Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 454: Two swords combined to break out of the dragon lock

A group of guardians wanted to persuade him. They thought Xu Ran might be too young, so he had such a reckless idea. In fact, he did not consider everything very thoroughly.

What if he lost everything because of this reason?

Moreover, it was a pity to destroy such a beautiful situation and return to the starting point.

However, Xu Ran couldn't help but say something seriously in the end.

"Everyone, believe in my ability. I will never let you down. When have I ever done anything to let you down?"

Xu Ran's sincere eyes made everyone nod, and they were a little moved.

Everyone remembered at this time that Xu Ran seemed to have never done anything that made everyone dissatisfied from beginning to end.

In other words, every decision he made could produce a very wonderful effect in the end!

"Xu Ran, I, Jax, will be the first to believe you!"

Jax stood up and patted his chest to show his attitude.

Xu Ran smiled and nodded. Since Jax had spoken, he was not afraid.

After all, with Jax's prestige and strength, as long as he gets his support, Xu Ran knows that this matter will definitely be accomplished!

Then, Soldes Asir Battle King and others also stood up one by one to show their firm attitude.

That is to support Xu Ran and support his every move!

So, the entire Hanging Island plus the South Gate of Kent, every adventurer is working hard to do one thing.

That is to build a huge bridge to the sky, connecting the lost continent, and fighting a difficult battle for the survival of all people on this continent.

For this reason, Xu Ran must do it at all costs!

Because he knows deeply that only active offense is the best defense. If you hide at home and build various defensive equipment, it is just a process of slow death, and it can't solve the problem from the source.

The plan has begun that night, and every adventurer has also made full efforts to cooperate with these local tribes on the Hanging Island!

Everyone built a basic model with their hard sweat, and then it will continue to spread upward along the bottom of this bridge.

After a while, this bridge will become a huge and spectacular project, shocking everyone in the world.

Within three days, the bridge has exceeded a thousand meters in height, almost reaching the position of the Dragon Lock.

Xu Ran also came to the front at this time, and saw that everyone was busy, and everyone was very excited.

"Very good, continue at this speed, brothers, at most ten days, we will be able to cross the Dragon Lock."

Hearing Xu Ran's words, everyone's heart burned with an overwhelming fighting will.

Everyone deeply believed that as long as they followed this rhythm, they would be able to achieve the goal excellently.

Soon, Xu Ran's first phase of the plan was completed. It can be seen that this is an extremely large bridge, and every piece of wood and every piece of metal is placed in the most suitable position.

It seems that the strength of this bridge is also very high!

Xu Ran walked over the bridge with a group of guardians. It can be seen that the whole bridge did not shake at all, and it seemed extremely strong.

And from the end of this bridge, you can see the Dragon Lock blooming with shining golden light!

After watching it closely, Xu Ran realized that this lock was so solid and mysterious.

"Oh, why does it seem to have some complicated words engraved on it? What are these words? Hurry up and copy them down!"

Xu Ran's heart moved, and then he immediately asked someone to print all the mysterious words on it and keep them for later study.

After doing this, Xu Ran saw the lost continent in the vast fog. The mountains, rivers, and land, all kinds of scenery are exactly the same as what he saw when his soul left his body?

"Sure enough, my soul did reach the lost continent that day!"

Xu Ran thought silently in his heart.

And he calculated the time. With the conspiracy of Shaqiri, he must have summoned more races at this time.

In this case, he must seize the time and destroy his conspiracy!

If he missed the best time, wouldn't everything have to start all over again?

When Xu Ran thought of this, his heart moved, and he couldn't help but say.

"In that case, Mr. Jax, let's go over and take a look at the situation together?"

After hearing Xu Ran's domineering words, Jax was stunned.

After reacting, his face showed an extremely excited expression!

"Haha, very good, Xu Ran, since you said so, then I, Jax, will accompany you to have a good try!"

Jax's voice shocked the other guardians!

No one expected that Jax's courage was so huge.

However, the more stable Asir thought about it and said thoughtfully.

"Xu Ran, are you a little too impulsive?"

However, Xu Ran had made up his mind, and no one could easily change his mind.

Xu Ran's firm eyes made everyone admire him a little.

Everyone knew that this young man might become the new era master of the heaven in the future!

Soon, Xu Ran and Jax rushed directly towards the direction of the Dragon Lock!

This white fog made people feel a little weird and numb.

However, Xu Ran and Jax's eyes were extremely determined, and they didn't seem to be afraid of the danger they were about to face.

"Mr. Jax, are you afraid?"

Xu Ran couldn't help but asked with a smile.

Jax shook his head, and the change in his eyes made him look like the omnipotent first guardian.

This layer of fog was very thick, which made people feel a little uneasy, but the speed of the two was getting closer and closer, and gradually they could see patches of light emerging in the distance.

Sure enough, after about an hour, both of them felt that they had entered a new area.

"Mr. Jax, you see, this is the Lost Continent. There are many races here, and the overall strength is stronger than ours!"

Xu Ran said with a smile, not seeming to be worried at all.

His soul had been here once, so he was familiar with everything here.

The two continued to walk forward and soon saw a strange group of tents.

This group of tents made Xu Ran look cautious!

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