"You are quite courageous. You even dare to snatch my things. Don't you risk your life?"

Xu Ran's words were extremely cold and came slowly.

But the three people in front of him were not afraid at all, especially the captain, and Jack's face was full of arrogance.

"Haha, so what, in my eyes you are just trash!"

This man smiled extremely arrogantly, his voice full of domineering power.

It seems that he has done this kind of thing before!

However, Xu Ran slowly shook his head and walked over on his own initiative.

His eyes were also cold, and his voice was extremely gloomy.

"If that's the case, then just go to hell!"

Xu Ran hated this kind of person the most. He turned into a shadow and rushed forward.

At the same time, he immediately performed a sword-drawing slash, directly and seriously injuring two other companions with one sword strike.

Only Jack took precautions in advance and quickly retreated to distance himself.

"Boss, this kid is so scary. How can he be so strong?"

At this time, Jack was suddenly surprised. He did not expect that Xu Ran's strength exceeded his expectations.

But he was not afraid at the moment, relying on his flexible body skills to continue playing cat and mouse games with Xu Ran.

"Haha, do you think your speed has any advantage over me?"

The corners of Xu Ran's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile.

The next moment, he directly used the white wolf's magical power and got close to him.


Xu Ran kicked Jack hard in the stomach, sending him flying backwards.

This time, Jack was in so much pain that he couldn't say a word anymore!

"Arrogant, weren't you very arrogant just now? Keep standing up!"

Xu Ran said sentence after sentence, attacking Jack's heart heavily.

"Forgive me, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare to steal anything again!"

Jack had no choice but to desperately beg for mercy.

"Xu Ran, the next reminder for the Heavenly Supreme Title mission has arrived. Come and take a look!"

At this time, Asil was suddenly calling from the other side.

When Xu Ran heard this voice, he immediately gave up on Jack and walked over.

What does a little Jack mean to him?

As long as you can complete the task of being titled Supreme in Heaven, it is better than anything else.

Soon, Xu Ran saw this so-called mission prompt.

I only saw a line of small golden characters slowly emerging in this dark space.

This prompt is very obvious, that is, let Xu Ran come to the south gate of Kent and find an old man named Pulsatilla.

Then, in the hand of this white-headed man was a prompt for the next task.

And Xu Ran could clearly see that the task panel showed that the progress had reached about three-fifths.

In other words, after completing the task of the Pulsatilla stage, there is the next task.

There is no way, there are still two tasks to be done, and they may become more and more difficult as you go to the end.

For example, just now, the three dark brothers almost lost their lives!

Xu Ran thought with some heavy thoughts in his heart, but since he had come to this point, there was absolutely no way he would give up.

And Xu Ran will definitely stick to it in whatever he does and will never give up halfway!

Thinking of this, Xu Ran's eyes became extremely firm.

He had already made up his mind at this time, no matter what, he would get the only title of Heavenly Supreme.

"Xu Ran, come with me and ignore these little ants!"

Xu Ran's eyes showed a firm light, and then he followed Asir out of this dark trial place.

Jack and his two companions were lying on the spot, with a look of fear in their eyes.

"Boss Jack, what did you hear him say just now? What is the title of Supreme in Heaven?"

The voice of one of them was stammering, with a hint of panic.

Jack also nodded heavily, unable to believe his ears.

"Yes, they actually want to achieve the only title of supreme heaven. Such a title would be so exaggerated once it is made!"

The three of them all knew that something big had happened, and they were ready to spread the news immediately. They would never let Xu Ran reap such huge benefits alone.

At this time, Xu Ran followed Asir to the south gate of Kent.

When we arrived here, we could clearly feel that there were many more monsters near the south gate of Kent.

And there are many adventurers trying to find opportunities.

"Look, another adventurer is here. Doesn't this kid know that this place has become a dangerous place? Does he think that opportunities are so easy to get?"

At this time, some people were talking in the distance, with a look of ridicule in their eyes.

However, Xu Ran didn't care so much. He and Asir walked directly into the crowd, silently looking for an old man named Pulsatilla.

After a while, a wave of beasts suddenly arrived from a distance, which shocked the entire adventurer team!

"What, why are there so many monsters? It's too scary, right?"

Suddenly, everyone had goosebumps all over their bodies. They never expected that so many monsters would appear.

Moreover, the strength of these monsters seems to be very powerful, and they are not ordinary low-level monsters.

"That's not right, Asir, if the white-headed old man stayed in such a place, why did he ignore this chaotic scene?"

At this time, Xu Ran couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

In his opinion, the white-headed old man would never allow such a scene to happen.

Once the beast tide rioted, it is very likely to kill these poor human adventurers!

And this kind of natural disaster and man-made disaster is the first time in the history of Kent South Gate.

Asir shook his head, and there was a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Alas, I don't know either, but I believe that the white-headed old man should have known about this matter, after all, he is in charge of this area."

Asir said slowly.

At this moment, the two had no other way but to continue searching in this chaotic beast tide turmoil.

It can be seen that the adventurer team has become a mess, and these monsters are frantically launching attacks again and again.

Finally, not long after, the bodies of human adventurers fell one after another!

Although their individual strength was not bad, they seemed so insignificant in the large-scale wave.

At this critical moment, Asir suddenly reminded.

"Xu Ran, pay attention to your back!"

Xu Ran turned quickly and instinctively stepped back to distance himself.

He saw a huge dark rhino running madly towards him!

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