[Tip: The Destruction of Eternal Night·Heavy Magic Tower (Epic Rare) is under construction, and the construction time is 5 minutes. 】

[Tip: The Calamity of Eternal Night and Rapid Arrow Tower (epic rare) are being constructed, and the construction time is 5 minutes. 】

[Tip: Under construction...]


And take advantage of the construction time.

Xu Ran directly opened the recruitment panel.

Follow his movements.

All recruitment options emerged.


The moment he opened the recruitment panel, Xu Ran was shocked again.

City-level guard corps.

City-level law enforcer commander.

Various functional NPCs.

Various production professional NPCs.

Mentors in various professions.


Almost all the NPCs in the main city are now on the recruitment list.

Moreover, they are all of epic and rare quality.

But this was not enough to move Xu Ran.

What made him say "fuck" was actually a temporary buff.

【Initial establishment of fiefdom】

Type: Temporary gain state

Time remaining: 1 hour

Special effect: During the duration of the status, you can enjoy the special effect of recruiting all NPCs for free. (Cannot exceed the recruitment limit)

Note: Subsequent NPC rewards will be paid by players.

Introduction: In order to allow players with titles to complete the construction of the fiefdom as soon as possible, all NPC recruitment will be paid for by [Ice City] and the Light Faction.


"I see."

Xu Ran almost forgot about it.

In "Eternal", once the player obtains a fief through a title.

Within one hour of starting construction, the cost of recruiting NPCs will be borne by the main city and camp.

Among them, the main city bears 30%.

The player's camp needs to bear the remaining 70%.

In previous lives.

Because the number of players who have obtained the title is really small.

The vast majority of them hold lower titles such as knights, barons and viscounts.

So even if the recruitment reaches the upper limit.

For the major main cities and camps with deep pockets, it is just a drop in the bucket.


But now, things are different.

Comparable to the size of the main city.

Epic and rare quality.

If he recruits the upper limit in one go, the cost will be astronomical.

Perhaps even [Ice City] and the Light camp did not expect that someone would directly build a behemoth comparable to the main city!


Xu Ran doesn't care about this.

Mud cannot hold up a wall.

Rather than allocating a large amount of resources to a waste like [Frost Empire], it would be better for him to develop his power vigorously.

This is the most brilliant "investment".

No hesitation.

Xu Ran started recruiting directly.

First, there is the city-level guard corps.

The [Immortal Night] template blueprint provides two types of epic and rare quality guard legions.

They are [Immortal Guardian Legion] and [Eternal Night Destruction Legion], which represent the ultimate defense and attack.

Among them, the [Immortal Guardian Legion] focuses on defense.

Once formed, it will form an insurmountable and immortal barrier!

And [Eternal Night Destruction Legion] represents the most extreme attack.

Both types of legions include various professions.

Take a look.

Xu Ran discovered that with the current level of [Eternal City], the upper limit of the number of guards he could recruit was 50,000.

Only children make choices, adults all have to.

Xu Ran made a decision.

He planned to recruit two legions directly.

[Tip: The batch recruitment is successful, you have obtained the permanent allegiance of the "Immortal Guardian Legion (Epic Rare)", and the recruitment number is 20,000! 】

[Tip: The batch recruitment is successful, you have obtained the permanent allegiance of the "Eternal Night Destruction Legion (Epic Rare)", and the recruitment number is 30,000! 】

[Tip: Due to the special effects brought about by the "initial establishment of the fiefdom", there is no consumption for this recruitment! 】


As the beep sounds.

The [Immortal Guardian Legion], which represents the ultimate defense, and the [Eternal Night Destruction Legion], which represents the ultimate attack, all appeared in the [Eternal City].

"Swear loyalty to the city lord to the death!"

"Swear loyalty to the city lord to the death!"


The shouts from the epic rare-level legions echoed over the [Eternal City].

Never stopped for a long time.

This also means that Xu Ran has obtained the permanent allegiance of these two legions.

And in the process.

He didn't consume any resources.

It's a bloody profit.

He glanced at the time.

At this time, there are still more than 50 minutes before the [First Establishment of the Fiefdom] buff disappears.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Xu Ran looked at other recruitment options.

"Commander of Law Enforcers..."

While Xu Ran murmured to himself, his eyes lit up.

Based on past life experience.

Once a player owns a fiefdom, it means that his power will develop rapidly.

Want to achieve this goal.

Players must build the fiefdom into a prosperous giant city.

Only in this way can the rapid accumulation of resources and wealth be achieved.

Otherwise, an empty city will be meaningless.

And in the process.

As the law enforcer leader who maintains security and order in the fiefdom, he will play a vital role.

And it is difficult for ordinary people to think of this.

Xu Ran remembered.

In the previous life, the [Liaoyuan] Guild seemed to have recruited an insufficient law enforcer leader, which led to many players ignoring the fiefdom rules and becoming more and more unscrupulous.

In the end, the [Liaoyuan] Guild also paid an extremely heavy price.

This is enough to prove the importance of the law enforcer leader.

While thinking.

Xu Ran looked at the law enforcer leader column in the recruitment panel.

Start recruiting.

[Tip: Recruitment is successful, you have obtained the permanent loyalty of "Immortal Storm Knight Leader·Airila (Epic Rare)"! ]

[Tip: Recruitment is successful, you have obtained the permanent loyalty of "Immortal Swordsman·Ladon (Epic Rare)"! ]

[Tip: Recruitment is successful, you have obtained the permanent loyalty of "Dark Hatred Mage·Keristel (Epic Rare)"! ]

[Tip: Recruitment is successful, you have obtained.....]


As the prompts sounded one after another.

Law enforcers with terrifying strength appeared in [Eternal City].

Although their levels were all the same as Xu Ran's.

But the terrifying strength corresponding to the epic rare level was definitely not something that Claude could challenge.


Xu Ran completed the recruitment of law enforcers.

There were 10 in total.

It was enough to deter all players with bad intentions.


While the effect of [Initial Construction of the Enfeoffment] had not yet disappeared.

Xu Ran recruited all kinds of functional NPCs, production NPCs and professional mentors to the upper limit.


These NPCs also have epic rare quality.

Only in this way can [Eternal City] be built into an immortal giant city!


[Tip: The recruitment was successful, and you have obtained the permanent loyalty of "Forging Grandmaster Barton (Epic Rare)"! ]

[Tip: Due to your status as the city lord, Barton will serve you free of charge. 】


When the last prompt sound slowly disappeared, Xu Ran recruited all types of NPCs to the upper limit.

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