Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 466 Objective and mission: to build the SHIELD royal family!

Facing this terrifying fist, Xu Ran remained motionless, and there was even a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

All the other warriors felt that something was wrong, that was why Xu Ran dared to blatantly ignore such a terrifying attack from the Great Protector.

You know how they look, not many of them can take the punch from the Great Protector.

However, when the fist came in front of him, Xu Ran still didn't move!

At this time, the Great Protector also sneered in his heart.

"You brat, I told you to keep pretending for me here, or else I'll beat you to death!"

The Great Protector has changed his mind. Originally he just wanted Xu Ran to lie in bed for ten days and a half. Now he has been completely angered by Xu Ran and plans to take action directly and send Xu Ran to the west.

And Jax was also very nervous, ready to take action at any time.

As long as Xu Ran's situation is not right, he will immediately launch an attack on the Great Protector.

At this critical moment, Xu Ran suddenly punched forward fiercely.

The fists of the two people collided heavily, and the face of the Great Protector suddenly changed wildly.

He never expected that Xu Ran, so young, would have such terrifying strength!

This fist was like a mountain peak, which collapsed instantly and pressed towards him.

"Damn no..."

The Great Protector screamed in anger, but this terrifying force had completely knocked him to the ground, unable to move.

Time seemed to have completely stopped. The Great Protector could not say a word and stood there, his face as red as a piece of pig liver.

Xu Ran raised his head slightly and smiled mockingly at him.

"How about it, are you still convinced now?"

The Great Protector gritted his teeth and was speechless for a long time.

All around, all the Aegis warriors had deep shock in their eyes.

They did not expect that the Great Protector, as the number one master under the Aegis King, would be defeated so quickly in front of Xu Ran and could not even catch a single move.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and the Shield King immediately stood up to diffuse the atmosphere.

"Haha, we are all warriors of the same race, just click on it!"

The Great Protector looked at Xu Ran bitterly and could only turn around and leave.

Naturally, Xu Ran would not put such a person in his eyes. In his eyes, a small role like the Great Protector was simply not worth mentioning.

After this unpleasant banquet, Xu Ran and Jax came to their residence.

It can be seen that Aegis King also arranged the most luxurious residence for them.

Two people live here, and many people come to serve them.

Jax came to Xu Ran's room late at night, and the two discussed the next plan.

"Xu Ran, it seems that according to the information I have heard, this four-party war is a melee that affects the entire Lost Continent. The final goal is to compete for the status of the central royal family!"

At this time Xu Ran nodded, and he roughly understood the meaning of this four-party war.

All powerful races from all directions are fighting together. Those who can survive to the end will be able to take over the position in the center of the continent and be called the royal family!

And now, the Aegis King wants to turn his race into the Aegis Royal Family.

Xu Ran thought for a while and said seriously.

"Mr. Jax, we must do our best to help the SHIELD clan and become the royal family. By then we will indirectly control the entire Lost Continent, what do you think?"

Of course Jax nodded without hesitation, he could see that too.

And this is the best opportunity. If they fight head-on, they will definitely not be the opponents of the Lost Continent.

Through their understanding in the past few days, they can also see that the Lost Continent has terrifying strength, which is definitely not something that Hanging Island and Heaven can compete with!

Early the next morning, Aegis King issued an order to take the initiative to fight.

"Perhaps you don't know that there is a despicable race that sneak-attacked us last night, and this morning he contacted three other races and launched an attack on our southern camp. I am now going to lead people to completely defeat them. ”

There was an extremely strong murderous look and anger in the eyes of the Shield King.

Xu Ran nodded and went into battle with Jax without saying a word.

Seeing that the two of them were willing to take the initiative to fight, the Shield King breathed a sigh of relief!

There is no doubt that if Xu Ran and the two of them stay in the camp and are unwilling to go out, the Shield King will not dare to force it.

The most important thing is that at this juncture, he does not dare to offend such a powerful man again!

Xu Ran followed the army to fight, and soon saw a wasteland ahead, with people and horses on both sides already fighting in a mess.

The opponents were four middle races, and the bosses of the four races were sitting behind them, looking very confident.

But Xu Ran just took a look and found that although the Aegis tribe was powerful, they were led by the nose of these four races.

"Xu Ran, you see these four races are very despicable. They all use various shameless means to deliberately consume our warriors!"

The Shield King's teeth were itching with hatred, and anger burst out from his eyes.

Xu Ran nodded, of course he could see this.

But he was not worried at all, because at this moment he had chosen to draw his sword!

Seeing that Xu Ran had drawn out the Eye of Heaven, a look of ecstasy appeared in the eyes of the Shield King.

And he was very much looking forward to seeing Xu Ran display his terrifying swordsmanship again.

Xu Ran rose directly into the sky and rushed towards the middle of the battle between the armies!

His appearance did not attract much attention. After all, the entire battlefield was in chaos at this time. Everyone thought that it was just a small leader coming over there, so they didn't pay too much attention.

But then, Xu Ran took out the Eye of Heaven in his hand, and the whole ground shook, and everyone realized that something was wrong.

Some people from the Shield tribe attended the banquet yesterday and recognized Xu Ran at a glance, and immediately showed a touch of shock in their eyes!

They could all see that Xu Ran was stronger than the Great Protector, and joining the battlefield at this time would definitely bring them tremendous help.

The next second, Xu Ran directly grabbed the Eye of Heaven with both hands and chopped it heavily forward.


This huge sword energy directly cracked the entire ground into a deep gully.

Everyone was shocked, especially the four races on the opposite side. Many people couldn't react and were instantly torn into pieces by this terrible sword energy. It was horrible.

Xu Ran directly raised his sword and killed everyone he saw on the entire battlefield. In a blink of an eye, he had killed many people from the four major races!

The leaders of the four races behind him were so angry that their eyes turned red.

After looking at each other, they surrounded Xu Ran in a tacit understanding.

"You little bastard, give us your life today!"

The four people roared at the same time, and their bodies were trembling with anger.

And Xu Ran had already sneered and rushed back here!

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