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Chapter 500 Three-headed Heavenly King, perfect disguise!

After hearing Xu Ran's words, the two men were still stupid and didn't react.

Then they saw Xu Ran's actions, and realized that they had to seize the opportunity to push all the stones in, leaving Phoenix King nowhere to escape.

So the two nodded quickly and followed suit!

And they all had a smirk in their hearts, knowing that Phoenix King would not be able to escape anyway, right?

After Phoenix King flew into the deep pit, he was silently thinking in his heart whether he could cheat and use his flying skills to avoid this crisis.

But he didn't expect that when he was thinking about it, a huge stone suddenly fell from his head!

"What, how could this happen?"

Phoenix King was completely stupid. When the stone fell, he didn't react at all and was hit hard.

Then the whole person was seriously injured in an instant, lost his balance, and fell directly into the depths of the endless world pit.

Because there is a huge attraction force in this pit, once you fall into it, you will be affected by this force and will be sucked deeper and deeper.

So at this time, Phoenix King had already been helpless and could only leave it to fate!

But he didn't expect that there were still many big rocks behind him, falling one after another, making Phoenix King's eyes red with anger.

"Damn stinky boy, you dare to plot against me, I will not let you go even if I die!"

At this time, Phoenix King could only roar unwillingly, but there was no other way to think.

After doing all this, Xu Ran clapped his hands, and a smile appeared on his face.

He knew that even if Phoenix King had ten lives, he would definitely die!

"Haha, great, Mr. Xu Ran, I didn't expect that Phoenix King would be solved so easily in the end. This is all thanks to your credit!"

At this moment, Jax and SHIELD King were completely impressed by Xu Ran.

They gave Xu Ran a thumbs up, and from now on, they would regard Xu Ran as their real boss.

Xu Ran looked in another direction and said in a very solemn tone.

"You two, I have a guess. Since the Phoenix King has taken action at this time, I think the next King will arrive soon. But in this case, we can choose to deal with these guys in a way that avoids fighting. What do you think?"

Hearing Xu Ran's words, the two of them immediately showed a thoughtful look.

Xu Ran's meaning is also very clear, that is, we can't sit and wait for these eight kings to arrive one by one.

Otherwise, you can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime!

"Xu Ran, tell us what we should do, we will listen to you!"

Jax nodded and said seriously.

Afterwards, Xu Ran slowly told his plan.

When he finished his plan, the two people's eyes had already been wide open, full of endless shock.

"Oh my God, Xu Ran, do you mean that we disguise ourselves as monsters in this ancient road, and then go and see how many monsters are waiting for us in the dark?"

Xu Ran nodded and smiled after hearing Jax's question.

"Yes, this method can avoid a lot of risks, why not use it?"

The two had no choice but to smile and nodded. In this situation, apart from doing what Xu Ran said, they had no other ideas.

The most important thing is that these two people have no ideas. Apart from obeying Xu Ran's orders, they don't know what to do.

Afterwards, Xu Ran took the lead in using his superb makeup skills to turn himself into a humanoid monster.

Looking at Xu Ran's appearance at this time, Jax and SHIELD looked at each other and found a bitter smile in each other's eyes.

They knew that Xu Ran's disguise was too powerful. If they were not very familiar with him, they would not be able to tell even if they stood in front of him!

"Great, Xu Ran, I didn't expect your skills to be so good. Hurry up and make us look like this?"

Jax couldn't wait.

Then, Xu Ran nodded and helped the two people to put on makeup.

Soon, the two men also turned into humanoid monsters exactly like Xu Ran. The three of them stood together, looking like monsters born and raised in the ancient road, not like human adventurers who came here for adventure.

Xu Ran thought about it and said in one direction.

"You two, I feel that there is something unusual there. Why don't we go there first to take a look?"

Both of them had no objection, and then the three of them walked directly in one direction of the ancient road.

When they came to the end of the road, they saw some small monsters here, seemingly looking for something aimlessly.

Seeing these monsters, Xu Ran immediately understood that these guys were probably waiting for the arrival of the three of them here!

Xu Ran thought about it and found one of the monsters directly, wanting to inquire about the situation.

"Where is Mr. Tianwang? We have something to find him!"

Xu Ran said slowly.

The monster also spoke human language, and said with a somewhat unhappy face.

"The Three-Headed Heavenly King is angry. Don't go over there, or you'll be courting death!"

"Oh, so the next guy is called the Three-Headed Heavenly King?"

Xu Ran immediately understood that the three-headed king was a powerful opponent that they had to deal with next.

So, Xu Ran took the two companions beside him and walked in the direction just pointed.

As they gradually approached here, they could feel that the demonic energy here became very strong, and they could also imagine how evil this king, who was the closest to the demon beast among the eight kings, was!

"Xu Ran, I heard that the three-headed king was a monster born from a demon beast and a human adventurer. I wonder if it's true!"

At this time, Jax said with a worried look on his face.

Xu Ran also nodded. He had heard of this legend, but it was useless to think so much at this time.

Having arrived here, he must see these three kings and deal with them before Xu Ran would give up.

Otherwise, he would never be willing to give up in his life!

"It's okay, let's go and take a look. Anyway, no one can recognize us, right?"

Xu Ran smiled and comforted his two companions.

After all, those monsters were so close just now that none of them could discover the true identity of Xu Ran and the other three.

This also gave Xu Ran great confidence, and he felt that his makeup skills should be perfect without any flaws.

Then, the three of them saw the three-headed king who was resting on a huge rock in the distance...

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