Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 403: Wild Bull Liang, mercenaries' siege

"Asshole! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!" Bison howled crazily, then twitched violently, and a long knife appeared in his hand.

The long knife swung and attacked Xu Ran, tearing the air apart.

"Damn it! How could this guy's weapon become so long?" Xu Ran cursed inwardly, and dodged to the side at a very fast speed.

"Go to hell, kid!"


The long knife lashed on the ground, leaving a long mark, but Xu Ran's figure also disappeared.

"Where are you running!" Bison was furious, waving the long knife, and slashing at the position where Xu Ran left again and again.


Suddenly, Bison felt a huge pain in his back. He turned his head and found that Xu Ran's dagger had pierced his back, and his palm had reached his throat.

"You... Bison opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't speak.

"Go to hell! "Xu Ran growled, and pulled out the dagger with his last bit of strength, and the life of the bison disappeared in an instant.

"Hoo, hoo..." He panted violently, watching the huge body of the bison slowly fall down, and he collapsed weakly on the ground.

Xu Ran felt a wave of fatigue coming from his body, and then slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


"Hmm..." After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ran slowly opened his eyes, and immediately found that a pungent smell of blood filled his nose.

He looked down at his body and was stunned.

The originally skinny figure became extremely strong at this time, especially his skin became crystal clear, as if it was made of water.

He moved his body a few times, and his bones crackled, as crisp and pleasant as fried beans, and his strength increased several times.

"Is this what it means to live towards death? "Xu Ran said happily, he felt the powerful blood in his body.

Xu Ran tried it, he could kill a tiger with his bare hands just by strength, it was terrifying!

"It's worthy of being a system secret technique, it can actually enhance my physical fitness, and even has the effect of tempering the body, it's really amazing!"

Xu Ran was very excited. At this moment, he felt the joy of invincibility. His strength increased, his defense also skyrocketed, and he could even use spiritual skills.

"But unfortunately, this formula requires a huge price. Not only does it consume a huge amount of points, but it also causes serious damage to the body." Xu Ran sighed, then collected his mind, checked his remaining points, and found that there were more than 80,000 points, and immediately smiled with satisfaction.

And at this moment, Xu Ran suddenly realized that something was wrong. He could actually hear sounds from a long distance.

"Huh? It's that group of mercenaries. Why would they come to such a dangerous area. "Xu Ran frowned. This place is already in the inner circle. Only extremely powerful superpowers can enter. Ordinary people coming in is simply to die.

"Forget it, since I met you, I'll help you!" Xu Ran thought about it, turned around and walked in another direction, but as soon as he took a step, his body suddenly froze in place.

"What should I do? They won't let me go!" Xu Ran hesitated. Although he now has an absolute crushing advantage, he has just walked through the gates of hell after all, and he is now seriously injured and his combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

Ding Dong——

Xu Ran's pupils suddenly shrank into needles, and the voice of the system sounded again: "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the side quest "Hunting Bison", rewarding 2 million experience points and obtaining a map of the heavenly dungeon."

"Huh? So cool?!" Xu Ran was stunned, and then ecstatic

"Hahaha! I made a fortune, and I even got a new dungeon map. "Xu Ran laughed up to the sky, feeling extremely happy.

"No, we have to leave here immediately, otherwise it will be bad if they catch up with us later." Xu Ran looked around and found a mess, with corpses everywhere, which was obviously caused by the previous bison.

Besides, the bison tried its best to chop at him before dying, and it was estimated that they were also in danger.

"No, I have to save them, otherwise I will have a guilty conscience in this life!" Xu Ran gritted his teeth and said, he stood up and patted his butt, ready to find those people and take them out.

However, he had just taken a few steps when he suddenly felt something strange, as if he had forgotten something.

He scratched his head, and then it suddenly dawned on him.

"Oh my! My pills, the pills I worked so hard to save!" Xu Ran was shocked and rushed back to get the pills, and then he was slightly relieved.

These pills are not ordinary ones, they are healing pills he bought specially, which can restore injuries and treat all injuries.

"Alas! I lost a lot this time. I wanted to show off, but I almost died!" Xu Ran was very depressed, but overall, he still made a profit, at least he upgraded.


"Look, isn't this the guy who escaped last night?!" Suddenly a mercenary saw Xu Ran gnawing on the beast's leg, and was shocked, and hurriedly called his companions.

"Oh? It's him!" Everyone was shocked. This guy was indeed the guy from last night. They never thought that this kid was so tenacious and didn't die!

"This kid must have hidden it. He must have elixirs on him. Let's kill him and grab the elixirs." Someone shouted greedily.

Hearing this, everyone was very excited. They saw with their own eyes the scene of Xu Ran's injury healed after swallowing the elixir. If they could grab it, wouldn't it be reborn immediately?!

"Brother, don't worry about them, continue to eat your meat." A voice sounded faintly.

Everyone looked over and found that Xu Ran was concentrating on eating barbecue.

The way he ate made people laugh. When he took a bite, the oil glistened, delicious and fragrant, it was simply the most delicious food in the world.

"Hey, kid, hand over the pills or throw them away if you know what's best for you." One person pointed at Xu Ran's belly and threatened fiercely.

Xu Ran glanced at the man and ignored him, but continued to eat meat.

"Humph! If you don't accept my toast, I will kill you today." One person was furious and wanted to pounce on Xu Ran immediately.

"Get out!" Xu Ran shouted coldly, his eyes flashing with brilliance, staring at the man like an eagle.

In an instant, the man trembled all over, his face turned pale, and he staggered back two or three meters before stopping.

"Oh my God! What did I see just now? Just a waste, he actually stared at me!" The man was scared, he was actually shocked by the eyes of this waste just now!

"Hmph! Just a piece of trash, don't be afraid, I'll kill him." The other man was even more angry when he saw his companion's appearance. He punched out, and the flames soared into the air, turning into a fireball, heading straight for Xu Ran.

Xu Ran glanced at him coldly, raised his right hand, and casually grasped the flame, then crushed it.

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