, bursting out brilliant sparks, and then Xu Ran groaned and flew out.

However, he also managed to force the opponent back, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The gap in his strength was too big.

The bison stood up, glanced at Xu Ran, and showed a ferocious expression on his face, "Boy! Stop struggling, just wait for death!"

After saying that, the bison jumped up and bit towards Xu Ran's neck, as if trying to tear off the opponent's head.

"Heh! That won't work!"

Xu Ran's mouth drew a strange arc, then turned around suddenly, his right arm muscles bulged, and he suddenly punched.


The huge impact force directly knocked the bison back several meters, but because the giant sword was on Xu Ran's right shoulder, Xu Ran's hand was also scratched, and bright red blood flowed down his clothes.

The bison stood firm, his eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura: "Boy, you dare to hurt me! You're dead!"

Xu Ran grinned and glanced at the bison lightly: "Are you sure?"

The murderous intent in the bison's eyes became more and more intense. Suddenly, he jumped and rushed towards Xu Ran again.

This time Xu Ran was on guard and no longer resisted, but used inertia to avoid the opponent's attack.

But the next moment, the bison rushed towards Xu Ran again, at an incredibly fast speed, even leaving an afterimage.

"Damn it!" Xu Ran couldn't help cursing. He had seen the murderous intent in the other party's eyes. He knew that if he dragged on, the other party would definitely burst out completely, and then he would definitely not be able to escape, and even his body would be torn to pieces and eaten.

But Xu Ran was not afraid. Although the opponent's momentum was amazing, he was just a puppet after all.



In an instant, Xu Ran's momentum rose steadily, surpassing the peak of 74 and reaching 75ji in the blink of an eye.

This cheered him up. His strength was already comparable to that of the early stage of the foundation building realm, and now it was even stronger.

"Get out of my way!" He roared and swung his sword, which was extremely sharp.


There was a loud noise, and the bison flew backwards again.

However, the bison did not stop, but was like crazy, no matter how Xu Ran attacked, it was tightly entangled with Xu Ran.

And Xu Ran, because of the sudden increase in strength, each sword carried a thousand pounds of force, flattening a large section of the surrounding soil.


Violent roars continued to be heard, and the two fought fiercely in the forest, causing the birds and beasts in the mountains and forests to flee in all directions.

Not long after, a shrill scream was heard, and Xu Ran staggered out of the bushes.

His right arm was drooping, the sleeve had long been gone, the skin on his arm had burst and cracked, and one could even clearly see the blood vessels and tendons.

However, he still insisted on not letting himself faint. At this critical moment, he must stay awake so that he can exert his strength to the maximum extent, and perhaps turn defeat into victory.

"Boy! Go to hell!" Bison roared, clenched his left fist, and hit Xu Ran's chest fiercely.


This blow was so powerful that it was like a cannonball falling on the ground. The ground instantly sank several feet, and at the same time, a deep gully spread several meters away.


Xu Ran coughed up blood and his face was as pale as paper. This blow caused his internal organs to shift and his body seemed to fall apart.

"Hey, boy! Go to hell!" Bison sneered. He knew that Xu Ran was seriously injured, so he raised his fist and hit him without hesitation.

"Who will die?" At this moment, a cold voice came into Bison's ears.

"Who?" Bison was so scared that his soul flew away. He turned his head and looked, but found nothing.


A dagger was inserted into the abdomen of the bison. Xu Ran pulled out the dagger with difficulty. Blood was dripping and he was grimacing in pain.

"Damn it!" The bison roared. He never thought that he would suffer such a fate.

"Boy! Are you looking for death?!" He roared angrily. He didn't believe that he would lose.

"Heh! That's all!" Xu Ran staggered forward, then raised his hand and slashed the opponent's shoulder fiercely.


The bison screamed miserably, and his entire left arm fell off in an instant. Half of his body was gone.

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