Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 453 The Ultimate Plan: Building a Large Bridge

Under this situation, Xu Ran would never give up his goal, and the magic sword in his hand kept shooting out terrible sword energy one after another.

Each of these extremely sharp sword energy can easily tear through the body of a member of the Blackhead Clan!

However, Xu Ran also considered it very clearly when he took action.

He did not waste too much energy on these ordinary people, but saved his strength to kill this guy who looked like a prince later.

"No, he has threatened His Highness the Black King. Hurry up and get rid of this kid!"

At this moment, everyone exclaimed and felt a little hairy all over.

Because this person's strength is very strong, but at present he is in a very weak stage.

People call him His Highness the Black King. He used to be a person who could call the wind and rain, but now he can only survive this period of weakness to have the hope of standing at the top again!

During this period of time, people like Xu Ran are enough to threaten his life.

Seeing that his identity was completely exposed, His Highness the Black King no longer concealed it and laughed to his heart's content.

"Hahaha, you guardians didn't expect that I'm back again!"

When the voice of His Highness the Black King reached the ears of these guardians, everyone's eyes instantly turned red.

There was a terrible wound on Jax's chest, which has not yet recovered.

This wound was also caused by His Highness the Black King himself. Jax will never forget this deep hatred, so he will definitely find a way to get back at this place.

"Your Highness the Black King, it's your bad luck to meet me today, hurry up and die!"

Jax gritted his teeth, and his voice rolled like thunder.

The Xuanhuang stick in his hand suddenly soared into the sky, like a terrible lightning, and fell down fiercely.


All the thunder and lightning scattered in all directions, fully showing the terrible power of the Xuanhuang stick.

The whole earth seemed to be about to crack, and everyone watched this scene with their own eyes, and it was hard to believe their eyes.

"Oh my god, how can the power of the Xuanhuang stick be so strong? Jax, you have hidden your strength before!"

Soldes and Asir felt that their brains were not enough.

As members of the five guardians, they already knew that Jax was very powerful, but they didn't expect that they had underestimated him.

When the thunder and lightning exploded, many members of the Blackhead Clan fell to the ground and their lives were unknown.

And Jax quickly approached Xu Ran, fought side by side with him, and kept rushing towards the direction of His Majesty the Black King!

The Black King finally panicked, with a look on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

He didn't expect Jax's strength to be stronger than before?

"No, after a thousand years, everyone's strength should have declined, but how can you still be so strong? What level are you?"

The Black King realized that something was wrong and asked quickly.

But Jax shook his head, smiled mysteriously, and did not answer.

In another direction, Xu Ran quickly performed a sword-drawing slash, causing several members of the Black King Clan in front of him to fall to the ground!

Then, Xu Ran used the magic power of the white wolf to close the distance again.

At this time, he was less than ten body lengths away from His Majesty the Black King!

"Quick, everyone, retreat quickly..."

His Majesty the Black King made a prompt decision and quickly led the people to retreat.

He deeply understood that today's plan had failed, and he could only wait for a suitable opportunity in the future to make a comeback.

So these guys came in a mighty force, but left in disgrace!

After all the Blackheads had left, Xu Ran looked at the South Gate of Kent, and his face instantly darkened.

Originally, this piece of land had been rebuilt by him in a proper manner, just like the former heaven.

But now it has become a chaotic ruin.

This is simply trampling on his previous achievements and rubbing them hard!

"It doesn't matter, we will rebuild the South Gate of Kent, and we can add a lot of defense mechanisms inside, don't you think?"

Jax next to him proposed a good idea, and Xu Ran's eyes lit up after listening to it and nodded.

He also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make the entire heaven more stable and unique, instead of being just a facade like before.

In the past few days, Jax has been like this, staying with Xu Ran.

Soldes and Asir went everywhere to recruit more adventurers to join them.

Xu Ran also needs more adventurers to rebuild the entire Kent South Gate as soon as possible!

This place is located in the core of the entire world. If it can be turned into an iron barrel, it will become a heart, continuously transporting adventurers to consolidate this territory.

After doing all this, Xu Ran returned to the Hanging Island!

The Hanging Island is led by the King of Battle. Every race is doing it in a proper manner. They all came according to Xu Ran's plan and dared not make trouble at all.

Ten days later, Xu Ran looked at the layout of the entire Hanging Island and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, very good, this piece of land can be used as a defensive offensive in the front, and this place can be the best place for our counterattack!"

"This piece is our logistics supply base..."

Seeing the well-formed places in front of him, Xu Ran knew that even if the terrible races of the Lost Continent came over, it would not be so easy to break through this world.

"Everyone, you have worked hard, but we have another very important thing to do next. If we can't complete it, everything before will be in vain!"

Xu Ran's voice was full of heavy magnetism, and his tone was very serious, which also let others know that this matter was crucial.

"Xu Ran, just tell us what this is. No matter what you say, we are willing to follow you!"

At this time, the King of Battle and several others expressed their firm determination.

Xu Ran nodded and said thoughtfully.

"I want to build a super large bridge to connect the two continents, directly across the Dragon Lock, and then we will take the initiative to attack the Lost Continent. What do you think?"

After saying this, everyone thought that Xu Ran was out of his mind?

Even Soldes frowned and couldn't help but say.

"Xu Ran... First question, the Dragon Lock is so huge, how big a bridge should we build to cover it?"

"Second question, after we get through it, won't we be slaughtered unilaterally by the Lost Continent?"

These two questions are actually the real thoughts of everyone present.

Everyone thinks Xu Ran's idea is a bit whimsical, but Xu Ran looks very confident.

Obviously, he had this idea a long time ago!

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