Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 465: The Great Protector, provoking in public!

Even Jax, although he was Xu Ran's old friend, was also deeply aware of Xu Ran's strength, but he was also shocked at this time.

Because in his opinion, Xu Ran's previous strength should not have reached this level!

And Xu Ran's luck just now was also related. He rushed out very fast, and did not encounter any obstacles, and turned back very smoothly.

Otherwise, if he was blocked by someone, it would be completely bad!

Everyone was speechless at this time, and those ethnic leaders who were still in place directly retreated a distance again.

"Damn this kid, it's too scary, no one can beat him?"

"Alas, it's over, a lot of ethnic leaders just died, and it is estimated that those ethnic groups will be in chaos."

"Humph, you stinky boy, you dare to kill our people, why don't you come here and die!"

Facing the voices of discussion and ridicule from these people, Xu Ran directly stabbed his Eye of Heaven into the ground fiercely.

This scene shocked many people again, and they dared not speak!

Xu Ran's voice was extremely cold, with a hint of murderous intent, and came slowly.

"I'll give you a chance. If you dare to continue chasing me, you will die without a burial place!"

Such a domineering declaration made everyone's face pale with shock.

Many people opened their mouths, but couldn't say anything.

They wanted to slander Xu Ran, but when they thought of Xu Ran's horrible performance just now, they felt speechless.

Xu Ran used his invincible performance to make these people turn around and leave silently.

Their brows were deeply furrowed, and they could only choose to do so after thinking for a long time!

However, after these guys left, Xu Ran also immediately seized the time to shout.

"What are you still standing there for, hurry up and leave!"

Xu Ran's reminder made everyone a little dazed. They originally thought that Xu Ran had an invincible performance and was not afraid of anyone.

But at this time, it can be seen that Xu Ran has become a spent force no matter how powerful he is.

If they continue to fight, it is estimated that they will only end in failure!

"Okay, let's go quickly and retreat to a safe place. Once we reach our territory, we won't be afraid of these guys following us."

The Shield King said quickly.

Then, everyone quickly followed his footsteps and retreated to a safe place.

The army came to support them actively, and then none of those guys dared to continue to track them.

Jax exhaled heavily, although he knew that Xu Ran's strength should be able to help him get out of trouble.

But just now, there were too many people. If they were really caught, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I will set up a banquet for the two of you. Please be sure to attend it when the time comes!"

After arriving at the race, the Shield King immediately decided to entertain Xu Ran and Jax.

Because he knew that in the coming period of time, in the upcoming four-way war, he would have to rely heavily on these two people to help him fight in all directions and give full play to the functions of his left and right arms.

Xu Ran and Jax didn't say much, and then attended the banquet.

At the banquet, all the warriors from the entire SHIELD tribe toasted them one by one and expressed their gratitude.

"Two warriors, if it weren't for you, our boss would not be able to come back!"

An old man had a deep fear in his tone.

At the same time, they also expressed their anger towards the bosses of other races.

"Don't worry, we have an absolute advantage in the four-way war. If we can become the central royal family, everyone here will be a hero."

At this time, the SHIELD King waved his hand and sent such a belief to everyone.

At this time, everyone in the entire race was excited and flushed, and roared loudly.

After doing all this, the SHIELD King announced that Xu Ran and Jax could both serve as the great protectors of the tribe.

When they heard this, everyone's face changed slightly!

Obviously, the three words "great protector" are not light in the race.

And after he finished speaking, a man with a sloppy beard in the corner couldn't help but raise his head, revealing a look of surprise.

You should know that this person is actually the contemporary Great Protector of the SHIELD Clan, and only he is worthy of such a title.

But now, Xu Ran and Jax have both got it!

Many people couldn't help but look at this Great Protector, knowing that he must be a little unhappy and might take action next.

As expected, the Great Protector stood up and walked towards Xu Ran.

"Look, Mr. Great Protector is not convinced, he has come over!"

Suddenly, many people were quietly discussing.

When the Great Protector came over, he released the terrible murderous aura without saying a word.

And Xu Ran also raised his head and frowned slightly. He didn't want to take the initiative to cause trouble, but he was not afraid of challenges.

Moreover, he felt a strong fighting aura from the Great Protector.

"What should Xu Ran do?"

Jax asked coldly, and it seemed that he was about to take the initiative.

However, Xu Ran shook his head, asked him to sit down, and said with a casual smile.

"Don't worry, people like this are not worthy of my eyes!"

Such powerful and confident words immediately made the big protector's nose crooked.

He never thought that he would be underestimated!

In his opinion, Xu Ran was just a young man, and perhaps his occasional small achievements were not worth mentioning, but he didn't expect that he would dare to speak in such a tone.

"Good boy, the clan leader asked you to be a big protector, you are really arrogant!"

The big protector smiled coldly, and then stood in front of Xu Ran without saying a word, staring at him condescendingly.

At this time, the atmosphere suddenly became a little tense, and everyone put down their chopsticks and looked at this side.

And the Shield King also seemed a little unhappy, and was about to say something.

At this time, the two people released terrible momentum at the same time and fought each other!

"Good boy, you dare to disrespect me, in this case, I might have to teach you a lesson and let you know how to behave."

The big protector's eyes showed a successful smile, he just wanted to anger Xu Ran, and then he would have a legitimate excuse to take action.

And this time, his goal was finally achieved!

Next, the Great Protector punched Xu Ran's nose heavily.

The power of this punch was very strong. If Xu Ran was really hit, he might fall to the ground on the spot and couldn't get up at all.

Many people screamed and gasped when they saw this scene!

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