Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 59: Defeating the Siege from the Lost Kingdom

"Very good."

With the influx of a large number of NPCs.

The originally deserted [Eternal City] immediately became lively.

Under Xu Ran's instructions.

All NPCs performed their duties and operated the "giant" [Eternal City] in an orderly manner.

At this time.

With the successful establishment of [Eternal City], Xu Ran also unlocked all permissions.

[Eternal City Lord Permission]

Permission 1: [Collecting taxes]All transactions in Eternal City will automatically pay a 5% tax to the city lord.

Permission 2: [City Renovation]The city lord can have the permission to renovate all buildings in Eternal City, and has real estate that can be sold or rented (self-specified price).

Permission 3: [Publishing tasks]The city lord can publish tasks, bounties, commissions, etc. to players or NPCs. If it is a task published by the city lord, the reward content will be determined by the city lord;

If it is published by others, the reward will be borne by the publisher.

No matter which method is used, 70% of the task rewards will go to the city lord, and the players or NPCs who complete the tasks will receive the remaining 30% of the income.

Permission 4:......


A rough glance.

As expected by Xu Ran.

The city lord's permission is indeed ridiculously high.

The 5% tax alone is enough to make him a lot of money.

What interests him most is issuing tasks.

As the city lord.

He can issue tasks, bounties, and commissions to players or NPCs, and get a 70% commission.

The remaining 30% is the income of players or NPCs.

According to the memory of the previous life.

Xu Ran is quite familiar with issuing tasks.

Generally, there are two situations.

The first is the task issued by the city lord himself.

For example, he wants players to be cannon fodder and fight against the army of the dead in the lost country.

Then he can issue a task.

For all players.

As the battle begins, it will be settled according to the number of enemies killed.

In this case.

Xu Ran is the task publisher.

Then, he needs to provide a task reward.

But since he can directly take 70% of the reward, it is equivalent to paying only 30% of the normal reward.

It is simply ridiculously cost-effective.

The second way is to transfer the task.

For example, Sister Mary lost her veil and wanted the player to help find it.

Then the reward will be borne by her.

And Xu Ran can still take 70% of it.

In this way, it is even more profitable.

Of course.

This 70% has been deducted in advance when the task is released.

The reward shown in the task is only the remaining 30%

This is the benefit of owning a fiefdom or even a city, which is enough to accumulate wealth and resources that countless people dare not even think about.

After thinking about it.

Xu Ran decided to issue a task to all players.

The content is very simple.

Assist [Eternal City] to resist the siege of monsters from the Lost Kingdom.

Deduct 70% of the commission.

Xu Ran set the reward to be 1 military merit point and 5 gold coins for each monster killed from the Lost Kingdom.

This is already a very generous reward for most players.

[Prompt: The task content has been set successfully. Do you want to publish the task? ]


With the release of the task, a world announcement for the entire Huaxia region appeared.

[World Announcement: The Chosen One of the Eternal City Lord has released a task - "Defeat the Siege from the Lost Country". You can accept the task in the task bar and get a generous reward! ]

[World Announcement: The Chosen One of the Eternal City Lord has released.....]


Three announcements in a row.

At this moment, it resounded in the ears of countless players.

And a new task to be received also appeared in their task bar.

[Prompt: You have received an invitation from the Eternal City Lord. Do you accept the task - "Defeat the Siege from the Lost Country"? ]

[Prompt: The reward for this task is 1 military merit point and 5 gold coins for each siege monster killed! ]

Seeing this prompt.

The world channel was completely in a clamor.

"This is outrageous, what the hell is this Eternal City Lord's Chosen One?"

"He really is, I'm crying... Such a generous mission reward, it's like a philanthropist..."

"Stop talking nonsense, will you accept this mission?"

"Of course I will accept it, by the way, why do I like the Chosen One more and more?"

"Yeah, I seem to have turned from a hater to a fan..."

"Hats, talk!"


For a while.

Most of the players chose to accept.

They really took advantage of the mission reward given by Xu Ran.

But soon.

Many players were dumbfounded.

As [Eternal City] slowly took shape.

The epic rare template blueprint also provided a main city-level teleportation array!

You only need to pay a certain amount of gold coins.

Players can travel between [Eternal City] and major main cities.

Very convenient.

But it is different from the main city.

Xu Ran set the teleportation price to 10 gold coins.

Players who want to participate in this mission must first teleport to [Eternal City].

Otherwise, wait for them to come over.

The daylily is cold.

There is no way.

Most of the players chose to accept the reality.

When they thought about killing a monster, they could get 5 gold coins and a military merit point.

They could only grit their teeth and take out 10 gold coins as the "entrance fee" to participate in this mission.

[Hint: You have entered the Eternal City! ]

[Hint: You have entered the Eternal City! ]

[Hint: You...]

In the prompt sound.

A large number of players appeared in the magnificent [Eternal City].


Looking at this city that is no less than the main city.

All the players couldn't help but take a breath.

While they were still worrying about a few gold coins, someone had already built a magnificent city comparable to the main city!

For a while.

Sadness surged into the hearts of the players.

"Enemy attack!"

"A large number of enemies appeared in the distance and are expected to arrive in 5 minutes!"

But at this moment.

A burst of urgent shouts came from outside the city, interrupting the players' thoughts.

The [Fearless Legion], which was previously responsible for exterminating players from various forces in [Mar Town], passed on information about the appearance of the enemy.

Many players were stunned when they heard this.

"Are monsters coming to attack the city?"

"It's really exciting!"

"Let's go and see how many monsters there are!"


When they thought of the "generous" task rewards, they felt itchy in their hearts.

What's more,

they had already started running towards the city wall.

And at this time.

In the howling wind.

The ancient frost dragon spread its wings and climbed directly into the air hundreds of meters high.

Standing on the dragon's broad back, Xu Ran discovered the enemy's traces with the excellent vision brought by [Aritoya's True Eye].

It was the army of the dead from the Lost Kingdom!

This time, their scale was several times that of the first round of offensive!

Even with a rough estimate.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of monsters this time!

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