Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 419 The Nine-headed Demonic Dragon has another magical power

Soon, the entire Kent South Gate returned to peace.

The turmoil just now was so terrible that many people are still feeling scared.

"Xu Ran, come over here!"

Suddenly, Asir waved his hand in the distance, and Xu Ran nodded and walked over.

Then, he saw a few strange characters engraved on the ground of this bamboo forest.

"Oh, Asir, what's going on?"

Xu Ran's face showed an incredible look.

Asir said in a very heavy tone.

"It's like this, Xu Ran, did you notice that the expressions of Delock and Shaqiri just now seemed a little weird, and based on my understanding of them, their strength can't be so weak."

Asir's words also reminded Xu Ran that Xu Ran had found himself in a misunderstanding before.

That is, these two people, after all, are the five guardians in the vanishing ruins. It is reasonable that such a strong man should not be so weak.

But now, why is the strength they show so different from what I imagined?

"I found something wrong. They are likely to be controlled by a mysterious person. Otherwise, their strength would never be so low!"

Axir's voice was full of vigilance.

Xu Ran nodded. At this moment, he also knew that this matter was not as simple as he imagined.

"How about this, Xu Ran, I ask you to investigate and see what happened to the disappeared ruins, okay?"

Axir's eyes were full of pleading. After all, he came out of that place anyway.

Moreover, the disappeared ruins were praised as the last piece of civilization in the heavens, and they also bloomed with boundless brilliance in the history of the heavens.

Xu Ran thought about it carefully, and then nodded silently.

"Okay, Asir, since you said so, I will go on this trip!"

But before leaving, Xu Ran was still worried about a problem.

That is, after the reconstruction of Kent South Gate, there will definitely be more adventurers coming to this place. Who will guard the order of Kent South Gate at that time?

Now that Xu Ran is here, no one dares to come and make trouble easily.

But what if after a while?

This is a very serious problem, Xu Ran must think it through.

When he said this implicitly, Asier nodded directly and smiled.

"Don't worry, Xu Ran, you have helped me so much. This Kent South Gate, even if it is in my hands, if anyone dares to destroy the fruits of your labor, I will never let him go!"


As he said, the choice of fate was directly inserted deeply into the ground. Although there was still one last crack, this crack was enough to protect the entire Kent South Gate.

"Okay Asier, if that's the case, it's up to you."

With Asier's guarantee, Xu Ran was very relieved to embark on the road to the disappearing ruins.

After seeing Xu Ran leave, many adventurers showed reluctance in their eyes.

Obviously, Xu Ran has managed the entire Kent South Gate in a good way during this period of time.

And this place used to be a ruined area, but after Xu Ran's arrival, the entire Kent South Gate has become a signboard of the heaven.

In this case, how can everyone bear to let him leave?

Not far away, Xu Ran saw a deep gully on the ground, which was obviously left by the terrible python.

But Xu Ran did not act rashly at the first time. He carefully felt the breath left on the ground, and then was surprised to find that the python went from the southeast.

So Xu Ran immediately understood that Delock and Shaqiri must have fled to that location.

"Is the disappeared ruin in this direction?"

Xu Ran thought silently in his heart.

Then he ignored everything and continued to track all the way.

After half a day, Xu Ran was surprised to see an extremely wide river in front of him.

And the river water was too turbulent. With Xu Ran's ability, it might be risky to cross it casually.

But Xu Ran would not take such a risk now, so he observed carefully and nodded silently.

Then, Xu Ran rushed directly to the opposite side of the river bank!

At this moment, a terrifying dragon rose into the sky in the river.

There was a single horn on the head of the dragon head, and it seemed to be about to turn into a real dragon, and its breath was extremely ferocious and terrifying, and its two eyes flashed endless fierce light like copper bells.

"What? There is such a terrible dragon, what's going on?"

Xu Ran's heart beat violently.

At this time, the dragon had opened its bloody mouth and bit directly towards Xu Ran's waist.

Xu Ran's reaction speed was very fast, and he directly performed the sword-drawing slash, causing a wound on the dragon's body.

After the dense blood fell into the river, Xu Ran took the opportunity to find an opportunity and quickly avoided it.


But soon, the dragon waved its long tail and hit Xu Ran's forehead heavily.

At this moment, Xu Ran had to react as quickly as possible and fight back.

Otherwise, when the dragon arrived in front of him, it would be too late!

Fortunately, Xu Ran was fast enough and directly used the Eight Directions Hidden Sword Technique.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Eight-Direction Hidden Sword Technique spread rapidly in all directions.

He immediately used the system search to find the specific information of this dragon.

"The system is scanning, please wait!"

"... The system scan is complete!"

"Nine-headed demon dragon: strength Tongtian level.

Talent skills: Wrath of the Devouring Heaven, Fishing for the Moon in the Seabed, Water Transformation Magic.

Available: Nine-headed demon dragon heart, refine blood essence to master water transformation magic..."

At this time, Xu Ran was surprised when he saw this panel, and then he was ecstatic.

"Great, it turns out that this nine-headed demon dragon is just a dragon living under the river bank, but it has reached the Tongtian level, and the most important thing is that it can absorb magic. This is a good thing!"

Xu Ran's eyes became brighter and brighter. Isn't this the kind of thing he has been looking for?

Soon, Xu Ran immediately used his flexible advantage to keep distance from the dragon.

But the nine-headed demon dragon was obviously a little angry, and its movements were getting bigger and bigger.

The entire river bank was filled with waves, and many monsters were scared and fled in all directions.


Suddenly, Xu Ran was surprised to see the monster dragon open its mouth and roared towards the sky.

"Oh, is this the wrath of the swallowing sky?"

Xu Ran's eyes suddenly widened, and he became a little nervous.

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