Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 411 The fisherman gets the advantage, the adventurer team

Xu Ran's heart was filled with shock. At this moment, he had to figure out how to deal with this terrifying Heavenly King Break.


The powerful force rushed towards him like an overwhelming force.

Xu Ran frantically pulled away from him. At this time, a lot of cold sweat was flowing out of his forehead.

Because he didn't think it would take so much time to deal with a golden emperor bear.

And until now, this guy has not been seriously injured, so if the other two monsters come, what will be the ending?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but become a little cautious.

He understood that obtaining the title of Supreme in Heaven was not as simple as he thought!

Without a baptism of blood and fire, it is absolutely impossible to reach this state.

"Damn, it's so abominable. You dare to deceive me. You will definitely pay the price..."

At this time, Asir in the distance seemed to have turned into a madman, talking nonsense here.

Moreover, his overall mental state was very bad, and he kept moving forward with the fateful decision in his hands, stabbing out sword after sword at will.

And what surprised Xu Ran was that there was a monster next to Asir that was releasing a very psychedelic aura.

This kind of breath can make people's mental thoughts become confused!

Xu Ran boldly guessed that Asir fell into this trick and became like this.

At this moment, Xu Ran could not control so much. He could only quickly kill the golden emperor bear in front of him, and then find a way to join forces with Asir to deal with the other two monsters.

"Look, there are actually people here who are dealing with these powerful three dark brothers. Are they too brave?"

At this time, someone finally ran in from outside. When they saw the scene in front of them, the eyes of these three guys showed a look of shock at the same time.

Because they had inadvertently broken into this place before, but they didn't know about the title of Supreme Heavenly Realm.

I just understand that the strength of the three dark brothers here is very terrifying!

"Haha, don't worry about it, let them be cannon fodder, and we can just reap the benefits."

At this time, one of them had a sneer in his eyes.

Their idea is also very simple, just stay at the entrance of the cave and quietly wait for the result.

"Jack, do you think that after killing the three dark brothers, is there any chance of obtaining a treasure chest or something like that?"

At this time, one of the other members suddenly couldn't help but ask.

The team leader named Jack frowned deeply and shook his head.

"I don't know, maybe there will be, but I don't think the chance is high."

The other two companions nodded after hearing his judgment, and the three of them waited in silence.

At this moment, an extremely angry roar suddenly came from inside.

The three people were startled. They looked forward carefully and found that one of Asil's arms had been bitten off alive by the monster!

Under all the pain, Asil's screams can be said to be terrifying.

But this time, Asir was completely stimulated and freed him from his confused state.

At this time, Asir's eyes were full of anger, and he finally began to use the fifth crack to display the most powerful move of Destiny's Choice.

"Destroy the heaven and earth!"

The sword in Asir's hand turned into a ball of the strongest aura and exploded crazily in all directions.

The monster in front of him was unable to withstand this terrifying attack, and its body instantly shattered into a ball of minced meat.

After killing this guy, Asir gasped desperately, and his eyes showed a look of crazy confusion!

But despite this, Asir doesn't care, he still has at least two cracks to use.

And after the seven rifts, he estimated that he should have completed the task of being titled Supreme in Heaven.

Looking to the other side, Xu Ran and the golden emperor bear were almost at the end of their fight.

Xu Ran kept leaving one wound after another on the body of the golden emperor bear. He used the sharpness of his weapon and the range attack of drawing the sword to constantly play with this stupid demon bear.

After a while, the golden emperor bear was covered with wounds, and its huge body finally could no longer support it and was teetering on the verge of collapse.

"Fall down!"

Xu Ran's strongest blow stomped hard on the golden emperor bear.

After killing the Golden Emperor Bear, only the last monster beast remained.

At this time, this guy was very timid by nature. Seeing the bad opportunity, he turned around and ran away into the distance.

However, Xu Ran had already firmly locked its position.

"Where to go?"

Xu Ran directly used Bai Lang's innate magical power to chase after him.

But this little ferocious beast that looked like a wasp was very nimble. In the blink of an eye, it made several consecutive changes of direction and got rid of Xu Ran.

"What? I don't believe it at such a fast speed!"

Xu Ran was not convinced and followed him all the way.

Asil and the three adventurers in the distance could only watch with regret.

Because no matter how fast they were, they couldn't be faster than Xu Ran, let alone the wasp monster.

"No, why is this guy getting faster and faster? Can't I catch up even with my white wolf magical power?"

At this time, Xu Ran couldn't help but have such a helpless thought in his heart.

But he still didn't give up, desperately displaying his magical powers, and constantly chasing forward!

Finally, Xu Ran was very happy, because he found that the speed of the wasp monster had begun to slow down.

"Maybe this guy should feel tired now, haha, beast, see how I kill you now!"

Xu Ran thought very proudly in his heart.

And when he reached the right range, he immediately started to draw a sword and cut.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The sharp breath directly and fiercely circled the wasp monster.

Xu Ran clearly heard a muffled groan from the monster, and he knew that the beast was already injured!

Next, just one more knife will kill it.

After being hit by this knife, the wasp monster really slowed down a lot.

And in the blink of an eye, Xu Ran directly chased after it.

"Still want to escape? Where can you escape?"

Xu Ran stabbed the wasp monster's head with a sword, ending the beast's life.

So far, the three dark brothers have all been solved by humans.

"Hehe, sorry, the credit is already ours!"

At this time, the three members of the human adventure team finally appeared.

They had a cold smile on their faces, ready to reap the benefits.

Seeing these three people appear, Xu Ran's face instantly became gloomy.

He never thought that there would be someone in this world who dared to take advantage of him?

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