Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 421 The Mysterious Prince, the Great Palace at the Bottom of the River

"Hey, what's going on? Why is there such a magnificent palace under this river?"

Xu Ran was a little amused. He thought he knew this demonic river well enough, but every time he found that this river always brought him endless surprises and shocks.

Just as Xu Ran was secretly guessing what this palace was for, suddenly two shrimp soldiers and crab generals in front of him surrounded him directly.

"Oh, there are adventurers who dare to break in here without permission. Isn't this tantamount to seeking death?"

The two shrimp soldiers and crab generals immediately showed a sly smile on their faces. Obviously, there were people like Xu Ran who broke in before them, but the final end was very miserable.

However, Xu Ran's expression did not change at all, and he continued to swim towards the palace.

"Boy, you are simply looking for death!"

A shrimp soldier waved the spear in his hand and killed towards Xu Ran.

Xu Ran's eyes suddenly became extremely cold. He didn't expect this guy to start fighting as soon as he said, and he didn't care about other people's lives at all.

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Xu Ran's voice also became extremely cold, and then he rushed forward directly.


Even under the water, the sword in his hand was still very sharp, and he cut one of the shrimp soldiers in half with one knife across the water.

The crab general next to him was immediately shocked, turned around and ran without hesitation, and shouted at the same time.

"Grand Prince, someone is coming to the door, hurry up and meet the enemy!"

After hearing this voice, the whole palace suddenly shook violently, and one shrimp soldier after another immediately flew out, densely lined up in a row, there were more than a hundred of them.

But Xu Ran was not afraid at all, because he could see at a glance that they were just a group of rabble, nothing at all!

But at this time, the whole riverbed shook violently.

Then a young man in golden armor, holding a spear in his hand, flew out expressionlessly.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you be so presumptuous here?"

The man's face was full of scales, and his eyes were extremely fierce.

However, Xu Ran was still not afraid. He could see that this guy's strength was not even level 80, and he was just a cannon fodder at most.

"Don't pretend in front of me, tell me the truth, what is this place?"

Xu Ran walked over directly, pretending to be a master from the outside world.

Seeing Xu Ran like this, these shrimp soldiers and crab generals in front of him suddenly felt a little unconfident.

And the young man also frowned and couldn't help but say something.

"Adventurer, why did you find this place? Logically speaking, you outsiders should be afraid of this demon river!"

Only then did Xu Ran understand that this river was called the Demon River.

He snorted coldly and said with a stern face.

"Who said I was scared? I came here to test my recent magical power!"

"Oh, magical power, what kind of magical power is it..."

It is obvious that the eldest prince of this palace is also very interested and wants to know what kind of magical power human adventurers have.

Then, Xu Ran immediately displayed the magical power of water transformation that he had just refined on the nine-headed dragon.


Under the water, Xu Ran swam around like a free fish.

His speed was too fast, and every time he changed direction, he was very flexible, without any sense of dragging.

Gradually, Xu Ran also made the shrimp soldiers in front of him and the eldest prince stare with their eyes wide open.

But after performing the magical power of water transformation, Xu Ran was surprised to find that these guys had some tears in their eyes.

"Oh, what's going on? Are they moved to tears?"

Xu Ran was immediately at a loss for words.

But then, the eldest prince waved his hand and roared.

"Everyone listen, take this guy down at all costs!"

At this time, Xu Ran was suddenly surprised. He didn't expect these guys to start fighting as soon as they said they would. This was completely disrespectful to him!

"Haha, do you think you can do anything to me?"

Xu Ran was not afraid at all, and rushed forward directly.


The sword energy in his hand, like a bright lotus, bloomed to the surroundings.

Not long after, these so-called shrimp soldiers and crab generals fell to the ground.

The long spear in the hands of the eldest prince of this palace also had countless cracks!

Finally, the long spear broke, and his whole scalp was numb, and he quickly retreated.

"I lost, I admit defeat, don't kill me!"

At the critical moment, the eldest prince immediately gritted his teeth and made a painful cry for help.

Xu Ran's sword just stopped in front of the prince's nose. If this guy had called for help a little later, he would have been pierced through the head by the sword and his body would be gone.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly attack me?"

Xu Ran asked expressionlessly, obviously a little angry.

The prince swallowed his saliva and said nervously.

"It's like this, the magical power you just displayed is my father's innate magical power. The fact that you can learn such a magical power can only prove that my father has been killed by you."

As he said this, the prince suddenly cried sadly.

Hearing this, Xu Ran understood that this was the case.

He felt a little embarrassed. He didn't expect to kill someone's father for no reason.

"Well, I tell you honestly, it was your father who took the initiative to provoke me. His death was in vain!"

Hearing this, the prince in front of him had an impulse to vomit blood.

In order to save his life, he didn't dare to say a word at this time.

Then, Xu Ran directly forced the prince to take him into their palace.

Entering the palace, he was immediately attracted by the scenes in front of him!

It turned out that there were some radiant treasures everywhere in the palace. What kind of gold, silver, jewelry, pearls, jade, etc. are all here, all over the floor.

Although Xu Ran is knowledgeable, he was surprised and speechless for a while!

"Oh my God, where did you find so many treasures?"

Xu Ran said in amazement.

Seeing Xu Ran's expression, the eldest prince's eyes revealed a hint of pride.

"Haha, that's not true. I am confident that no one under the entire Devil River can match my wealth!"

The eldest prince said this proudly, but the next moment he was shocked and speechless.

Because Xu Ran took action directly and began to plunder these gold and silver treasures!

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