After all, Xu Ran deeply understood how terrible it would be once he displayed the power of his innate magical power after reaching the level of Tongtian Beast King!

Just like the Wrath of the Devouring Heaven in front of him, it directly emitted extremely violent light waves and rushed wildly everywhere.

After the river water was hit by the Wrath of the Devouring Heaven, it was like a steel plate. Xu Ran immediately felt that there were many dense wounds on his body!

"Oh, this Wrath of the Devouring Heaven is so powerful, it's really strange!"

Xu Ran's eyes were fixed on the dragon.

One man and one beast became opponents in the life-and-death contest at this time. They could only kill each other to get the hope of moving forward!

Otherwise, anyone could die in this nameless river.

"No, I must not die here, break it for me!"

The sword energy in Xu Ran's hand was very fast, and he quickly approached it with the help of the White Wolf magical power.

At this time, when he approached this nine-headed demon dragon, the sword in his hand immediately caused dense wounds on the beast.

Xu Ran kept hitting with sword after sword, but the speed was getting faster and faster!

Hum hum hum...

The nine-headed dragon was obviously angry, and it kept roaring with anger.

And its speed was also very fast, and it seemed to be competing with Xu Ran.

"Haha! Beast, you dare to compete with me in speed. Even if your level is higher, how can your speed be faster than the white wolf?"

Xu Ran's mouth corners slightly floated up, revealing a disdainful smile.

He showed off his terrible body skills to the fullest, and finally tired the nine-headed dragon to collapse.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. It was not very powerful just now, why don't you continue now?!"

Xu Ran stood on the river, with his hands on his hips and laughed wildly.

And the nine-headed dragon was very aggrieved. If it were a human, its expression at this moment would definitely be as uncomfortable as eating shit.

But Xu Ran didn't care so much, and he still understood the principle of killing him while he was sick!

So, Xu Ran quickly waved his weapon and killed him again.

The damage of this sword-drawing slash was also extreme!

A terrible sword energy directly slashed near the neck of the nine-headed demon dragon.

The dragon let out a roar of incomparable anger, and then its body slowly fell down.

Then, endless blood melted into the river water.

Slowly, Xu Ran was surprised to see that there were many terrible piranhas in the river water.

"Oh, this kind of piranha is not simple, is it also a unique race in this river water?"

Xu Ran immediately retreated a distance to avoid being dragged into the ditch by the piranha.

But it was obvious that he thought too much. The piranha did not actively attack Xu Ran, but bit the nine-headed demon dragon frantically.

Xu Ran guessed that the nine-headed demon dragon was a dominant existence under the entire river. If it was at its peak strength, these piranhas would not dare to offend it at all.

But now it is different. This nine-headed demon dragon is so powerful, but it has become so decadent. Isn't it the best time for these piranhas to take action?

So, the nine-headed demon dragon screamed miserably and kept turning over and over, but it could only be swallowed and bitten by these piranhas desperately.

After a while, the nine-headed demon dragon stopped moving, and a skeleton slowly floated on the water.

Its flesh and blood were also blurred. It can be seen that it was all eaten clean by these piranhas.

"No, where is the heart?"

Xu Ran's face fell immediately, and he realized that he had missed the best opportunity.

When he just scanned the other party's information, Xu Ran noticed that as long as he could absorb the heart of the nine-headed demon dragon, he could obtain the water-transforming magic.

As the name suggests, the water-transforming magic is likely to be related to water. As long as Xu Ran gets this magic, he can become like a fish in water under the water like the nine-headed demon dragon.

But the premise of everything is that you must have that heart!

"Damn it, you beasts, give me back the dragon heart."

Xu Ran was immediately furious, waving his weapon and slashing at the river.

Finally, the piranhas were afraid of being killed and fled frantically to the bottom of the river.

Just at this moment, when Xu Ran had no hope, a bloody heart suddenly floated up.

"Great, I didn't eat this heart, God help me!"

Xu Ran's face showed a touch of unexpected joy, and he immediately took the heart in his hand and studied it carefully.

After this look, Xu Ran was surprised to find that there was a very sharp breath on the heart.

Maybe it was because of this breath that these low-level piranhas couldn't get close!

"Fortunately, the heart of this nine-headed dragon has this characteristic, otherwise I really can't deal with this guy."

Xu Ran successfully reached the other side of the river bank, and then he began to carefully study the heart of this nine-headed dragon.

At this time, he found that the sharp aura on the surface of the heart was wrapped in something soft. When he opened the heart, he saw a bunch of flowing objects inside.

"Never mind, let's merge it first!"

Soon, Xu Ran directly merged this heart.

Not long after, he found that there was a very warm energy all over his body.

"What on earth is this? Why is there such a strange feeling?"

Xu Ran showed doubt in his eyes, and carefully checked the changes in his body.

Then, he found that the river seemed to become extremely friendly, and there seemed to be an inexplicable impulse in his body, which was calling him to quickly enter the river.

"Let's try to see if this water-transforming magic is really powerful?"

Xu Ran thought silently in his heart, and then he jumped into the river directly.

If someone saw this scene, they would definitely be very surprised!

Because this river is the dividing line between the ruins of the disappeared heaven and the outside world, no adventurer has ever dared to trespass in it.

And now, Xu Ran took the initiative to jump in, and immediately scared the adventurers who accidentally passed by here in the distance so much that their eyes almost jumped out.

"Damn it, look, is this guy going to die? He actually jumped directly into this demon river?"

"What, someone actually dared to enter the demon river, this person is too brave!"

"It's over, look, will this guy alarm the demon king-level existence in the demon river?"

At this time, many people ran over and looked at the place where Xu Ran just disappeared, silent.

After Xu Ran entered the bottom of the river, he immediately saw that there was a lot of secrets inside, and it was definitely not as simple as he imagined.

Just after swimming for a while, he saw a magnificent palace!

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