As soon as they saw the three-headed king and this extremely powerful oppressive force, the three people became a little cautious.

Especially Jax and Aegis King, they don't have such strong confidence as Xu Ran.

Although I saw the Three-Headed King sleeping from a distance, there was an invisible evil aura about him, which made people feel a little creepy!

Xu Ran nodded slightly and took the initiative to lead the two of them closer to the boulder.

He was also silently thinking in his heart, how he should suddenly attack at a suitable distance later and kill the three-headed king!

Even if you can't kill this guy, you must at least seriously injure him, so that you can completely control the entire situation.

However, when they saw Xu Ran and the three of them approaching this boulder, many monsters frowned and gathered around in this direction.

"What do you three guys want to do! The noble Three-Headed Heavenly King is resting, and you dare to disturb him. Are you seeking death?"

One of the monsters spoke slowly, with an unfriendly light in his eyes.

But Xu Ran smiled casually and explained.

"That's it, the Three-Headed Heavenly King gave us a task before, and now we're here to answer the question!"

After hearing Xu Ran's explanation, these monsters suddenly realized that this was what happened.

So these monsters stopped blocking them and allowed Xu Ran and the three of them to approach the three-headed king on the boulder.

At a close range, Xu Ran and the others could clearly see that the three-headed king actually had three heads, exactly like its name.

Moreover, these three heads are very ferocious and ugly, but their bodies are extremely tall and burly, exuding a very huge aura!

Seeing such a terrifying three-headed king, Xu Ran and the three of them thought it would be a lie if they said they were not afraid.

But Xu Ran forcibly restrained the fear in his heart and continued to take two steps closer!

All the monsters in the distance couldn't help but frown and look over. They felt that Xu Ran's actions were a bit too bold!

However, they were also afraid of delaying the Three-Headed Heavenly King's affairs, so they did not dare to obstruct it at all.

When Xu Ran saw that these monsters didn't seem to dare come over, he boldly took a step closer again.

This time he almost touched the boulder directly and saw the three-headed king very close to it.

"Now...the good opportunity has come!"

A flash of light suddenly appeared in Xu Ran's eyes, and then he directly grabbed the Eye of God, drew his sword and slashed it forward.


After a crisp sound, one of the three-headed kings' heads was chopped off alive by Xu Ran on the spot.

The three kings suddenly let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, and the remaining two heads suddenly opened their eyes, and their whole bodies bounced out of the stone as if they were electrocuted.

All the monsters in the distance were also frightened and looked in this direction stupidly!

They never expected that Xu Ran would suddenly plot against their boss, who was like a god in their minds.

"Damn, this guy is an assassin, take them down quickly!"

At this time, the monster, no matter how low his IQ is, knows that Xu Ran and the others are bad people.

So these monsters rushed towards this direction collectively, gritting their teeth one by one, with intense resentment in their eyes!

After Xu Ran succeeded with one strike and seriously injured the Three-Headed King, he immediately launched an offensive like a tide.

"What are you still doing? Take action quickly!"

Seeing Jax and Shield King in a daze, Xu Ran quickly reminded them.

After hearing Xu Ran's words, the two people finally reacted and surrounded him from different directions.

Unfortunately, their movements were still half a beat too slow, allowing the Three-Headed King to escape easily.

The three-headed king looked at his injured head with a strong look of unwillingness in his eyes!

The aura on his body also became very unstable, but he still retained most of his strength and did not fall down on the spot.

"Damn it, you actually dare to plot against me, I want you to die without a burial place!"

The three-headed king gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Immediately, all the monsters rushed up densely like a tide. This terrifying appearance made Jax and Aegis King couldn't help but feel their scalps numb.

But Xu Ran seemed to be safe and sound and not afraid at all!

He suddenly used the white wolf's magical power and crossed a certain distance to approach the three-headed king again.

"Fall down! Three-Headed Heavenly King!"

Xu Ran's voice was so cold, as if coming from hell, without any emotion.

The sword fell from the sky, and the terrifying sword energy exploded in all directions!

Soon, the powerful sword energy directly injured the three-headed king, making him worse.

The Three-Headed King, who had been seriously injured, lost the ability to move and fell directly to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Haha, you are one of the Eight Heavenly Kings, but it's a pity that you have fallen into my hands now!"

Xu Ran couldn't help laughing immediately.

Being able to kill one of the Eight Heavenly Kings without any blood gave Xu Ran a strong sense of accomplishment.

"Xu Ran, be careful, look in that direction!"

Suddenly Jax shouted a reminder.

After hearing this, Xu Ran was immediately startled, and an innate sense of crisis made his hair stand on end!

At this time, he turned his head to look to the side, and as expected, he saw several shadows flying quickly in the northwest direction, and the speed was very surprising.

Xu Ran could tell at a glance that this should be the helpers of the Three-Headed Heavenly King!

These guys are no different from humans, but the aura on them is very evil, and they are obviously not normal human adventurers.

"Xu Ran, be careful!"

At this time, even the Shield King couldn't help but remind him.

Xu Ran nodded, and the Eye of Heaven in his hand directly released an extremely powerful aura, blocking all these guys.

But then, the Eye of Heaven was actually shaken away and flew far away!

Xu Ran rushed directly into the sky with his quick eyes and hands, and grabbed the sword again.

"Haha, stinky boy! I knew that the three of you guys had broken through half of the distance of the ancient road. From now on, miracles will be far away from you!"

One of the guys who looked very old said in an extremely cold voice.

Jax and SHIELD slowly came behind Xu Ran, ready to fight.

The atmosphere at this time was very tense, and no one knew who these people were.

But everyone knew that each of these guys was very powerful!

Although not as good as the Eight Heavenly Kings, they were not far behind.

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