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Chapter 452: The King Returns, the Mysterious Tribesmen

Seeing this scene, everyone was very nervous.

Because they didn't want Xu Ran to get into trouble. Although Xu Ran's strength might not be the best in the world map, his existence greatly inspired everyone's fighting power.

Everyone was thinking silently, if Xu Ran could really rebuild the entire heaven one day, wouldn't it be great news for the people present?

So, under such circumstances, everyone hoped that Xu Ran could avoid this terrible mental attack.

At this time, Xu Ran looked confused, as if his eyes had become a little dull.

But his body instinctively trembled and reacted with fear!

In another direction, the Blackhead Clan had arrived.

They wore black masks and showed a hideous and complacent smile, releasing one terrible mental wave after another, as if to completely destroy Xu Ran.

"Damn it, don't force me!"

Jax's eyes showed a hint of madness. The Xuanhuang stick in his hand could burst out extremely powerful and terrifying power when it was fully fired.

It's just that he doesn't like to use it casually!

But now if the Blackhead Clan drives him crazy, then he doesn't mind using the stick in his hand to flatten everything.


The whole earth suddenly shook, as if something inexplicable had returned.

"Oh, strange, what is this?"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were straight, and they seemed to vaguely see a hazy light returning to Xu Ran's body.

In fact, this is Xu Ran's soul has returned!

After the soul and the body were reunited, Xu Ran's aura was rising rapidly.

He opened his eyes, and there was a hint of disdainful ridicule in his eyes!

And the weapons in the hands of the strong men of the Blackhead Clan on the opposite side were just in front of Xu Ran.

The cruel expressions on the faces of these guys froze instantly, as if they were petrified and couldn't move at all.

And the terrible mental fluctuations on their bodies suddenly disappeared completely when they reached Xu Ran's front.

There seemed to be invisible waves floating around at will, which made people feel very surprised!

"Oh, what's going on? How did Xu Ran suddenly recover?"

Everyone was very surprised and didn't know what was going on.

And several strong men of the Blackhead Clan were like dementia, and there was no reaction for a long time!

They had never seen such a weird scene, why did Xu Ran suddenly become a normal person.

"Damn it, what's going on, his mental fluctuations can actually recover, this is not normal at all!"

At this moment, everyone was laughing and crying, not knowing how to describe the real thoughts in their minds.

Xu Ran reacted the fastest. The moment his soul returned to his body, he punched forward fiercely.


A dull sound rang out, and the guy in front of him screamed and quickly retreated.

As a strong man of the Blackhead Clan, it is impossible for him to fall so easily.

But the strange thing is that his mental fluctuations seem to have no effect in front of Xu Ran.

In fact, when Xu Ran's soul went to another continent and traveled around, after returning, he could be completely immune to mental attacks in a short period of time.

This is a secret, but few people know it.

Xu Ran quickly raised his knife and knocked another strong man of the Blackhead Clan to the ground.

At the same time, he pulled out the Eye of Heaven without saying a word. This terrible and domineering aura made several strong men of the Blackhead Clan around him tremble all over.

"It's so scary, so scary, is this the power of the king?"

Several guardians around were terrified.

From the moment Xu Ran got the Eye of Heaven, they actually regarded this young man as their former master.

Although the master of the heaven is dead, he lives forever in the hearts of these guardians.

Just like now, these guardians regard Xu Ran as their leader and follow him to their heart's content. Even when facing the black-headed people, they have the strength to fight!

"You damn guys, when His Majesty the Black King comes out, you will all die without a burial place."

One of them said with hatred, gritting his teeth.


Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a crisp sound.

I saw a guy from the black-headed people, who had an arrogant expression on his face, and was completely dumbfounded at this time.

The sharp sword in Xu Ran's hand pierced his chest directly, and in an instant, it absorbed all the vitality and energy in his body.

This is the first black-headed person Xu Ran has killed so far, and the first member of this race who has really died since the resurrection of this race!

There was a deathly silence in all directions, and no one could imagine why this happened?

Didn't the black-headed people come to this world to take charge of everything? How could he be killed by a human kid for no apparent reason?

"Asshole, you are just a little adventurer, but you dare to kill our people. You are really reckless!"

At this moment, more members of the Blackhead tribe burst into terrible anger and rushed towards Xu Ran from all directions.

But Xu Ran was not afraid at all, because several people beside him shared the firepower for him, and he looked at the last member of the Blackhead tribe.

He found that the guy was abnormally short, and the aura on his body was too bland, and he didn't look like a normal Blackhead tribe member at all!

But why did all the other tribesmen vaguely surround him and protect him in the middle?

"No, it's a bit weird, what's going on?"

Xu Ran narrowed his eyes and vaguely sensed something wrong.

He was ready to expose the true face of this guy to see who he was and why he was protected by so many people.

So, Xu Ran soared into the sky and flew in that direction!

Seeing Xu Ran rushing over, the man's face obviously turned into a panic.

But he recovered quickly and immediately ordered the members around him to protect him.

"Hurry up and take this guy down, don't let him come over!"

The member of this race said coldly.


In the void, one after another, the members of the Blackhead Clan rushed over after hearing the order.

This scene made many people deeply certain that this guy's identity was extraordinary.

And as long as he was taken down, the entire Blackhead Clan would be threatened!

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